
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 車検のコバックR50伊勢崎店

住所 :

Ainoyacho, Isesaki, 〒379-2201 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://kobac-isesaki.com/
街 : Gunma

Ainoyacho, Isesaki, 〒379-2201 Gunma,Japan
稲垣雅史 on Google

愛車のベンツの車検は、断られました。 輸入車は、したくない。との事ですよ。 車検をするなら足回りの点検のみだそうです。車検の意味が、ないです。 車を大切にする方は、やめた方が良いと思いました。接客も、上から目線でした。 残念です。
The Benz car inspection was refused. I don't want imported cars. That's it. If you do a car inspection, it seems that only the undercarriage inspection. There is no meaning of car inspection. I thought it would be better to quit if you value your car. The customer service was also from the top. I'm sorry.
aad Ab on Google

セルフガソリンスタンドが併設されてますので、給油してきました。 決済方法は現金以外にクレジットカード、さらに楽天ポイントカードにポイントが貯められます。 値段は競合があるので安値と思われます。 車検予約すると、現金決済でガソリン単価が安くなるみたいですが、店員さんに問い合わせですかね。 ちなみにガソリン携行缶には、給油をお断りしています。 店員も対応しないと表記されてました。
There is a self-service gas station, so I have been refueling. In addition to cash, points can be accumulated on credit cards and Rakuten point cards. The price seems to be low because there is competition. It seems that if you make a car inspection reservation, the gasoline unit price will be cheaper with cash payment, but do you contact the clerk? By the way, we do not allow refueling for petrol cans. It was stated that the clerk did not respond either.
RISE DL on Google

整備士さんがとても丁寧に作業してくれます。質問にも親切に応対してくれます。 残念なことは車検を受けないと会員になれないところ。今は車購入と同時にメンテナンスパックに入ってしまうような流れを作られているのでなかなか、難しいです。
The mechanic will work very carefully. They will kindly answer your questions. Unfortunately, you can't become a member without undergoing an automobile inspection. It's quite difficult now because the flow is made so that it will be included in the maintenance pack at the same time as purchasing the car.
i k on Google

When I was putting in gasoline, I saw the "Oil Change" poster and asked for it because it was cheaper than usual. It was very kind and helpful without making a reservation. The customer service of all the staff is wonderful. Next time, I'd like to ask for a car inspection.
淡雪山のユキヒコ on Google

精算機で お釣りを受け取るシステム です。クレジットカードの支払いなら精算機は使わないので、その分、早く済みます。ガソリンはまあまあ安い方と思います。 売店らしい売店はありません。 トイレはあります。
A system to receive change from the checkout machine is. If you pay by credit card, you don't need to use a checkout machine. I think gasoline is so cheap. There is no stand like a stand. There is a toilet.
濃いお茶 on Google

I wanted to request work to remove the tires from the 14-inch wheels, so when I contacted him by phone, he said that such work was not accepted. I was disappointed when I was told that I wouldn't do any work such as rearrangement unless the tires were purchased at this shop. It's a pity that there are other Kobac stores where you can bring your own tires and change them.
辰巳隅田 on Google

受付は非常に良いです 整備士に問題あり 車検前に変えたバッテリーなのに再度買ったお店に行って店で一緒に測ったら良好満タンでした。 しかもプラス・マイナスの留め金がユルユルだったのに。気づいて止めてくれました
The reception is very good There is a problem with the mechanic The battery was changed before the vehicle inspection, but when I went to the store where I bought it again and measured it together at the store, it was full. Moreover, the plus and minus clasps were sloppy. Noticed and stopped
b n on Google

車検は毎回ここを利用しています。 受付、整備士わかりやすい説明と丁寧な対応で満足です。 ガソリンも比較的安いので近く通る時は必ず寄ります。
Vehicle inspections use this place every time. Receptionist, mechanic I am satisfied with the easy-to-understand explanation and polite response. Gasoline is also relatively cheap, so be sure to stop by when you pass by.

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