Aichitoyotajidosha Tochieigyosho - Nagoya

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aichitoyotajidosha Tochieigyosho

住所 :

3 Chome-1303 Tochi, Minato Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 455-0804, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 455-0804
Webサイト :

3 Chome-1303 Tochi, Minato Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 455-0804, Japan
masa. K on Google

It's in front of Apita and it's wide and easy to use
プレーショートカット on Google

The position of the new car changes every day. There are many variations.
吉山伸也 on Google

I went to see the car, but the attitude of the employee was the worst. At the desk, sneak up, and even the desk does not come out. There is absolutely no purchase at this store!
前田憲一 on Google

The clerk's customer service attitude conveys his hard work.
ダンディー on Google

I was able to update it safely, so it became very convenient.
エンジョイ on Google

This time I had the opportunity to ask the engineer about the details of the inspection, and I was very convinced. We can leave it with peace of mind, thank you in the future. During the inspection, I was able to kill time with Apita on the other side, so I was not worried about the waiting time.
岩月行伸 on Google

満足度高いご対応です。 いつもありがとうございます‼️
It is a highly satisfying response. I am always grateful for your help! ️
A O on Google

車のタイヤがパンクしたので、タイヤの交換で来店しました。 私は過去に数えられる程しか行った事がありませんが、車を駐車場に停め来店すると、車種?色?ナンバー?が事前に社内で情報共有され、その時間私が来店するのを把握していたのか、スタッフの方が私を名前で呼んでくれました。 お客様をお待たせしない精神が充分に伝わってきて、気持ち良かったです。 しかし一方で、タイヤ交換の待ち時間の間に、別のスタッフへナビについて確認すると、私の乗っている車の車種でない名前を挙げられ、そういった思い込みがあるのは少し残念でした。 これがもしお客様の名前となると失礼にもあたるし、個人情報漏れにもなるのではないかなぁと思いました。 また、あるスタッフが席を外したお客様の飲みかけ?の飲み物をさげて良いと指示したので別のスタッフがさげてましたが、まだそのお客様は店内におり同じ席へ戻って来ました。 その後、さげたスタッフ?がそれに気付き再度お飲み物をお伺いしてました。 しかしそのお客様は「もうさっきもらってお腹いっぱいだからいらない」と言いそれで終わってましたが、さげてしまった後のフォローも見てて良かったと思います。 常にテーブルを綺麗にする気持ちも大切ですが、その日は日曜日でしたがそんなにお客様もいなかったので、そのお客様が帰ったか帰っていないかを把握出来たら、尚良かったのかなぁと思います。
The car tire was punctured, so I went to the store to change the tire. I've been there so many times in the past, but when you park your car in the parking lot and come to the store, your car model? color? number? The staff members called me by name to know if I was coming to the store at the time when information was shared in-house in advance. The spirit of not waiting for customers was fully conveyed and it was pleasant. However, on the other hand, when I checked the navigation to another staff member during the tire change waiting time, it was a bit disappointing that I was given a name that was not the model of my car. If this is the customer's name, I thought it would be rude and leak personal information. Also, is it a drink for a customer who leaves a seat? I ordered another drink because I ordered another drink, but the customer was still in the store and returned to the same seat. After that, the staff who did it? I noticed it and asked for a drink again. However, the customer said, “I don't need it because I'm already hungry,” and that ended, but I'm glad I saw the follow-up after I gave up. The feeling of always cleaning the table is also important, but that day was Sunday, but there weren't so many customers, so I think it would have been better if I could understand whether the customer had returned or not.

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