台湾料理 福味居

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 台湾料理 福味居

住所 :

Kuraganomachi, Takasaki, 〒370-1201 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
街 : Gunma

Kuraganomachi, Takasaki, 〒370-1201 Gunma,Japan
toshi kaki on Google

落ち着いて食事を楽しもうという方には、お勧めできません。 料理の質はまずまずです。味付けは濃いめ。 注文してすぐに運ばれてくるので、待ち時間は短め。 値段は安く、セットはさらにお得感あり。 量は大変多く、女性は定食を食べ残すことが多いです。シェアしていただくのがよいでしょう。 ここまでで満足する方には、星4つくらいの評価かかも。 良くないのは店内の環境。 店の雰囲気は騒々しく、タバコの煙臭い。 とくに酔って嬌声を発する客の多い夜間は、じっと我慢。 冷房の風が直撃して寒い席もあります。
It is not recommended for those who want to relax and enjoy a meal. The quality of the dishes is reasonable. The seasoning is deep. The waiting time is short because it is delivered immediately after ordering. The price is cheap, and the set is even better. The amount is very large, and women often leave a set meal. You should share it. For those who are satisfied so far, maybe a rating of about 4 stars. What is not good is the environment in the store. The atmosphere of the shop is noisy and smells like cigarettes. Especially during the night when there are many customers who get drunk and shout. There are also cold seats that are hit directly by the air of the air conditioning.
Alpaca mfmf on Google

酢がテーブルに置いてない。 焼き餃子を注文したが、テーブルに酢が置いていなかったので、他のテーブルも見たが置いてない。餃子は手作りのようだが、小粒で野菜が多いためなのかチルド餃子のような味がする。 唐揚げは、下味を感じない。 私は普段薄味なのだが、それでも下味を感じない。 再来は無い。
There is no vinegar on the table. I ordered grilled dumplings, but I didn't have vinegar on the table, so I saw other tables but didn't. The dumplings seem to be handmade, but they taste like chilled dumplings, probably because they are small and have a lot of vegetables. Deep-fried chicken doesn't feel the taste. I usually have a light taste, but I still don't feel the taste. There will be no return.
高橋正子 on Google

Not to mention this set meal, the fried rice I ate last time was usually delicious, and although it was reasonably priced, I felt that I hadn't cut corners on white rice, miso soup, and the small dessert that came with it.
・ Minority Reportの重要性 on Google

700 yen including tax. No salad, volume is high, but COSPA is the best class. All you can drink soft drinks at lunch is amazing. It seems to be a popular local store as the parking lot is full at 11:00 on weekdays. If you have the opportunity, I want to go again. I ordered wooden ears and stir-fried pork, and most of the wooden ears (laughs) may be nice for jellyfish lovers. The taste was normal, neither good nor bad.
K T on Google

ランチセットの台湾豚骨ラーメン+ニンニクチャーハンを頂きました。 美味しかったです。 刀削麺もあるようで、美味しそうでした。
I had a lunch set of Taiwanese pork bone ramen + garlic fried rice. It was delicious. There seemed to be sword-cut noodles, and it looked delicious.
y in on Google

Lunch is 750 yen and includes ramen and rice bowls, a la carte dishes and a set of ramen. It is very voluminous and you can eat full.
名前などない on Google

15時までのランチがボリューム満点(ラーメン、選べる主菜、漬物、小皿、ライス)で2022.3.25現在750円(税込)のやすさ。 また、お弁当も750円で満足感のあるものでした。
Lunch until 15:00 is full of volume (ramen, selectable main dish, pickles, small plates, rice) 2022.3.25 As of 2022.3.25, it is as easy as 750 yen (tax included). Also, the lunch box was 750 yen, which was very satisfying.
松本郷 on Google

注文してトイレに行って戻ってきたらもう料理が提供されて驚いた! 他のお客さんも届くまでが早い。 ドリンクバーが飲み放題みたいですね。 唐揚げはパリッとしてて美味しいかな。 唐揚げセットの場合はライスのお代わりが出来ないので注意が必要。 普通のランチとかを頼めばお代わりわできるのでお腹いっぱい食べれる。
When I ordered, went to the bathroom and came back, I was surprised that the food was already served! It is quick to reach other customers. It looks like the drink bar is all-you-can-drink. I wonder if the fried chicken is crispy and delicious. Please note that the fried chicken set cannot be replaced with rice. If you ask for a regular lunch, you can replace it, so you can eat full.

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