Aisei Hospital - Itabashi City

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aisei Hospital

住所 :

1 Chome-3-1 Kaga, Itabashi City, Tokyo 173-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 173-0003
Webサイト :

1 Chome-3-1 Kaga, Itabashi City, Tokyo 173-0003, Japan
山田佳正 on Google

内科と整形外科の先生は丁寧な説明をしてくれました。看護師さんも親切です。 病院内は少し古い作りですが、信頼しています。 立地が坂にあるので病院に行く体調で徒歩だと辛いかな。
The medical and orthopedic teachers gave a polite explanation. The nurse is also kind. The hospital is a little old, but I trust it. The location is on a hill, so it's hard to walk to the hospital and walk.
安藤マカロン on Google

最低の精神科病棟です、絶対入院してはいけません、僕は3ヶ月間入院しました、隣の人は熱も出て意識があまりない状態でした、看護師が3~4人集まって話してました、その人はフィリピン人と結婚してて・・・・プライベートな話が沢山でてました、そしてその中の女が患者に(早く死んじゃえばいいのに)といいました、これは真実です。夜中のおむつ交換なんてものは全くありませんでした、僕が風呂場で転倒しました、そこで看護師から出た言葉が おいおい です、まともな社会人ならフリでいいので大丈夫ですか?と社交辞令的に聞くものです。もう9年も入院してる人もいました、いい看護師ももちろんいますが最低の病院だと思います、担当医で退院もかなり変わる感じでした。 入院するくらいなら死んだほうがマシと思ってたほうがいいです。 僕はさっそくテレビのケーブルで自殺しようとしたら見抜かれました、体を拘束してオムツ履かされました。僕の担当医はやる気のある30台男性でした。 僕は実名公開です、真実なのでみんなに伝えたいです、ぜひ参考に考えてみて下さい。来るならかかってこい、退院した僕には真実を伝える義務があります、かかってこい愛誠病院入院病棟スタップ!!!!!お前だよめがねかけたブス!!!!
It's the lowest psychiatric ward, you should never be hospitalized, I was hospitalized for 3 months, the neighbor was hot and unconscious, 3-4 nurses gathered I was talking to him, he was married to a Filipino... There were lots of private stories, and the woman in it said to the patient (I wish I had died early). , This is the truth There was no need to change diapers in the middle of the night, I fell down in the bathroom, and the word from the nurse was Ooi, is it okay if I'm a decent member of society? I hear it as a social remark. Some people have been hospitalized for nine years now, and of course there are good nurses, but I think it's the worst hospital. It's better to think that it's better to die than to be hospitalized. I was spotted when I tried to commit suicide with a TV cable, and I was restrained and put on a diaper. My doctor was 30 motivated men. I'm real name public, I want to tell everyone because it's true, so please consider it as a reference. If you come, please take it, and I'm discharged, and I have an obligation to tell the truth. ! ! ! ! The ugly ugly ugly you! ! ! !
道下忍 on Google

Soka's recommendation is to deny the Mizoguchi Clinic and take medicine. I asked the Komeito to vote, but I feel like I should just say that I should vote for what the sick person is saying! Are you voting for absentees? You should check
H K on Google

I went to the general outpatient clinic because I was injured, but I was able to see it carefully. The facility is old, but I'm glad it was vacant.
キセキ on Google

○階です。と案内され、向かうと、 受付の方が6何人ほどいて、声かけさせていただいても無反応。。ずっとおしゃべりしてました。 え。間違えたかなと、キョロキョロして不審者みたいなってしまいました。笑 1番前にいた方は急に電話し出す始末で、困っていましたが、奥から、すごい不機嫌な感じで出てきた方に対応されました。 服装が違っていたので、恐らく私が声をかける相手間違えていたんだと思いましたが、初めて来たので、なかなか冷たいなぁと感じました。 私の性格も問題ではあると思いますが、こういう小さなことが重なると、関東に来たことを後悔してしまいますね。。 海外に住む決意はまた強くなったので、星一つ増やさせていただきます。 勉強になります。
○ It is the floor. And when I headed, There are about 6 receptionists, and there is no response even if I speak to them. .. I was chatting all the time. e. I wondered if I made a mistake, and I became like a suspicious person. Lol The person who was in the front was in trouble because he suddenly made a phone call, but he responded to the person who came out from the back with a very moody feeling. I was dressed differently, so I thought I was probably the wrong person to talk to, but since I came here for the first time, I felt it was quite cold. I think my personality is also a problem, but when these small things overlap, I regret coming to Kanto. .. My determination to live abroad has become stronger again, so I will increase the number of stars by one. informative.
日下部優 on Google

I used it for a health checkup. The equipment is old. A beautiful female nurse with health guidance pointed out the unhealthy condition, but I was scared because it was normally sharp. I talk so frustratingly that I'm really scared and haven't used it since.
たまなぎ on Google

普通の古い病院です。 みなさまの評価は低いですが普通の対応の普通の病院でした。 胃カメラ検診で職場からここに行ってこいと言われたので行って来ました。 しつこいようですが、普通の病院です。
It's an ordinary old hospital. Although your evaluation is low, it was a normal hospital with normal support. I went there because my workplace told me to go here for a gastrocamera examination. It seems to be persistent, but it is a normal hospital.
Thầy Giáo Quốc Dân on Google


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