Akakara - Shibuya City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Akakara

住所 :

31-9 Udagawacho, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0042, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 150-0042
Webサイト : https://akakara-udagawacho.owst.jp/

31-9 Udagawacho, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0042, Japan
N. Yuki (D) on Google

2名で予約してましたが急遽3名に。 忘年会シーズンなので流石に入れず少し待つことに。 あまり説明する時に感情はこもってませんでしたが、まぁそんなもんでしょう。
I made a reservation for 2 people, but suddenly it became 3 people. As we are in the year-end party season, we have to wait a little without getting into it. I didn't feel so emotional when I explained it, but that's what it is.
G on Google

I went about a month ago and ordered a hot pot from ordinary red. When I asked for the pot, not after the pot came, I asked for additional ingredients, but when I came and opened the pot, there was only one sword. I understand that there is more than one addition because I have been going from red many times. I wondered if I could do such a thing just because the customer didn't see the place I put it in. And while saying that I would like to visit you when the steam comes out of the pot, I had to call out from here for 5 minutes after the steam came out. There weren't many people, so I thought I should be a little better. There was no problem with the taste and it was delicious.
chaozeRIE on Google

赤からチェーン店の中でも美味しい穴場の店! 通いまくったほど美味しかったな~ 店長さんも明るく接客が素晴らしい! まだあったのー? 見つけて嬉しいので再訪したいです! どうか潰れないで頑張って欲しい!!
From red, it's a delicious little-known store among chain stores! It was so delicious that I went there ~ The store manager is also cheerful and the customer service is wonderful! Was it still there? I'm happy to find it, so I'd like to visit again! Please do your best without being crushed! !!
ああ on Google

I was selling a surprise, so I decided to bring my birthday friend, and I asked for a birthday plate at the time of booking, but I couldn't get it because I had forgotten it. The taste was as good as the other reds, but it was very shocking so I will go to another store in the future.
矢島理玖 on Google

少し前に利用させていただきました。 正直星1をつけるのも納得いかないぐらい不快でした。 頼んだものは出てこない、出てきたとしても違うものが出てくる。 特に髪の伸び切った男性の接客態度はひどく、女性への接客は嬉しそうに行い、また少し怖そうな男性に対してはしっかりと接客するのに何も言わなそうなお客さんに対してはテキトーな態度で接客を行なっていました。 厨房で働いている女性スタッフとの会話は大きな声で楽しそうに出来るのになぜ接客になるとボソボソとした声でしか接客出来なくなるのでしょうか。 飲食業が人手不足なのはわかりますがもう少し人を見て採用した方がいいのかと思います。
mo san on Google

渋谷駅近くの店舗。 渋谷駅付近にここ以外にも、もう2店舗お店があったのだが、他の2店舗はどちらも満席で数十分の待ち時間が発生するとのことで、待ち時間なく入れたこちらの店舗に訪問。 鍋食べ放題コースと飲み放題を注文。 料理もドリンクも注文してからスムーズに運ばれてきたので、その点は高評価。 味も中々良い。 ただ少し残念なのが、鍋の具材が凍ったまま提供されたものが何品かあったため、煮ても微妙な食感だったのがマイナスポイント
A store near Shibuya station. There were two other stores near Shibuya station besides here, but the other two stores are full and there is a waiting time of tens of minutes, so this store that I entered without waiting Visit to. I ordered an all-you-can-eat hot pot course and all-you-can-drink. After ordering food and drinks, they were delivered smoothly, which is highly evaluated. The taste is also good. It's a little disappointing, but the negative point is that the ingredients in the pot were served frozen, so the texture was subtle even when boiled.
Karim on Google

Not bad
Indra .Kirana on Google

don't like the taste of the food

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