Aioi Station Hotel - Aioi

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aioi Station Hotel

住所 :

1-5 Hongocho, Aioi, Hyogo 678-0006, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 678-0006
Webサイト :

1-5 Hongocho, Aioi, Hyogo 678-0006, Japan
山本洋一 on Google

楽天、トリバゴで予約申し込みできますが、直接の方が安いとホテルのフロントマンが言っていました。因みに一泊食事無しで、4980円。フロントマンは良い人でした。自分は前にある東急インも泊まりましたがこちらの方がスタッフに心があるように感じました。それって企業姿勢が出てくるよね。 ホテル設計専門に20年以上やってきた自分としての意見は施設の陳腐化は有りますが、この料金でよく頑張っていると思います。 よく分からないのだが、此処の観光案内所ステーションホテルと関係あるのかな?
We can apply for reservation with Rakuten, Toribago, but the frontman of hotel said that direct is cheaper. By the way, there is no meal for one night, 4980 yen. Frontman was a good person. I stayed at Tokyu Inn in front of me, but I felt that this person had a heart in the staff. That's why a corporate attitude comes out. Though there are obsolescence of the facilities as an opinion as an individual who has been in the hotel design specialty for over 20 years, I think that I am working hard at this rate. I do not know well, is it related to the tourist information center station hotel here?
max max on Google

出張で泊まりました。 駅前で便利、車なら近くの駐車場に案内されます。 部屋は安いビジネスホテル、お世辞にも綺麗とは言えないが、安いから文句は言えない。 部屋の壁が薄いから、隣の音が気になる人は辛いかも。 回りには居酒屋が数件、ちょっと離れてコンビニがあるので、なんとか晩御飯にはありつけますね。
I stayed for a business trip. It is convenient in front of the station, and if it is a car, it will be guided to the nearby parking lot. Room is cheap business hotel, although it can not be said that it is clean to flattering, it is cheap and can not complain. Because the walls of the room are thin, people who care about the noise next door are also painful. There are a few taverns around the house, and there are convenience stores just a little away, so you can afford it for dinner.
戸田一馬(Kzmx) on Google

出張で1週間滞在しました。駅の目の前ということもあり、夜はずっと電車の音やアナウンスが聞こえます。 神経質な人、静かな場所でないと寝られない人には駅側の部屋は向いていません。
Stayed for a week on a business trip. Sometimes it is right in front of the station, and you can always hear the sounds of trains and announcements at night. The station side room is not suitable for nervous people and those who can not sleep unless they are in a quiet place.
wellding man on Google

出張で一泊しました、駅から近いというか駅前、 歩いて直ぐ、近所にコンビニ多数あり、安価なので部屋や 朝食は不満無し、電子レンジや製氷機もあり部屋飲みするのに ビールジョッキも貸してくれました、優しい、 しかし空調がワンフロアー一括管理なので冷房と暖房が個別に 設定できません、私は暑がりなので冷房を入れたかったのですが 暖房が入っており空調は止めて窓を全開にして凌ぎました、 季節の変わり目は気を付けた方が良いと思います。
I stayed overnight on a business trip, near the station, or in front of the station, There are many convenience stores in the neighborhood just a short walk away, and it's cheap, so there are rooms Breakfast is not dissatisfied, there is a microwave oven and an ice machine, so I drink in the room He also lent me a beer mug, kind However, since air conditioning is centrally managed on one floor, cooling and heating are separated. I can't set it, I wanted to put in the air conditioner because it's hot The heating was on, the air conditioning was stopped, and the windows were fully opened to surpass. I think you should be careful about the changing seasons.
Tatsuya on Google

出張でシングル禁煙に数泊しました。 ビジネスホテルとしてはコスパが良いと思います。 立地的には駅が隣にありアクセスが良く、専用駐車場はないですが徒歩2.3分で行ける24時間スーパーに1泊分を追加料金で予約すると何度でも出し入れ可能でした。 部屋はザ・ビジネスホテルの部屋という感じで小ぢんまりとした造りです。 机や小さい冷蔵庫もあり、これも十分使えます。 何気にベッドの枕元テーブル部分にコンセントがあり、携帯充電にとても重宝しました。 難点というほどではないですが、ランドリーが半屋外のため気にする人はダメかもしれません。(洗濯機・乾燥機ともに洗剤含めて無料なので文句はありません) また室内のクローゼットスペースは狭いので2.3着くらいしか吊るせませんでした。 他の方の口コミにもある通り、部屋はオートロックではなく普通の鍵で閉めるタイプなので、利用時には要注意です。 とはいえお値段的には十分ですので、また付近で仕事の際には利用したいです。
I stayed for a few nights on a business trip for single smoking. We think that cospa is good for business hotel. In terms of location, the station was next door, and there was no access to the private parking lot. The room is a small building with the feeling of a room at The Business Hotel. There are also desks and small refrigerators that can be used. There was an outlet on the bedside table part of the bed, and it was very useful for mobile charging. Although it is not a difficult point, those who care about the laundry being semi-outdoor may not be. (There is no complaint as washing machines and dryers are free including detergent) Also, because the closet space in the room is small, I could only hang about 2.3 clothes. As there are reviews from other people, the room is a type that can be closed with a normal key, not an auto lock, so be careful when using it. However, it is enough for the price, so I would like to use it when I work in the vicinity.
鈴木りか on Google

お値打ちなホテルでした。 しかし、朝食の種類が少なく残念でした?
It was a good value hotel. However, it was a pity that there were not many types of breakfast ?
アニノマスオ on Google

Cospa is good. The building is old, but the rooms were large and clean and comfortable. I slammed the parking lot, but the front desk kindly responded. Thank you very much.
鈴木ジョセフィーヌ on Google

ここまでハズレはなかなかない 建物内に食料なし。部屋の案内にはフロントにカップ麺が売ってあると記載されているが嘘 自販機の場所も分かりづらい。駐車場の場所も遠い上に分かりづらい。 なんかもう二度と使いたくない
There is not much loss so far No food in the building. The room guide says that cup noodles are sold at the front desk, but it's a lie The location of the vending machine is also difficult to find. The location of the parking lot is far away and difficult to understand. I don't want to use it again

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