Amei Pan - Shinagawa City

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Amei Pan

住所 :

5 Chome-9-10 Nakanobu, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 142-0053, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 142-0053
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM

5 Chome-9-10 Nakanobu, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 142-0053, Japan
Mark on Google

Bread and sweet bread are all polite and gentle. The scent is also good! !! The pineapple cake is so delicious that it's incomparable to the one on the market!
E.s Em on Google

There are many kinds of Taiwanese bread and they are delicious. The taste is simple, the corona measures are taken well, and I would like to ask again even if I spend transportation expenses ♥
ことぶき中延 on Google

以前も美味しいパン屋さんがあったこちちらの場所に、またまた美味しいパン屋さんができました。 大好きなバケットとチョコレートの入ったパンを買ってきました。 バケットはトーストしても柔らかさが残り硬くならないタイプのやつ!こりゃ美味い^ ^ 子どもたちもチョコのパンに大興奮! 大変美味しくいただきました。 また近所に美味しいパン屋さんができてとてもラッキーです!
There is another delicious bakery in this place where there used to be a delicious bakery. I bought my favorite bucket and bread with chocolate. The bucket is a type that does not become hard even if it is toasted! This is delicious ^ ^ Children are also very excited about chocolate bread! It was very delicious. I'm also very lucky to have a delicious bakery in my neighborhood!
m K on Google

I like most of the bakeries around here. I go to buy it regularly, but besides Taiwanese bread such as Rocha, the bread is simple and chewy and delicious. It's delicious no matter what you eat. Many people line up pineapple cakes, so it may be tough if you don't aim for them.
S J on Google

台湾メロンパン、オリーブフォカッチャ、ベーグルを購入しましたが、三種類とも生地感、風味、食感がまったく同じで、それぞれのパンの特色がありませんでした。 たくさんの種類のパンが置いてありましたが、これなら数を減らしてもう少しパンの個性を出せるようにした方が、、 とても残念でした。
I bought Taiwanese melon bread, olive focaccia, and bagels, but all three had exactly the same texture, flavor, and texture, and each bread had no characteristics. There were many kinds of bread, but if this is the case, it would be better to reduce the number so that the bread can be made a little more individual. I was very disappointed.
Huang YuTing on Google

タロイモ(ユートース)が美味しかったです。 定番商品じゃないし売り切れかもしれないので、ユートースを購入したい方は予約した方がおすすめです。
Taroimo (Utos) was delicious. It is not a standard item and may be sold out, so if you want to buy Utooth, it is recommended to make a reservation.
na nana on Google

時々販売される手作りのパイナップルケーキが最高においしい!!! 台湾で買ったパイナップルケーキの味!むしろそれ以上においしいかも。 店員さんもニコニコしていて癒されます。
The handmade pineapple cake that is sometimes sold is the best! !! !! The taste of pineapple cake I bought in Taiwan! Rather, it may be even more delicious. The clerk is also smiling and healed.
Yihao Mo on Google

台湾本場の味のパンです。 2年ぶりのローソンパンが美味しかったです。 もし本物の台湾本場の味をお試ししたかったら、ローソンパンやタロ芋パン等おすすめです。 因為疫情一直回不去台灣一趟,如今可以在日本吃到道地的肉鬆麵包真的很感動。
It is a bread with the authentic taste of Taiwan. The Lawson bread for the first time in 2 years was delicious. If you want to try the authentic Taiwanese taste, we recommend Lawson bread and Taro potato bread. Due to the epidemic, I was impressed by the fact that I couldn't go straight to Taiwan.

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