
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ソリレス

住所 :

Ueda, 〒386-0001 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887897
Webサイト : http://sotlylaisse.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Nagano

Ueda, 〒386-0001 Nagano,Japan
Hiraku Matsui on Google

Google マップで見つけ、行ってみました。 結論から言うと、大満足でした。 5000円以下で食べられるコース料理としてはかなり美味しいと思います。場所はちょっとわかりにくく入り組んだ路地の奥にあります。しかも最後は物凄い坂道です。エズのシャトーを探すようなワクワク感があります。ちょっとした丘の上なので大変景色の良い立地です。大きな車だと少し手こずるかもしれません。 車で行っても、ノンアルコールのスパークリングがあり、オススメです。ほのかに甘いですが、辛口気味。紅茶のような香りがして、食事の邪魔をしないとても美味しいジュースです。 お料理は前菜からどれも美味しくあっと今にまた来たいと思いました。パテは東京でこんな分厚く出す店はないだろうってくらいの迫力で美味しいだけじゃなくてお腹も満足。 お料理も美味しかったのですが、自家製のパンがまた美味しい。林檎と胡桃のパンがとても気に入りました。具材だけでなく、パン生地自体もとても美味しいです。 もちろん、メイン料理もデザートも大満足でした。また違うメニューも試しに行きたいです。
I found it on Google Maps and went. From the conclusion, I was very satisfied. I think that it is quite delicious as a course food that can be eaten for less than 5000 yen. The place is in the back of the alley intricately complicated. And the last is a huge slope. There is a feeling of excitement like looking for the chateau of Eze. Because it is a little hill, it is a very scenic location. If it is a big car, you may have some trouble. Even if you go by car, there is non-alcoholic sparkling and it is recommended. It is slightly sweet, but spicy. It smells like tea and is a very delicious juice that does not disturb the diet. The food from the appetizer was delicious and I wanted to come back to you now. Putty will not have such a thick shop in Tokyo. It is not only delicious but also delicious. The food was delicious, but homemade bread is also delicious. I really liked apples and walnut bread. Not only ingredients but also bread dough itself is very delicious. Of course, the main dishes and desserts were very satisfying. I also want to go try a different menu.
黒柴みかん on Google

The location is great. The taste is not bad either. However, the pork confit is overcooked and the outside is hard, and the inside is dry. The putty also has a fishy smell ... The scenery is nice and cheap ... that's it.
柄澤由美子 on Google

I had you send it to the celebration of the baby's dog's day on my daughter's stomach and the celebration of her mother-in-law's rice life. I went out for lunch, but the menu says A.B.C, but there was an explanation that I chose this and this ... but how much will it cost in the end? I didn't really understand. I would appreciate it if it became a little easier to understand. Even so, it was a really nice day with a nice courtyard-like place, a good view, and good weather. Someday, I want to go to dinner and have a meal in a nice night view.
TL G on Google

うまい!? メニューはA,B,Cの3つから選択。 Cが一番ボリューミーで、前菜、魚、メイン、デザート、コーヒーor紅茶を堪能できる。 全部おいしくて、結婚式料理を安く(三千円ぐらいで)いただいてる感じ✨
good! ? Select from three menus, A, B, and C. C is the most voluminous and you can enjoy appetizers, fish, entrees, desserts, coffee or tea. Everything is delicious and it feels like you are getting a cheap wedding meal (for about 3,000 yen) ✨
SS4600SS on Google

ディナーコース? 嫁のBDに家族で伺いました。 ロケーションも素晴らしく夕焼けの上田がきれいでした。 チビ達は初めてのコース料理に緊張っ? でも気軽なフレンチなので、食事が終わることにはすっかり馴染んでいました(笑) お勧めワインも美味しく、ついついやっちゃいました。。。?
Dinner course ? I visited my wife's BD with my family. The location was great and the sunset Ueda was beautiful. Chibi are nervous about their first course meal ? But it's a casual French restaurant, so I was completely familiar with the end of the meal (laughs). The recommended wine was delicious and I just did it. .. .. ?
ホーリー on Google

上田市街を見下ろすロケーション クラシックで王道ビストロ定番料理の数々 どれも基本に忠実に作られていて美味しく頂きました。
Location overlooking Ueda city A number of classic and royal bistro classic dishes All of them were made faithfully to the basics and were delicious.
黒尾 on Google

I visited without knowing that it was a complete reservation because of the corona illness, but I was impressed by the kindness and the many delicious dishes. All of them are excellent and I would like to visit them at dinner next time.
Ken Hew on Google

We are happy with the foods and wines! Family run. Just a bit Far from station!

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