
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 牛門

住所 :

Amadocho, Hanamigawa Ward, 〒262-0043 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–9PM
Sunday 5–9PM
Monday 5–9PM
Tuesday 5–9PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 5–9PM
Friday 5–9PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Amadocho, Hanamigawa Ward, 〒262-0043 Chiba,Japan
足立岳弘 on Google

この界隈では老舗の焼肉店です 価格もそんなに高くないですよ
It ’s a long-established yakiniku restaurant in this neighborhood.
mikitylovesme on Google

オーダーしてないものが出てきて、問いただしたら「あっ!間違えちゃったぁ」 気の抜けたコーラが出てきて連れと話していると、「分かってましたが、スルーしちゃいました」と。 客をなめてるとしか言いようがない。 ☆をつけるのももったいない
When I came up with something I didn't order, I asked, "Ah! I made a mistake." When I was talking with my companion when a freaky cola came out, he said, "I understand, but I passed through." I can only say that I lick a customer. It's a waste to put on ☆
菅谷昭彦 on Google

It was cheap and delicious. Customer service is also excellent. There is no stickiness inside the store. I will bother you again.
womans000 on Google

This is a restaurant where you can serve delicious meat. The set menu is voluminous and affordable! It's relatively vacant and it's nice to be able to eat comfortably!
36 fuusan on Google

At the yakiniku restaurants in the Mimomi Okubo area, the cospa is the best and the taste is good. The uncle and aunt in the back are also nice. I have been going there for almost 20 years.
Mm30 on Google

若者やファミリーはお隣の牛角なのかなー でも肉は間違いなくこっちの方が美味い。
I wonder if young people and families are next to Gyu-Kaku. But the meat is definitely better here.
御津宏紀 on Google

20年近く前から行ってますがまじで旨い! これだけ長く通っているお店は他に無いです。 なのにいつも空席はあるので予約なしで行こうと思った時に気軽に行けるのでその点も良い! 価格も高くはないし今までに何人も連れていっていますが総じて高評価で気に入ってもらえてる。 最近は引っ越して遠くなってしまったのと、駅近とかではないのでなかなか行けなくなってしまってますがアシがあれば週1は行きたいところ。 前は岩手牛って書いてあったけどこの前行ったときには書いてなかったな… 肉かわったかな? でもなんにせよ昔から美味しいの事に代わり無いのでこれからも通います!!
I've been there for nearly 20 years, but it's really good! There is no other store that has been going this long. However, there are always vacant seats, so if you want to go without a reservation you can feel free to go so that is also a good point! The price is not high and I have taken many people so far, but generally it is highly evaluated and I like it. Recently I moved and it's far away, and I'm not able to go because it's not near the station, but if I have reeds I would like to go there once a week. I used to say Iwate cow, but I didn't write it when I went there last time ... Did the meat change? But in any case, it's always delicious, so I'll continue to go! !!
Shino Tani on Google

It is a restaurant where you can eat yakiniku over charcoal fire, which is run by an individual. I went there on Saturday night, but the shop was vacant and I was able to eat quietly. The price is a little higher than the chain store because it can be eaten over charcoal, but the meat offered is different from the chain store and the taste is one step higher. Not only the meat but also the side menu is high level and delicious. The cold noodles I ate at the end are also easy to eat because they do not contain vinegar. After all, if you have beer and yakiniku, you have nothing to say.

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