台湾料理 豊味園網野店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 台湾料理 豊味園網野店

住所 :

Aminocho Amino, Kyōtango, 〒629-3101 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877788
街 : Kyoto

Aminocho Amino, Kyōtango, 〒629-3101 Kyoto,Japan
金谷伴明 on Google

気楽で最高! 自分的には味にもドハマリ(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ 店の方も頑張ってるしね!
Easy and the best! Dohamari (◍ • ᴗ • ◍) ❤ The shop is also working hard!
z m z z on Google

This is a very delicious Chinese restaurant. Clean and comfortable environment Suitable for family and friends colleagues to eat
小西厚 on Google

ツーリング中にたまたま見つけて、お昼ご飯食べました。 回鍋肉定食にはデカい唐揚げが3つ付いていて、満腹です。デザートのマンゴープリンは持ち帰りました(^^;; ボリュームの割にはリーズナブルでした。 メニューをよく見ると、同じ回鍋肉でもセットみたいな物があって、少しボリュームも価格を抑えたパターンもあります。 他にもメニューが豊富でした。
I happened to find it while touring and ate lunch. Twice-cooked meat set meal comes with 3 big fried chicken and is full. I brought back the dessert mango pudding (^^ ;; It was reasonable for the volume. If you look closely at the menu, you will find something like a set even with the same Twice-cooked meat, and there is also a pattern with a little volume and price reduction. There were many other menus as well.
Hiroko Imai on Google

量が半端無く多いので、少食の方にはラーメン単品をお勧めします。ランチには、チャーハン、台湾ラーメン、サラダ、唐揚げ、お漬物が付いて680円という破格値。たくさんありすぎて残してしまいました。ごめんなさい? 味のほうは、私には合っていて、濃く無くて良かったです。ちなみに台湾ラーメンは辛くないラーメンです。 さらにランチにはコーヒーもセルフで付いていて驚きです。 次はラーメン単品で挑戦したいです。
Because the amount is very large, ramen is recommended for small meals. For lunch, fried rice, Taiwanese ramen, salad, deep-fried chicken, pickles are included and it is an exceptional value of 680 yen. I left too many. I'm sorry ? The taste was good for me and it was good not to be thick. By the way, Taiwan ramen isn't spicy. In addition, I am surprised that coffee comes with my own lunch. Next time I want to challenge with ramen alone.
KO HA on Google

台湾料理 豊味園(ほうみえん)。以前あったスーパーの建物をリノベーションして出来た中華料理屋。醬油ラーメン480円と近年、中々お目にかかれないような安価な価格設定。単品だけでなくセットメニュー、780~880円やボリュームたっぷりの定食メニュー、980円(税別)などメニューは豊富です。麻婆豆腐定食頼みましたが、麻婆豆腐に、ラーメンにサラダ、唐揚げ、ライス、杏仁豆腐と多めの内容。お値打ちにたくさん食べれるので近くの高校に通う高校生は嬉しいのではないかと。また120分の食べ放題、飲み放題もあります。
Taiwanese Cuisine Homi En Garden. A Chinese restaurant that has been renovated from the building of a supermarket that used to be. In recent years, with soy sauce ramen at 480 yen, it is an inexpensive price setting that you won't see in the middle. Not only single items but also set menus, 780 to 880 yen and set menus with plenty of heart, and menus such as 980 yen (excluding tax) are abundant. Mayo tofu set meal was ordered, but on mapo tofu, ramen, salad, fried chicken, rice, rice bran tofu, and a large content. A high school student who goes to a nearby high school may be happy because he can eat a lot of value. There are also 120 minutes of all-you-can-eat and all-you-can-drink.
S T on Google

It is full of volume and has anti-infection measures such as antiseptic solution. The interior of the store feels a little dark due to the lighting, but the staff and the automatic voice inside the store are in Taiwanese language (probably), so you can feel a little travel. The hormone set meal was thick and delicious. Next, I would like to challenge the sword cutting noodles.
湯野川孝一 on Google

時に無性に食べたくなる回鍋肉、レバニラ。意外に、仕上がり綺麗、品良し。ワイルドでなくても、とても旨くしっかり量もある。レバニラは最近の傾向でニラは少なめもレバーがとても旨い。キクラゲも愛嬌。 このマップの写真の東ポウ肉?次回、食べよう。
Levanilla, a hot pot meat that sometimes makes you want to eat it asexually. Surprisingly, the finish is beautiful and good quality. Even if it's not wild, it's very delicious and solid. Levanilla is a recent trend, and although the amount of garlic is small, the lever is very delicious. The wood ear is also charming. East pork meat in the picture of this map? Let's eat next time.
Ross on Google

Good Taiwanese food and reasonable prices. Serving size is sufficient and plenty of seating. I'll be back.

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