クラフトワールド そごう広島店

4.4/5 に基づく 5 レビュー

Contact クラフトワールド そごう広島店

住所 :

6, Naka Ward, 〒730-8501 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://www.crafttown.jp/info/contact/realShopDetail.php%3Fid%3D1745
街 : Hiroshima

Kazuaki Harada on Google

中村幸子 on Google

渡辺和彦 on Google

It is a handicraft shop located in Sogo Hiroshima Main Building 9.
ヒガンバナ on Google

楽天の通販でブラザーの2万円台のミシンを買いましたが、とても使えるような商品でありませんでした。仕方ないので、通販はよそうと、広島市内のミシン店を数件当たりました。その中で一番誠実で時間を掛けて、いろんな種類のメミシンを試し縫いさせて下さいました。高いのを売りつける店も多い中、こちらが望んでるものをこちらの要望に添うように選んでくれました。2時間ぐらい掛かったに、嫌な顔ひとつせず、親切で、丁寧でした。こちらのオリジナルのメーカー提携品で、お値段が安い。ただ保証期間が1年間です。3万から5万ぐらいの価格でした。 でも製品はとても使いやすく、良いものです
I bought a Brother sewing machine in the 20,000 yen range from Rakuten's mail order, but it was not a very usable product. I couldn't help it, so I hit several sewing machine stores in Hiroshima city to buy mail order. Among them, I was the most sincere and took the time to try and sew various types of meshin. There are many stores that sell expensive items, but they chose what they wanted to meet their needs. It took me about two hours, but I was kind and polite without a disgusting face. This is an original manufacturer-affiliated product, and the price is low. However, the warranty period is one year. It was about 30,000 to 50,000. But the product is very easy to use and good
Taylor F on Google

Only been there once, but I kinda like the charm better than Yuzawaya, the larger known craft store very close by. Perhaps this store is overlooked more because of Yuzawayas presence, dunno. This store takes up a smaller area, but it is jam-packed with every craft item you can think of. And the DMC floss selection was wayyy better than the sparse and empty one at Yuzawaya. I came here initially for wood grain fabric, couldn't find it with my own eyes, so I asked for help. The workers were very friendly and ran off searching, literally haha, one lady zoomed off, searching the places she thought she had seen it. I was so happy that they found a nice selection of wood grain printed fabric. I didn't see any at Yuzawaya. Definitely check this place out !

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