Akita Red Cross Hospital - Akita

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Akita Red Cross Hospital

住所 :

Nawashirosawa-222-1 Kamikitatesaruta, Akita, 010-1495, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Postal code : 010-1495
Webサイト : http://www.akita-med.jrc.or.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 8–11:30AM
Tuesday 8–11:30AM
Wednesday 8–11:30AM
Thursday 8–11:30AM
Friday 8–11:30AM

Nawashirosawa-222-1 Kamikitatesaruta, Akita, 010-1495, Japan
ゆるり on Google

外来の産婦人科の先生も看護師も言葉づかいと患者への接し方を学ばれた方がいいです。準備はいいすっか?看護師がつかう言葉でしょうか。 救急外来で、産婦人科の先生、うち以外の患者だから対応したけど、妊娠12週までの出血は、多量でも、染色体の状態で助かる子は助かるし助からない子は助からない!実際にはそうだと思います。ですが、初産、夜中に出血し不安で受診した患者の前にして言う言い方ではないと思います。それに、過去の病歴の説明の際、網膜の話しをしたとき、網膜がわからないと言う。産科は、妊婦のトータルケアが必要な科であり、ここで分娩するのは、精神的な不安があったのでキャンセルしました。 ですが、親身になって患者と向き合ってる先生も沢山います。それは、わかりますけど、産婦人科に対しての私の評価は1です。
Both outpatient obstetrics and gynecology teachers and nurses should learn how to speak and treat patients. Are you ready? Is it a word used by nurses? In the emergency outpatient department, I dealt with it because I am a patient other than my obstetrics and gynecology teacher, but even if there is a lot of bleeding up to the 12th week of pregnancy, the child who is saved by the chromosomal condition will be saved, but the child who is not helped will not be saved! I think so in reality. However, I don't think it's the way to say it in front of a patient who had a bleeding in the middle of the night and had anxiety. Also, when talking about the retina when explaining his past medical history, he says he doesn't understand the retina. Obstetrics is a department that requires total care for pregnant women, and I canceled delivery here because of my mental anxiety. However, there are many teachers who are friendly and face patients. As you can see, my rating for obstetrics and gynecology is 1.
* * (‪sapphire920‬) on Google

家族が救急搬送されて、半年近く入院した。 ICUは申し分無い看護だったのに、一般病棟に移ってからは扱いが雑過ぎ。 痰が絡まって苦しそうにしていても家族がナースコールしない限り放置していたり、褥瘡予防のために主治医が注意事項を貼り紙しているのに、担当者が理解出来ていないか無視しているとしか思えない事をするし…。 病院が綺麗になって快適そうに見えても、従業員の質にバラツキが有り過ぎて実状が酷いと思うのは私だけだろうか?
The family was transported by emergency and was hospitalized for nearly half a year. Although ICU was a perfect nurse, it was too complicated to handle after moving to the general ward. Even if sputum is entangled and it seems to be painful, it is left unattended unless the family calls a nurse call, or the attending physician has posted notes to prevent pressure ulcers, but the person in charge does not understand or ignores it I do things that I can only think of ... Even if the hospital looks clean and comfortable, am I the only one who thinks that the quality of employees is so uneven that the situation is terrible?
ぽっぷこーん北野 on Google

看護師は素晴らしい方々がほとんどです。親身になって支えてくれます。特に若い方々が素晴らしい。看護師として申し分ないです。 医師については、年配医師ほど、人の心情を考えずに発言するモラハラが多いです。心が折れそうな発言が多いです。 昔ながらの傲慢な医師です。 当たらないことを祈ります。
Most of the nurses are wonderful. They will be kind and supportive. Especially young people are wonderful. Perfect as a nurse. As for doctors, the older doctors are, the more mobbing they speak without considering the feelings of others. There are many remarks that seem to break my heart. An old-fashioned arrogant doctor. I pray that you won't hit.
Pinoチョッパーマン on Google

無料の駐車場が広いので他の総合病院に比べ自家用車での利用には便利です。 診療科は総合内科、腎臓内科、代謝内科、血液内科、神経内科、消化器内科、呼吸器内科、循環器内科、腫瘍内科、精神科、小児科、乳腺内科、呼吸器外科、心臓血管外科、整形外科、形成外科、脳神経外科、皮膚科、泌尿器科、眼科、婦人科、耳鼻咽喉科など数多くの診療科がある総合病院です。 どこの総合病院も同じですが待ち時間がとても長いです。 救急センターもあるので土日、祝日、夜間でも診察してもらう事ができますが大変、混雑しているので待ち時間は長いです。 また、ドクターヘリも常備されている総合病院です。
Free parking is large, so it is more convenient to use a private car than other general hospitals. Medical departments include general internal medicine, renal internal medicine, metabolic internal medicine, hematology, neurology, digestive internal medicine, respiratory internal medicine, cardiology, oncology, psychiatry, pediatrics, pediatrics, mammary internal medicine, respiratory surgery, cardiovascular surgery, and orthopedics. It is a general hospital with many medical departments such as surgery, plastic surgery, neurosurgery, dermatology, urology, ophthalmology, gynecology, and otolaryngology. As with any general hospital, the waiting time is very long. There is also an emergency center so you can have a consultation on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and at night, but it is very busy and the waiting time is long. In addition, it is general hospital where doctor helicopter is always prepared.
03s gp on Google

I am using it at the human dock. Doctors, nurses, and female usher staff are working hard to ensure a smooth consultation. However, the X-ray technician's response is terrible ? At the time of the barium inspection, I was told to take the number tag! Turn to the left! And always have a command tone! I wonder if it can be handled more gently ? I went to the human dock and was about to get sick.
m mew on Google

I think the level of (floor) nurses varies depending on the floor where you are hospitalized. The obstetrics nurse on the 3rd floor was kind and polite and very nice. When the relatives were hospitalized on the 4th floor, all the nurses felt uncomfortable and tried not to get involved with the relatives who came to visit us. When I had a question and went to the nurse station, no one tried to look at me, and I was worried whether it would be okay to leave it in such a place. I was shocked to think that it was a higher level hospital.
ぬこ on Google

色々な科にお世話になりましたし、今もお世話になっております。 乳腺外科、呼吸器内科、呼吸器外科、放射線科、麻酔科。医師も看護師も親切丁寧で安心します。診察時の質問にも、丁寧にきちんと答えて頂いてます。 以前、手術のために4階に入院した時も看護師さんたちはみな、親切で気さくで不安な入院生活を安心して過ごせました。 駐車場も、混んでる時間帯でも捜せば必ず空いてる所は見つかり、ストレスもありません。
I have been indebted to various departments, and I am still indebted to them. Breast surgery, respiratory medicine, respiratory surgery, radiology, anesthesiology. Both doctors and nurses are kind, polite and reassuring. They also answer the questions at the time of the examination politely and properly. Previously, when I was hospitalized on the 4th floor for surgery, all the nurses were able to spend their kind, friendly and uneasy hospitalization life with peace of mind. If you search for a parking lot even during busy hours, you will surely find a vacant place and there is no stress.
めろんシロップ on Google

The orthopedic surgeon who suddenly had a medical examination two months ago, and the young doctor there, had a bad attitude from the top. If there is no problem with the conversation and it is an obligatory reason for the examination, please return as soon as possible.

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