Akiyama Animal Clinic - 1495-4 Ueda

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Contact Akiyama Animal Clinic

住所 :

1495-4 Ueda, Nagano 386-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 386-0001
Webサイト : http://www.akiyama-vet.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–4:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM

1495-4 Ueda, Nagano 386-0001, Japan
渚遥 on Google

愛犬が生まれた時から診て頂いています。 落ち着いた雰囲気で、待っている方々のマナーもとても良いと思います。 先生も丁寧でちゃんと説明してくださるので、毎回安心して診察に行けます。
I have been seeing my dog ​​since I was born. The atmosphere is calm and the manners of the people waiting are very good. The teacher will also explain it carefully, so you can go to the doctor with confidence every time.
tecchan on Google

かかりつけ獣医さんにおすすめして頂き 避妊去勢手術の際にお世話になりました 多頭飼いの為次から次へと予約を入れ 来院しましたが毎度丁寧な説明や 事前にしっかり検査をして頂いたり.. 術後無事の連絡も下さり 安心してお願いする事ができました またなにかありましたら来院させて頂きます この度は大変お世話になりました‪\♡︎/︎
Recommended by your family veterinarian I was taken care of during neutering Make a reservation one after another for multi-headed I came to the hospital, but every time, You have to do a thorough inspection beforehand. Also contacted after the operation safely I was able to ask with confidence If there is something again, I will visit you Thank you very much this time ‪ \ ♡ ︎ / ︎
矢島孝浩 on Google

いつもお世話になっておりましたので、急に犬が口から泡を吹いて痙攣を初めた為、電話をすると〔予約制〕でと見てもらえず、? 予約制になったのは知っておりましたが急患に〔予約〕とは? 困った時に助けて頂くのが病院では。 新しい病院に変えます。
Because I was always indebted, the dog suddenly blew bubbles from my mouth and started convulsions, so when I called, I could not see it as [reservation required], ? I knew that it was a reservation system, but in case of emergency [Reservation] is ? At the hospital, you can help when you are in trouble. Change to a new hospital.
M N on Google

オカメインコの爪が割れ、止血してもらうために受診しました。鳥専門ではないとはいえ、先生の態度も悪く、信用できる医師ではないと思いました。 クイックストップという止血剤を塗っていただきましたが、かなりの出血量でしたのでビタミン剤等を出していただけるかと思いきや、何の処方もありませんでした。消毒等の注意事項も何もありませんでした。 小鳥の受診を考えている方にはおすすめしません。
The cockatiel's claws broke and I went to see him to stop bleeding. Although I am not a bird specialist, my teacher's attitude was bad and I thought he was not a reliable doctor. I had him apply a hemostatic agent called Quick Stop, but the amount of bleeding was so great that I was wondering if he could give me vitamins, etc., but I didn't have any prescription. There were no precautions such as disinfection. Not recommended for those who are considering seeing a small bird.
y on Google

インコがお世話になってます。こちらの口コミを見てから行きました。どんな先生か…と思いましたが、とても親身でインコにも声をかけてくれて 私からは優しい方なんだなぁ…と伝わってくる感じでした。 小動物はこちらの病院しかなく、助かってます。 小動物を受診希望の方は、口コミを気にしないで受診してください。
The parakeet is indebted. I went after seeing this review. I was wondering what kind of teacher it was, but he was very kind and talked to the parakeets. I felt like I was kind to him. There is only this hospital for small animals, which is helpful. If you would like to see a small animal, please do not worry about word of mouth.
設楽実日子 on Google

I am seeing an elderly cat with diabetes. I am on insulin treatment, but my teacher decides the unit of insulin in detail, and I feel very well and my diabetes is stable. There may be a compatibility between the doctor and the owner, but I trust the teacher. First of all, the hospital is clean, you don't have to wait quietly, the teachers and wives are quiet, the explanations are polite, and they are kind. I'm glad I had you see me. I have a younger brother cat, but if anything happens, I will ask the teacher to see me.
東西南北 on Google

In addition to dogs and cats, small animals are also examined, so I was asked to see them. What I felt is that you really like animals? That is the first impression. Perhaps I feel it because I am the owner, but I felt that the way I touched it during the medical examination and the way the teacher spoke was a bit like someone else's affair (because it was a small animal?). I wanted you to give me a little more detailed advice than just prescribing medicine.
パソマソアソ on Google

インコを診てもらいました。 レントゲンをお願いしてもわからないかもと言われ撮らなかったのですが、後日別の所で撮ると腫瘍が見つかりました。 受診した段階ではもう遅かったかも知れないです。なので獣医さんのせいとかではありません。 しかし、そんな患者の不安を安心に変えてあげることも獣医さんの仕事ではないでしょうか? 犬、猫の子は良いかも良いかもしれません。 ただインコの受診を希望する方はオススメはしません。 私達は自分でも調べて出来る対応をします。ただ、最後に頼るのは獣医さんです。
I had a parakeet examined. I didn't take it because I was told that I might not understand it even if I asked for an X-ray, but when I took it at another place at a later date, a tumor was found. It may have been too late at the time of the consultation. So it's not the veterinarian's fault. However, isn't it the veterinarian's job to change the anxiety of such patients with peace of mind? Dogs and cats may be good or good. However, we do not recommend those who wish to see a parakeet. We will do what we can to find out. However, the last thing to rely on is the veterinarian.

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