Alala - Kyoto

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Alala

住所 :

カフェレストランア・ラ・ラ 14-53 Uzumasa Tayabucho, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto, 616-8167, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Postal code : 616-8167

カフェレストランア・ラ・ラ 14-53 Uzumasa Tayabucho, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto, 616-8167, Japan
Atsuko N on Google

緊急事態宣言でランチのみの営業されてました ランチのパンがオーブンで温めてられて、日替わりのメインもスープも大変美味しかったです
Only lunch was open due to the state of emergency The bread for lunch was warmed in the oven, and the daily main course and soup were very delicious.
H K on Google

バナナジュースうまい ペスカトーレ 鶏肉の和風スパ 大根おろしとなめ茸のスパ みんな美味しかった 気さくなマスター また来たい!
Banana juice is good Pescatore Japanese-style chicken spa Spa of grated radish and licked mushrooms Everyone was delicious Friendly master I want to come again!
Mikio INOUE on Google

A cafe loved by the friendly shop owner's area. Even if you have a daily lunch, if you like it or not, it will be flexible.
I took an arrow to the knee. on Google

Service lunch ¥ 800. It was reasonably priced and delicious! I will come again!
由美子(ゆみちゃん) on Google

映画『無限の住人』で番宣 木村拓哉さんと杉崎花ちゃんが京都に訪れたア・ラ・ラに行ってきましたぁ❤木村拓哉さんメニュー❤食べてきましたぁ❤美味しかったし❗拓哉さんも感じれましたよ?❤是非お越しやす❤
In the movie "Blade of the Immortal", Takuya Kimura and Hana Sugisaki went to A La La who visited Kyoto ❤ Takuya Kimura Menu ❤ I ate it ❤ It was delicious ❗ Takuya I also felt ?❤ Come by all means ❤
小西隨晟 on Google

it tastes very good. The pottage soup in the set has a taste that seems to be this, and the rice is also refilled ?. Even the dessert ice cream is delicious.
YUKI OBATA on Google

太秦のアララさん。火曜サプライズで木村拓哉さんと杉咲花さんとオリラジ藤森さんとウエンツ瑛士さんが来られてたお店。嫁が木村拓哉さんの昔からの大ファンなので、お付き合いで行きました。GWの終盤で天気もイマイチ。13時頃行きましたが、ラッキーな事に空いてました。入ってすぐのテーブル席に案内され、一通りランチメニューの説明を丁寧にして下さいました。テーブル席が2つあり、隣の席が木村拓哉さん座ってた席じゃないかな?と思い、店員さんに尋ねると「そうですよ。隣の席に木村拓哉さん座られてましたよ。お席こちらに変わりますか?」と、笑顔で対応して下さいました。 その後も嫁さんがメニューを真剣に見てると「こちらのセットが木村拓哉さんが頼まれたものと一緒ですよ。因みに奥から2つ目の仕切りに座られてましたよ」と、笑顔で親切に対応して下さってました。 僕は週替わりランチがハンバーグだったので、注文。嫁さんのお付き合いで行きましたが、ラッキーにも木村拓哉さんの座ってた席GET出来ました。しかも、その事抜きにしても確か週替わりランチが1200円?だったと思いますが、スープにサラダとパン(ごはんとパンどちらか選べるのでパンにしました。)ハンバーグと後ドリンクとデザート付きで、ボリューム満点でコスパ最高でした。ここ最近で一番お得感ありました。しかも美味しい。パンはロールパンとクロワッサンが付いてましたが、焼きたてで特にクロワッサン最高に美味しかったです。 もちろんハンバーグも。車で行きましたが、コインパーキングも凄く近くにいくつかあり、駐車したパーキングは最大600円で、自分は300円ですみました。コインパーキングもコスパいいですね。店員さんも皆さん凄く親切で丁寧で最高でした。また行きたいですね。
Arara from Uzumasa. The shop where Takuya Kimura, Sakihana Sugi, Oriradi Fujimori and Eiji Wentz came on Tuesday Surprise. My wife is a big fan of Takuya Kimura, so I went with him. The weather is not good at the end of GW. I went around 13 o'clock, but I was lucky enough. I was guided to the table right after entering and carefully explained the lunch menu. There are two table seats and the next seat is the seat where Takuya Kimura sat. When I asked the clerk, she answered with a smile, "Yes, Takuya Kimura was sitting next to the seat. Would you like to change to this seat?" After that, when the bride seriously looked at the menu, she said, "This set is the same as the one requested by Takuya Kimura. He was corresponding. I ordered a weekly lunch because it was a hamburger. I went with my wife, but I was lucky enough to get the seat where Takuya Kimura was sitting. And if you don't do that, surely the weekly lunch is 1200 yen? I think it was, but soup was salad and bread (I chose either rice or bread so I made bread). With hamburger and after drink and dessert, it was full of volume and the cospa was the best. I felt the best deal these days. Besides, it is delicious. The bread had a roll and a croissant, but it was fresh and especially delicious. Of course, hamburgers too. I went by car, but there were also some coin parking very close, the parked parking was up to 600 yen, myself was 300 yen. Coin parking is also good. The clerks were very kind, polite and the best. Also I want to go.
a kh on Google

この店はなかなか良い! 木村拓哉とか杉咲花とかウェンツとかの書き込みばかりで、全然期待していなかったけれど、どれもしっかりした味付けで、これは自分では作れないだろうなと言う味付けでなかなか美味い。 しかも、思っていたよりボリュームもあって、満腹。 なかなかフレンドリーな店員たちもgood! お目当ての店が、コロナ禍で休業していたから、この店に来たけれど、これがすごく美味い。 何を食べても美味いし、店員も親切だから、おすすめする!
This store is pretty good! I didn't expect it at all because I wrote only Takuya Kimura, Hana Sugisaki, and Wentz, but all of them were well seasoned, and it was quite delicious with the seasoning that I wouldn't be able to make it myself. Moreover, there is more volume than I expected, and I am full. Very friendly clerk is also good! I came to this shop because the shop I was looking for was closed due to the corona sickness, but this is very delicious. No matter what you eat, it's delicious and the clerk is kind, so I recommend it!

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