Ageo Golf Links - Ageo

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ageo Golf Links

住所 :

1030 Futatsumiya, Ageo, Saitama 362-0017, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 362-0017
Webサイト :

1030 Futatsumiya, Ageo, Saitama 362-0017, Japan
本田博 on Google

Every Tuesday and Friday, you can enjoy 50 balls free of charge at One Coin Service Day. It is a 250 yard practice area, but the receptionist and staff are comfortable and happy.
高橋秋雄 on Google

I often go to all-you-can-eat. I hit 400 balls in an hour, but when I was a little younger I hit 600 balls. But the approach is the main,
鈴木智雄 on Google

It's wide and beautiful. It feels good on a sunny day.
on Google

I tried it on the 2nd floor for the first time, but as soon as it was high, I got on the net, and I put it on the tee, and it had a very Showa era smell.
h mokooox on Google

The outside approach area is very nice. We have an environment where you can improve.
もし on Google

土日でも一時間打ち放題で総額1500円は安い。プリペイド式で一万円で2500円分ボーナスも付くので数回行くなら買うべし。(3000円でも500円ボーナスあり) レンジは200ヤードくらいだが十分な広さ
Even on Saturdays and Sundays, you can hit as much as you want for an hour, and the total price of 1500 yen is cheap. It's a prepaid type and you can get a bonus of 2,500 yen for 10,000 yen, so if you go several times, you should buy it. (There is a 500 yen bonus even at 3000 yen) The range is about 200 yards, but it's large enough
知見和孝 on Google

私はここで70台が出せるようになったと思っています。 だだっ広くないところが良いのかもしれません。狙いを定めて打てる。無理に(スイングが壊れるほど)振らなくても突き当りのネットまで届く。柔らか目の球を使っているので、これもプレーヤーのからだ想いだと思います。
I think we can now put out 70 cars here. However, it may be good that it is not wide. You can aim and hit. It reaches the net at the end without forcibly shaking (so much that the swing breaks). I think this is also the player's body feeling because it uses a soft ball.
Ken M on Google

価格もリーズナブルで、スタッフの方々も感じ良いです。距離は200Yでフェンスだけど僕にはちょうどいい。アプローチ練習場も素晴らしいから、コースの前日練習には最高ですね。 近所に他の練習場もあるけど、ココが気に入りました。
The price is reasonable and the staff feel good. The distance is 200Y and it's a fence, but it's just right for me. The approach practice area is also wonderful, so it's great for practicing the day before the course. There are other driving ranges in the neighborhood, but I like Coco.

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