Amidaji - Naka

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Contact Amidaji

住所 :

375 Nukadaminamigo, Naka, Ibaraki 311-0107, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89987
Postal code : 311-0107

375 Nukadaminamigo, Naka, Ibaraki 311-0107, Japan
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枝垂れ桜が綺麗です。 額田城跡が直ぐ近くに有ります。
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阿弥陀寺は浄土真宗二十四輩本蹟十四番のお寺です。親鸞聖人は建保四年(1214年)那珂西郡の大山の地に念仏の道場を開き、同年11月8日に、三尊六高祖の尊厳を安置、師法然上人の追悼法要を勤められました。その時の三尊六高祖の真筆が現存しています。親鸞聖人は大山には約10年滞し、その間に二十四輩以下453人の弟子が生まれています。やがて聖人は大山の道場を二十四輩十四番の弟子定信坊に付属され京都に帰られました。親鸞聖人の玄孫善明上人が大山の三代目相承者となり、1391年、額田小野崎従通の招きにより、額田堀之内片庭の地に移転し額田城の守護寺になり永楽銭20貫と酒出を寄進された。佐竹氏の秋田移封に伴い一時ついていくが旧地に再興、1864年天狗党の兵火で焼失、一時下野に逃れるが1865年現在地にもどり、それ以来、直接血脈により現在二十七代まで法灯を伝承している。 県指定阿弥陀如来木像 所在地:那珂市額田南郷375 指定年月日:昭和46年10月28日 種類:彫刻 寄木造り 漆箔 1軀 像高95.4cm 木像は阿弥陀寺の本尊仏。通肩の法衣をまとい、来仰印を結び放射光背を配し、踏割蓮華座上に立つ像。桧木材で頭部前後を矧ぎ、玉眼・首柄を設ける。体部も前後を矧ぎ、両肩外側部・両袖口・両手首・両足先を矧ぎ寄せる。大粒の螺髪・低い肉髪の表現など鎌倉風を示している。像容衣文の彫・口などやや定型化している。            光圀公お手植えといわれる320年のしだれ桜が有名で日乗上人日記に光圀の訪問の記述がある。春先にはその姿に観光客が集まり、高さのあるしだれ桜は観光パワースポットとなっている。 3月下旬が垂れ桜は見頃です
Amida-ji is the 14th temple of the Jodo Shinshu Nijuyohai. Shinran saint opened the Nembutsu dojo in the land of Oyama in Nakanishi-gun in 1214, and on November 8th of the same year, he enshrined the dignity of Sanson Rokukoso and served as a memorial service for his master. I did. The autographs of the head and shoulders of the head and shoulders at that time still exist. Shinran saint has been in Oyama for about 10 years, during which time 453 disciples under the age of 24 have been born. Eventually, the saint returned to Kyoto with the Oyama Dojo attached to Nijuyohai's 14th disciple Sadanobu. Shinran saint's grandson Yoshiaki became the third successor of Oyama, and in 1391, at the invitation of Oda Onozaki, he moved to the land of the garden of Horinouchi, and became the guardian temple of Yongle Tongbao. Was donated. Following Mr. Satake's transfer to Akita, he was temporarily revived in the old land, burned down by the Tengu Party's fire in 1864, and temporarily escaped to Shimono, but returned to his current location in 1865. Has been handed down. Prefecture designated Amida Nyorai wooden statue Location: 375 Nukadaminamigo, Naka City Designated date: October 28, 1971 Type: Sculpture Parquet lacquer foil 1 軀 Statue height 95.4 cm The wooden statue is the principal image of Amida Temple. A statue that stands on the treaded lotus position, wearing a shoulder robe, tying a seal and halo halo. The front and back of the head are sewn with cypress wood, and a ball eye and neck handle are provided. The front and back of the body are also squeezed, and the outer parts of both shoulders, both cuffs, both wrists, and both toes are squeezed together. It shows the Kamakura style, such as the expression of large spiral hair and low flesh hair. The carvings and mouths of the statues and clothing are somewhat standardized. The 320-year-old weeping cherry tree, which is said to be hand-planted by Mitsukuni, is famous, and there is a description of Mitsukuni's visit in the diary of the Nikkei Shonin. Tourists gather in the early spring, and the tall weeping cherry tree is a tourist power spot. The cherry blossoms are in full bloom in late March
Jr Pilot on Google

花見の時期は平日も混雑 お寺さんなので静かに花見に良い イカ煮や、大判焼の屋台が毎年出店
It is crowded even on weekdays during the cherry blossom viewing season It ’s a temple, so it ’s quietly good for cherry blossom viewing. Squid boiled and large-sized grilled stalls open every year
りりぃ on Google

It is said that it was hand-planted by Mitsukuni Mito during the time of the descendants of Shinran saints. The hanging cherry tree, which is about 320 years old and has a height of about 30 m, is wonderful. It was a little early, but the slightly pink branching was also wonderful.
北海道スズラン on Google

The weeping cherry tree here is taller than the 6 o'clock Jizoson and is magnificent.

那珂市 阿弥陀寺さん 櫓と桜 素敵過ぎます 言葉はいりません  一度ご覧下さい 開花情報を参考に伺ってみてください(駐車場完備)
TominJapan on Google

The cherry tree shidarezakura is worth a visit. It's not very touristic thus not crowded.

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