akippa株式会社 - Osaka

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

About akippa株式会社

© 2021 ASAHI INTERACTIVE, Inc. All rights reserved. No reproduction or republication without written permission.

Contact akippa株式会社

住所 :

なんばパークスタワ 14F 2 Chome-10-70 Nanbanaka, Naniwa Ward, Osaka, 556-0011, Japan

Postal code : 556-0011
Webサイト : https://akippa.co.jp/

なんばパークスタワ 14F 2 Chome-10-70 Nanbanaka, Naniwa Ward, Osaka, 556-0011, Japan
nos kadi on Google

I can't work with this company.
Shiojiri Shinya on Google

Providing great services in the sharing economy industry
山口ゆめ on Google

評判は宜しくない。 社長は儲け主義、駄目だこりゃ??‍♂️?
The reputation is not good. The president is profitable, it's useless ??‍♂️?
鈴木 on Google

Even if you change the parking lot, the service fee will be doubled.
村井雅幸 on Google

I used akippa when I visited Yokohama the other day, but it was very smooth because I could complete the process from reservation procedure to payment with my smartphone. I knew this company from the early days before I started the sharing business, but I think that it has grown into a very good company from that time.
J J on Google

飛び込みで営業に来たけど まあ、ひどい会社。 よくこんな会社と取引するなと思った。 こちらの都合お構いなしに自分たちの都合を押し付けようとする。営業の教育した方がいいんじゃない?あんな営業じゃ悪い印象しかつかないよ。
I came to the business by diving Well, a terrible company. I often thought I wouldn't do business with such a company. We try to impose our own convenience without our convenience. Isn't it better to educate sales? That kind of business only gives a bad impression.
M'りん on Google

No matter how much I searched for the place myself, the area near Google Maps was displayed, but even if I set it with Google Maps and the car navigation system, there was no parking lot there when it came to the destination. The person who was in an emergency talked a lot, but it was also a robot-like response, he was told to do a Google search by himself, he was not guided, and in the end, the parking lot was not available and only the fee was charged. I ended up paying.
y k on Google

向こうの手違いで、利用してないのにお金だけ取られた 詐欺としか思えない! 何度問い合わせても対応の悪さ!レスポンスの悪さ! 問合せ内容のすり替えで、客への責任擦りつけ。 どんな事があっても返金するな!って教育されているのか?とも思える対応に、怖すぎて今後、絶対利用出来ません。 初めての利用でしたが、利用した事への後悔しかありません。お金返してください。
By mistake over there, only money was taken even though I was not using it I think it's just a scam! Poor response no matter how many times you inquire! Poor response! Responsibility to customers is rubbed by replacing the contents of inquiries. Don't refund under any circumstances! Is it educated? I'm too scared to use it in the future. It was my first time to use it, but I only regret using it. Please return the money.

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