
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 伊奈香

住所 :

Aioicho, Kiryu, 〒376-0011 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
街 : Gunma

Aioicho, Kiryu, 〒376-0011 Gunma,Japan
バンビ on Google

The shopkeeper was a good person, but I didn't like yakinju sauce.
吉野浩市 on Google

Inaka is a wonderful yaki soba with yaki soba grilled rice dumplings and is very delicious. It is a relaxing place where you can release stress in the evening from the evening karaoke.
みよ“みよ”み on Google

鹿田山散策の後はここ!休日のお昼やおやつにちょうどいい。 美味しいし、フランクな雰囲気がいい。デザート系が少しあると嬉しいな〜
Here after a walk in Shikadayama! Perfect for holiday lunches and snacks. It's delicious and has a nice frank atmosphere. I'd be happy if there were a few desserts ~
金澤一夫 on Google

ポテト入りの焼きそばをたのんで量は少ないしポテトは、レンジでチンしたみたいで店の中にチンと響いてそのポテトはガリガリしてて美味しくなかった!五平餅も食べたけど、さほど美味しくなかったです! 金額も高いからたまげました。
The amount of yakisoba with potatoes was small, and the potatoes seemed to be cooked in the microwave, and the potatoes echoed in the store and the potatoes were crunchy and not delicious! I also ate Gohei mochi, but it wasn't very delicious! I was surprised because the amount was high.
チャーリーブラウン on Google

えぇ店ですよん。 よってみてぇ ヽ(´o`;
Yeah. So try ぇ ´ (´o `;
五十嵐裕美 on Google

焼きまんじゅうを初めて食べました! あまじょっぱくて 私好みの味でした! 焼きそば!これが美味!大盛りをペロリと食べられるくらい♪ 店主さんの計らいで サービスまでして頂き感謝です♡ メニューが他にもあったので 他の物を食べてから...ということで ☆を1つ保留に
I ate grilled manju for the first time! It was so sweet that it tasted like me! Fried noodles! This is delicious! I can eat a large serving with lollipop ♪ Thank you for the service provided by the shop owner! ♡ Since there were other menus, I ate other things ... so I put one ☆ on hold
カリカリえのん。 on Google

平日の14時過ぎに入店。雨もあってかガラガラ。 焼きそば大盛り(卵焼き乗せ)と焼きまんじゅうを注文。 なかなか美味しく頂きましたよ♪ お腹いっぱい食べたい人には少し物足りないかもしれないけど、オヤツにはもってこいだね。 なので食後に追加で持ち帰りの焼きまんじゅうも注文しました♪
Entered after 14:00 on weekdays. Rattle due to rain. Ordered yakisoba soup (fried egg) and fried buns. It was quite delicious! It may be a little unsatisfactory for those who want to eat their stomachs, but they are perfect for oysters. So I ordered additional take-out baked buns after meals ♪
Tetsuya Shinozaki on Google

此処の焼き饅頭好きです。 タレの好みは人それぞれ違うので、あわない人も勿論居ると思います。 あと焼き方かもしれませんが、とても香ばしく感じます。
I like grilled buns here. Each person has different tastes for sauce, so of course there are people who don't like it. It may be how to bake it, but it feels very fragrant.

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