
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact うなぎ桐

住所 :

Akatsuka, Tsukuba, 〒305-0062 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89899
Webサイト : https://www.unagikiri.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
街 : Ibaraki

Akatsuka, Tsukuba, 〒305-0062 Ibaraki,Japan
Yohei Hasegawa on Google

15分前に予約して入店、時間は事前告知通り寸分の狂いもありません。活鰻を捌いて焼いてくれるのでこの時間は至福の時間。数々の鰻の名店を食べ歩き百名店のパンフを眺めつつラズウェル卿のうを枕にして居ましたがここ、桐の鰻は感動しました。普段は松屋、吉野家、すき家、なか卯の鰻食べ比べしていて、どこの鰻も皮が不味くて剥がして食べてしまう。ここの鰻は皮が旨い。薄皮がパリッとしつつプリっとした皮下脂肪と極厚な肉、身と言うよりも肉!が噛み締めれば噛み締める程多幸感が出てくる逸品。ご飯に合わせてたれも調節しているという。何よりもその鰻の温度。まさに焼き立て、炭からおろしたばかり感満載。一口大きく頬張ったら並の人なら火傷でしょう。私は鍛えてますから極厚激ウマな鰻を噛み締めました。厚みが有るからこそ保温されるわけで熱々で良質な脂をふんだんにまとった鰻をご飯とマリアージュしてくれるタレがまた美味しい。そして嬉しいのは大変に新鮮な山椒。引いてある状態で提供されますが非常に香りがフレッシュでフルーティ。良質なわさびの如く、香りが強く低刺激で旨味倍増です。 心残りは誠に、誠に、飲めない事。このお店で飲める人は幸せだなぁ。自分のご褒美多目ですが、ここは無上のご褒美でした。個人的には画荘越後屋クラス。でもリーズナブル。コスパ良し。
Book 15 minutes in advance and enter the store, the time is exactly as announced in advance. This time is a blissful time as it will handle and bake live eel. I used to use Sir Raspwell's eel as a pillow while eating many famous eel restaurants and looking at the pamphlets of 100 famous eel restaurants, but I was impressed by the paulownia eel. I usually compare eating eels from Matsuya, Yoshinoya, Sukiya, and Nakau, and every eel has a bad skin and I peel it off and eat it. The eel here has a delicious skin. Subcutaneous fat with crisp thin skin and extra-thick meat, meat rather than meat! The more you chew, the more euphoric you get. It is said that the sauce is adjusted according to the rice. Above all, the temperature of the eel. It's just freshly baked and just grated from charcoal. If you have a big bite, you will get burned if you are an average person. I'm training, so I chewed an extremely thick and intense eel. Because it is thick, it keeps warm, so the sauce that marries the hot and high-quality fat-covered eel with rice is also delicious. And what makes me happy is the very fresh Japanese pepper. It is served in a pulled state but has a very fresh and fruity aroma. Like good quality wasabi, it has a strong aroma, is mild and doubles the flavor. The regret is that I can't drink it. People who can drink at this shop are happy. It's my reward, but it was a great reward. Personally, I'm in the Echigoya class. But reasonable. Cospa is good.
野口和則 on Google

初めて御伺いしました。 前日に予約して、当日ゆっくり食事しました。 白焼き、ふんわり焼いてあり、さっぱり山葵醤油でいただきました。 うな重は、みためよりさっぱりした味つけですごい美味しかったです。 7月8月は予約がいいみたいですね。
I visited you for the first time. I made a reservation the day before and ate slowly on the day. It was white-baked and fluffy-baked, and was refreshingly served with wasabi soy sauce. Unaju had a lighter flavor than the unadon and was very delicious. It seems that reservations are good for July and August.
sei yamazaki on Google

【大好物の鰻の蒲焼き】 つくばで体験⁉️ 照りもキレイ。タレもほどよく甘くて、身はホロホロととても柔らかい❗ とても美味しい【うな重】を堪能しました。 たまたますいている時間帯に予約して、なが年来の親友と2人で行きました。のんびり出来ました。【うなぎの「桐」kiri】さん。 実はつくば市宝陽台在住の彼が手配してくれて、お薦めのお店でした。 また、店員さんは終始丁寧に、そして笑顔がマスクをしてても分かるという感じのいいお店でしたよ。 店内、琴の調べがほどよい音量で心地よく「うなぎは日本料理だなぁ!」と改めて思いました。 今回は、この店を予約してくれた友に感謝ですね。その彼も私も、共に60代の後半の「シニア⁉️」です。つまり、…。 さんざん2人は今まで、「それなりに旨いもの!」は食べて来てますが。やはりやはり蒲焼き好きの日本人。【旨いものはウマイ‼️】です。
[My favorite eel kabayaki] Experience in Tsukuba ⁉️ The shine is also beautiful. The sauce is also moderately sweet, and the body is very soft and fluffy ❗ I enjoyed the very delicious [Unaju]. I made a reservation during the time I happened to be, and went with my best friend for a long time. I was able to relax. [Unagi's "paulownia" kiri]. Actually, he who lives in Hoyodai, Tsukuba arranged it and it was a recommended shop. Also, the clerk was polite from beginning to end, and it was a nice shop where you can see the smile even if you wear a mask. Inside the store, I thought again that "eel is Japanese food!" With a moderate volume and a comfortable look at the koto. This time, I thank my friend who booked this shop. Both he and I are "senior ⁉️" in their late 60s. In other words ... So far, the two of us have eaten "something delicious!" After all Japanese who like kabayaki. [Delicious food is delicious! ️】
Black Knight Daryun on Google

予め電話でメニューを予約しての初訪問。平日のランチタイムです。外見、店内共に新しく清潔感があります。また感染予防にかなり気を使って、入り口での自動噴霧タイプの消毒液と自動体温測定機が設置、店内も間仕切りは勿論、使い捨てのマスク入れまで置いてありました。予め予約しているだけあって、到着後10分程でオーダーしてあった上のうなぎを出して頂きました(感染予防の面から電話でオーダーして滞在時間を短くするのはメリット大かもですね)。うなぎは、並と上が量は同じでうなぎの質が違い、上と特上は質は同じで量が違うとの事。柔らかいうなぎと濃い目のタレで最後まで美味しく頂けました。ボリューム的には沢山食べる男性でない限りも上でOKかな?それから山椒は飛騨高山産との事で、あれ?と思ったらこちらの店主は水戸のぬりやさんで修行されたとの事。うなぎの仕上がり、香のものも含めて確かにそのDNAが感じられましたね。お茶も来店時は緑茶を、食事が始まると途中で番茶を出してくれました。色々考えられてますねぇ~。 お会計はお邪魔した日は5,170円でごさいました。ご馳走様でしたm(_ _)m
First visit by booking the menu by phone in advance. It's lunch time on weekdays. Both the appearance and the inside of the store are new and clean. Also, taking great care to prevent infection, an automatic spray type disinfectant solution and an automatic body temperature measuring machine were installed at the entrance, and there were partitions as well as disposable mask holders inside the store. Since I had made a reservation in advance, I received the eel that I had ordered about 10 minutes after arrival (it may be a great advantage to order by phone to prevent infection and shorten the staying time. is not it). As for eels, the quantity is the same for the average and the top, but the quality of the eel is different, and the quality is the same for the top and the top, but the quantity is different. The soft eel and the thick sauce made it delicious until the end. In terms of volume, is it OK unless you are a man who eats a lot? Also, Sansho is from Hida Takayama, is that? When I thought about it, the owner of this shop was trained by Nuriya from Mito. You can certainly feel the DNA of the eel, including the finished eel and the incense. As for tea, they served green tea when they came to the store, and bancha on the way when the meal started. I can think of various things. The bill was 5,170 yen on the day I was in the way. It was a treat m (_ _) m
Jam Rb on Google

全国各地で鰻を食べてきましたが、本当に美味しい鰻を食べたいなら、ここです!と断言して良いと思います。 コロナ禍が始まった2020年3月に開店したばかりという新しい店で、値段も本気ですが、若い大将とその奥様と思われる二人から相当な気合いを感じました。とても感銘を受けたのは、生きた鰻を絞めて鰻を焼く為、40分くらいかかるということを事前に伝え、納得の上で客を迎え、食べ終わって帰る時、また二人で出てきて客にお礼を言ういう姿勢に、敬意を感じました。御通しで出てくるお漬物もすごく美味しかったです。また、必ず食べに行きたい店の一つになりました。
I've eaten eels all over the country, but if you really want to eat delicious eels, this is the place to go! I think it's okay to affirm. It's a new store that just opened in March 2020, when the corona wreck began, and although the price is serious, I felt a great deal of enthusiasm from the young general and his wife. What impressed me very much was telling in advance that it would take about 40 minutes to squeeze the live eels and bake the eels. I felt respect for the attitude of thanking the customers. The pickles that came out through the restaurant were also very delicious. Also, it has become one of the shops I definitely want to go to eat.
Hiroshi Minato on Google

当日予約したら、たまたま空いてました。 一日の数が決まっているらしくラッキーでした。 特上を注文 ふっくら御飯の中にも鰻が! ふわふわの鰻が好きな方は満足されると思います。 個人的には少し食感があった方が好きなので星⭐️4つです。 お値段通りの味でした。
When I made a reservation on the day, it happened to be vacant. I was lucky that the number of days was fixed. Order special eel in the plump rice! Those who like fluffy eel will be satisfied. Personally, I like the one with a little texture, so it has 4 stars. It tasted exactly as it was priced.
夏男(naji) on Google

以前から気になっていたうさぎ屋「桐」さんへ奥さんと一緒に初めての来店です。 事前にネットの口コミを見ていたので、来店前に電話で注文して来店時間を確認してから、伺いました。 自分はうな重の上、奥さんがうな重の並を注文。(他には、うなぎの質は同じでうなぎが二段になっている特上もあり。) 席に着いて程なくして料理が運ばれてきましたが、お重の蓋を開けると見ただけで美味しいだろうと思わせるフォルムにまず感動。食べて見ると、その想像をこえる美味しさに更に感動。何と言っても箸を入れた瞬間にわかるうなぎのふんわり感、今まで食べたうなぎでも一番ではと思わせるほどでした。このレベルのうなぎがつくばで食べらるとは思ってもみませんでした。お値段的にはそれなりにしますが、食べてはお値段に見合う満足感が得られると思います。たまに食べるなら美味しいものが食べたいという方は是非お勧めです。 ちなみに、奥さんが注文した並は、上に比べると多少脂ののりが少ない感じ(お店の人いわく、大きさも上より少し小さ目?とのこと)でしたが、見た目ではあまりわからず、ふんわり感がそれなりにあって十分美味しかったです。
This is my first visit to the rabbit shop "Kiri", which I have been interested in for a long time, with my wife. I had seen the word-of-mouth on the internet in advance, so I ordered by phone before coming to the store and checked the arrival time before visiting. On top of Unaju, my wife ordered the average of Unaju. (Other than that, the quality of the eels is the same, and the eels are double-tiered.) Shortly after I got to my seat, the food was brought in, but I was impressed by the form that made me think that it would be delicious just by opening the lid. When I try to eat it, I am even more impressed by the deliciousness beyond my imagination. After all, the fluffy feeling of the eel that you can see the moment you put the chopsticks in it made me think that it was the best eel I had ever eaten. I never thought that this level of eel would be eaten in Tsukuba. The price is reasonable, but if you eat it, you will be satisfied with the price. If you want to eat delicious food once in a while, I highly recommend it. By the way, the average that my wife ordered was a little less greasy than the one above (the shop staff said that the size is a little smaller than the one above), but I don't really understand it and it feels fluffy. However, it was delicious enough.
こだまぷりん on Google

I ate the upper eel. It was the most delicious eel restaurant I had ever eaten! It was fluffy, greasy, and the taste of the sauce was not too strong, which was just right. It may be a little more for women, but I ate it because it was too delicious lol

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