
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 魂生神社(魂生大明神)

住所 :

Ajiki, Sakae, Imba District, 〒270-1516 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Ajiki, Sakae, Imba District, 〒270-1516 Chiba,Japan
Māra & Alice on Google

昨年参拝し、御神体そのものの形をした飴を購入。それを拜みながら不妊治療に励んだ結果、不妊治療再開してすぐに無事子供を授かりました。 この日本一と言っても過言ではないシンボルを胸に、父親として恥ずかしくないよう、太ましくも力強い真っ直ぐな男になりたいと思いました。 ありがとうございました。
I visited last year and bought a candy in the shape of the Shintai itself. As a result of working hard on infertility treatment while taking care of it, I immediately gave birth to a child after resuming infertility treatment. With this symbol that is not an exaggeration to say that it is the best in Japan, I wanted to be a bold but powerful straight man so as not to be embarrassed as a father. Thank you very much.
市村寿男 on Google

20/05/06 Worship. It is a shrine precinct of Owase Shrine, and sits down from the side of the shrine office to Mezaka. The samurai Daimyojin, who has the benefit of harvesting five grains, marital union, marriage, child-rearing, etc., is enshrined, and the cock that is said to be the thickest in Japan is enshrined. It seems that the simple customs of the ordinary people continue.
総統閣下 on Google

日本一の男魂(男根)が祀られている。 時間ある時に改めてお参りしたい。
The best male soul (male) in Japan is enshrined. I want to visit again when I have time.
Jun-ichi homma (ダメおやぢ) on Google

酉の市と連動した町おこしイベント会場のホコ天で 魂生大明神を載せた山車の引き廻し神事が有る。 往路10時15分、復路12時からで、各15分間。 令和元年は12月1日。
In Hokoten, a town revitalization event venue linked to the flea market There is a pilgrimage of a float with a soul birth Daimyojin. From 10:15 on the outbound route and from 12:00 on the return route, each 15 minutes. The first year is December 1st.
清水美枝 on Google

令和元年5月25日参拝。 大鷲神社の摂社です。御朱印は、大鷲神社の社務所で拝受できます。書置きになります。見事な男根が祀られてますよ。
Visited the May 25th year of the year. I am a set member of Owaki Shrine. You can receive your seal at the office of Ogushi Shrine. It becomes a bookkeeping. I have been scolded by a stunning cock.
カンカン on Google

大鷲神社で手書きでりっぱな御朱印を頂きました 初穂料500円 子宝の神様? 日本一の男性のアレが祭ってあります こちらもりっぱでした
I got a fine red seal by hand at Owase Shrine First ear fee 500 yen God of child treasure? There is a festival of the best men in Japan.
Yoshiねえ('-'*) on Google

It is on the way up the stairs from the torii gate to the Owashi Shrine. A good thing ...! ️I also received a red stamp ?
小柳静雄(ジュピター) on Google

魂生神社(境内摂社) 大鷲神社の駐車場からなだらかな坂 (女坂)を登った所にあります。 五穀豊穣、縁結び、子授け、安産、夫婦和合の神で昔から庶民に素朴な性信仰がおこり、男根神、女陰神に崇拝されてきました。神社内にはそれぞれが祀られています。
Tamashii Shrine (Setsumatsusha in the precincts) A gentle slope from the parking lot of Owashi Shrine It is located at the top of (Onnazaka). It is a god of fertility, marriage, childbirth, easy delivery, and harmony between husband and wife. Each is enshrined in the shrine.

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