Aji no Yamadatei - Aomori

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aji no Yamadatei

住所 :

1 Chome-10-35 Tomita, Aomori, 038-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87787
Postal code : 038-0004
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM

1 Chome-10-35 Tomita, Aomori, 038-0004, Japan
モコ&モモ on Google

It was a restaurant with a calm atmosphere, with a wide variety of menu items, from one item to rice and ramen! I'm wondering what to eat! The seasoning is easy to eat!
AomoriTube青森チューブ 青い森大学ウェルビーイング学部スマートシティ学科実装体験感想専攻 on Google

色々旨そうで迷ったけどトンカツ定食1000円を選択。トンカツは結構肉が厚くて満足。油の酸化臭がちとするけど、許容範囲内。 麻婆豆腐等の単品メニューでも定食でとお願いすれば、+200円で味噌汁とライス、付け合わせを頂けるようです。 カウンターで店主の手捌きや食材の取り扱いを見ていたら、たぶん、どのメニューも美味しいだろうなと、かなりの確信を持って思いました。
I was at a loss because it seemed to be various, but I chose the pork cutlet set meal of 1000 yen. Tonkatsu is quite thick and satisfying. It tends to have an oxidative odor of oil, but it is within the permissible range. If you ask for a set meal even with a single item menu such as mapo tofu, it seems that you can get miso soup, rice and garnish for +200 yen. When I was watching the shopkeeper's handling and handling of ingredients at the counter, I was quite confident that every menu would be delicious.
猫屋敷あんこ on Google

(2021.8月) 久々に食べたら、、、なんかラーメン美味しくない…? 全然だしが香らないし、うまみもない。 スープっていうか塩気のある色付き湯? 俺がおかしいのか?? ちょっと期間おいてもう一度食べます。 以前の評価★5 ザ☆地域の飯屋! うまい!やすい!はらいっぱい! この三拍子が揃う店は名店ですね! さらに注文から提供までが早い。 サイコーですよおやじさん。 ラーメンは煮干しガッツリですが、上品な味わいです。 よくある濁った苦味のあるドロドロスープではなく、透き通ったスープにガツンと煮干しの旨みが効いてます。 どれもこれも、うまい。 セットメニューの組み合わせは自由に選べる様なので、通って色々食べてみたいとおもいます。
(February 2021.8) After a long time eating, the ramen isn't delicious ...? It doesn't smell at all, and it doesn't taste good. Is it soup or salty colored hot water? Am I crazy? ?? I will eat it again after a short period of time. Previous evaluation ★ 5 The ☆ Local restaurant! good! Cheap! A lot of harassment! The store that has these triple time signatures is a famous store! Furthermore, it is quick from ordering to delivery. It's great, old man. The ramen is boiled and dried, but it has an elegant taste. Instead of the muddy, bitter-tasting soup that is often found, the clear soup has the umami flavor of dried sardines. Everything is good. It seems that you can freely choose the combination of set menus, so I would like to go and eat various things.
佐藤広 on Google

味は間違いない。 個人的には唐揚げ、五目焼きそばがオススメ、青森市の町中華屋さんでもトップレベルの味です。 メニュー豊富で迷っちゃいます。 ラーメンも美味しいですよ。 昼のみ営業なので、ガッツリ昼飯にどうぞ
There is no doubt about the taste. Personally, I recommend fried chicken and Gome Yakisoba, which is the top-level taste even at a Chinese restaurant in Aomori City. I am at a loss because of the abundant menu. Ramen is also delicious. It's open only for lunch, so please have a good lunch.
汐華初流乃 on Google

エビチャーハンをいただきました。 味は家庭のチャーハンという感じで、個人的には好きな味です。 大きめのエビがゴロゴロ入っています。 大盛りで注文したのですが、かなりの量で充分お腹がいっぱいになりました。 付いてきたスープも焼干しの出汁が効いていておいしかったです。
I had shrimp fried rice. The taste is like fried rice at home, and I personally like it. Large shrimp is included. I ordered a large serving, but I was full enough with a considerable amount. The soup that came with it was also delicious because the soup stock was dried.
恐山にゃる on Google

青森市の住宅街にある『町中華』のお店。 【駐車場】少し狭いですが6台くらい。 【席数】カウンター席と4人掛けテーブルが4つ 【支払い】食事後会計 ずっと気になっていたお店です。 営業時間がなかなか合わなくて、たまたま通りかかったら営業してましたので、入店。 お店の方に聞くと、最近は営業時間を短くしてやっている様です。 営業時間 12:00〜14:30 17:00〜19:00 の様ですが、要確認です。 今回は店の上りにもある『海鮮あんかけ炒飯』とラーメンセット(ラーメン+炒飯)を注文。 メニューの並びを見ると、メニュー数も中華を始めとしてなかなか多く楽しいお店ですね。 まず海鮮あんかけ炒飯ですが、様々な海鮮が入っていて、なかなか美味しいです。 ボリュームもかなりあります。 ラーメンは焼き干しベースの出汁が効いていて、懐かしい昔ながらの中華そば。飽きの来ない味わいですね。炒飯も町中華ならではの、庶民的な味わい(褒め言葉)で、美味いです。 営業時間が限られている為、『幻の町中華料理店』感はありますが、どこか懐かしい私の好きな味です。 また来店して色々なメニューを頼んでみたいですね。 大変美味しく頂きました✨ ご馳走様でした?
A "Chinese restaurant in town" in a residential area of ​​Aomori city. [Parking lot] It's a little small, but about 6 cars. [Number of seats] Counter seats and 4 tables for 4 people [Payment] Post-meal accounting It's a shop I've always been interested in. I couldn't meet the business hours, so I was open when I happened to pass by, so I entered the store. According to the shop staff, it seems that they have shortened their business hours recently. business hours 12: 00-14: 30 17: 00-19: 00 It seems, but confirmation is required. This time, I ordered "Seafood Ankake Fried Rice" and ramen set (ramen + fried rice), which is also on the top of the store. Looking at the menus, it's a fun shop with a lot of menus, including Chinese food. First of all, the seafood ankake fried rice, which contains various seafood, is quite delicious. There is also a lot of volume. The ramen is a nostalgic old-fashioned Chinese noodle with a soup stock based on dried sardines. It's a taste you won't get tired of. Fried rice is also delicious with a common taste (praise) unique to Chinese food in town. Since the business hours are limited, it feels like a "phantom town Chinese restaurant", but it's a nostalgic favorite taste. I would like to come back to the store and ask for various menus. It was very delicious ✨ It was a treat ?
Ramen丸 on Google

あんかけ焼きそばを頂きました。麺はしっかりと焼かれていて、あんかけは具沢山で優しい味で美味しい♪普段は酢を入れて食べてますがこちらは酢は不要。他のメニューも頂きたいです! ちなみにメニューのカキライフ定食がめちゃ気になりましたが、カキフライ定食の間違いなようです(笑)。
I had ankake fried noodles. The noodles are well baked, and the ankake is delicious with a lot of ingredients and a gentle taste ♪ I usually eat with vinegar, but this does not require vinegar. I would like to have other menus as well! By the way, I was really worried about the oyster life set meal on the menu, but it seems that the fried oyster set meal is wrong (laughs).
空そら on Google

Chinese food loved by the region ❗ Boiled and dried ramen noodles should be soft and hard noodles ❗ Fried rice roasted pork ❗ All are home-style Chinese ❗ Vinegar pork is also ketchup ❗ Homely and cozy place ❗

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