Alpha Animal Clinic

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Alpha Animal Clinic

住所 :

〒381-2226 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday 9AM–12PM
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
街 : Nagano

〒381-2226 Nagano,Japan
Barks Nubell on Google

Thank you for your careful examination. I went there on Sunday and was able to see him in a very good mood without waiting at all. It's completely different from any hospital (a certain Koyama Animal Hospital). We will continue to use it. Thank you very much.
稲垣薫 on Google

3名の先生がいらっしゃいますが、私は女医さんにお世話になりました。分かりやすく丁寧に説明してくださって、信頼できました (*^^*)
There are three teachers, but I was taken care of by a female doctor. He explained clearly and carefully and I was trustworthy (* ^^ *)
未央松本 on Google

I have been seeing cats and dogs for 10 years now. I am grateful that the flowers arrived at my house when the cat died. In addition, it is safe to see the teacher kindly and carefully. However, I would like to handle ipet insurance on the spot and pay the consultation fee cheaply. Waiting time is about 10 minutes.
東條由起 on Google

しっかり、説明して下さるお医者さんなので、とても良かったです。 予約なので、待つ時間が少なくて、スムーズに受診出来ました。
I am very glad that he is a doctor who explains me well. Since I made a reservation, I didn't have much time to wait and I was able to see the doctor smoothly.
Tohko Tanaka on Google

During my long-term homecoming, I was taken care of by my cat many times. All the teachers were kind and explained the test results and surgery carefully, so it was a very reliable hospital. Also, if something happens when I go home, I will take care of it immediately. it's recommended.
ニュートスキャマンダー on Google

緊急で行ったのですが、受け付け時間を5分過ぎてしまい、受け付けの方に「終わりなんですよ~」と言われ、「あ、じゃあいいです」と帰ろうとした所、奥から出てきてくださり「いいですよ。診れますよ」と言ってくれたU先生。診察も丁寧で、わかりやすい説明にありがたさを感じました。 医師が3名いらっしゃるようで、待ち時間も長くならなそうです。 駐車場は比較的広く、停めやすいです。
I went there urgently, but the reception time had passed 5 minutes, and the receptionist said, "It's over!", And when I tried to go home, "Oh, that's okay," I came out from the back. Mr. U who said, "It's okay. You can see me." The examination was also polite, and I was grateful for the easy-to-understand explanation. It seems that there are three doctors, and the waiting time will not be long. The parking lot is relatively large and easy to park.
ぷーさん on Google

I have been indebted to you for a long time! The director is still kind and has help at this hospital when he is in trouble! It is very helpful to be able to teach me the appropriate treatment and treatment method.
The Jester on Google

やぶ医者です。 うさぎを連れて行きました。 元気がなく、ぐったりとしていたのに、 「毛並みも良いし、緊張しているだけ。元気だから大丈夫。10才まで生きますよ」 と言って薬を処方して帰された。 その言葉を信じた矢先、帰る途中で亡くなりました。 しっかりと診ていればこんなことにはならないでしょう。 やぶ医者です。
I'm a quack doctor. I took a rabbit with me. I wasn't feeling well and I was tired "The coat is good and I'm just nervous. I'm fine because I'm fine. I'll live until I'm 10 years old." I prescribed the medicine and returned. Just after believing that word, he died on his way home. This will not happen if you have a thorough examination. I'm a quack doctor.

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