車のせんいち 伊勢崎店 マッハ車検

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 車のせんいち 伊勢崎店 マッハ車検

住所 :

Akaborikashimacho, Isesaki, 〒379-2202 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Webサイト : https://90-1001.jp/
街 : Gunma

Akaborikashimacho, Isesaki, 〒379-2202 Gunma,Japan
かずちゃ on Google

いつも利用させてもらってます! 店内も綺麗で清潔です。 車検等早く終わるのでストレスなく過ごせます。 丁寧な説明もあり、困った時とかすぐ対応してくれていつも助かってます! これからも利用させてもらいます!
I always use it! The inside of the store is also beautiful and clean. You can spend your time without stress because the vehicle inspection etc. will be completed early. There is also a polite explanation, and it is always helpful to respond immediately when there is a problem! I will continue to use it!
にゃんころ on Google

Regular inspections are always kind. This time I visited you at the car inspection. All the employees are very polite and kind to serve customers. It is highly recommended because you can see in detail what you are doing in the car inspection on the screen.
小澤清美 on Google

I came to the store for the first time. Thank you very much for your kindness. He worked hard to get as close to his hope as possible. I was surprised that it was very cheap compared to other stores. I'm glad I chose this shop. Thank you very much. If you are thinking of a car, please go and see it.
光司小島 on Google

車の購入から車検と色々と親切丁寧な対応で満足してます。今回はタイヤ交換で来店しました。毎回来る度に綺麗な店内とスタッフさんの対応がとても良かったです。説明もよくわかりました。 ありがとうございました?
I am satisfied with the kind and polite response from the purchase of the car to the car inspection. This time I came to the store to change tires. Every time I came, the beautiful interior and the staff were very nice. I understand the explanation well. Thank you ?
ゆりね on Google

I have been indebted to you for a long time. Everyone, including the store manager, feels very good, and the inside of the store is clean and bright, so you can spend your time comfortably. Of course, when you buy a car, you will be given a reasonable amount of money, and after-sales service is perfect, so you can introduce it to your acquaintances with confidence.
あけび on Google

いつも車検で利用させてもらってます。 以前は飲み物はマグカップで運んで来てくれましたが、コロナ禍で自販機から選ぶスタイルに変わっておりコロナ対策万全でした。 対応も丁寧で待合室も綺麗で寛げておやつもいただけて感無量です笑 また2年後もお世話になりますm(_ _)m
I always use it for vehicle inspections. In the past, drinks were brought in mugs, but due to the corona sickness, the style has changed to choosing from vending machines, and corona countermeasures were perfect. The correspondence is polite, the waiting room is clean, you can relax and have a snack, and it's incredible lol I will be indebted to you two years later m (_ _) m
kame orihime on Google

Happy new year. Thank you to all the staff. Thank you for your kindness and welcoming you with a smile and cheerfulness. The car I bought last fall is also in good shape. Now it's safe to leave the car-related matters to both husband and wife. I look forward to working with you again this year.
Hafiz Sahib on Google


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