
2.5/5 に基づく 2 レビュー

Contact 中里農園

住所 :

Akaboriimaicho, Isesaki, 〒379-2215 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
街 : Gunma

Akaboriimaicho, Isesaki, 〒379-2215 Gunma,Japan
伊藤とし(トシちゃん) on Google

su-san tabi on Google

今春、バスツアーで訪問。 クラッシック音楽をイチゴに聞かせて、リラックスした状態に持っていき、美味しい苺を提供する、と言う施設さんのコンセプトはユニークかつ面白い。広大な農園の殆どをイチゴに傾注するスタイル、かつ衛生的な水耕栽培も評価したい。 コロナ感染症対策として手足の除菌対策も きちんとなされているし、換気対策もしっかりしていたので、ハウス内でのイチゴ狩りは安心して楽しめるのではと感じた。 但し、クラッシック音楽を聞かせたイチゴと他の農園さんの糖度の高いイチゴとの味覚の違いが皆目分からなかった事と、キャパを越えた受け入れをさせたためか、最初に案内された会場は食べ尽くされた後。会場の状態の確認の徹底がなされていなかったのは残念。 バスの添乗員さんが、食べられそうな苺のあまりのなさに、施設スタッフさんに伝えたようで、何度か会場を移動させられ、閉口。出たり入ったり、そしてその都度出入り口で靴等の除菌。コロナ感染対策とはいえ、離れた場所への移動が煩わしく、イチゴ好きの私もさすがに中座。団体客が来ること事前に告知している訳だし、おみ足の悪い方もいらしたので、専用スペースの確保は必要ではないか、と強く感じた。 伊勢崎市近辺では知名度の高い農園さんのようだが、個人的にリピートすることはなさそう。
Visited on a bus tour this spring. The facility's concept of listening to classical music to strawberries, bringing them to a relaxed state, and providing delicious strawberries is unique and interesting. I would also like to appreciate the style of devoting most of the vast farms to strawberries and hygienic hydroponics. As a measure against corona infection, sterilization measures for limbs It was done properly and the ventilation measures were good, so I felt that I could enjoy strawberry picking in the greenhouse with peace of mind. However, probably because I couldn't see the difference in taste between the strawberries that listened to classical music and the strawberries with high sugar content from other farms, and because I accepted them beyond their capacity, I ate up the venue that was first guided. After being done. It is a pity that the condition of the venue was not thoroughly confirmed. It seems that the tour operator of the bus told the facility staff that there were not enough strawberries that could be eaten, and he was moved to the venue several times and closed. Sterilize shoes etc. at the entrance and exit each time you go in and out. Although it is a countermeasure against corona infection, it is troublesome to move to a distant place, and I, who loves strawberries, is truly Naka no Shibai. We announced in advance that group guests would come, and some people had bad luck, so I strongly felt that it was necessary to secure a dedicated space. It seems to be a well-known farm in the vicinity of Isesaki City, but it seems that he will not repeat it personally.

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