Aeon Express - Sendai

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aeon Express

住所 :

1 Chome-4-17 Furujiro, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 984-0825, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 984-0825
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–10PM
Sunday 9AM–10PM
Monday 9AM–10PM
Tuesday 9AM–10PM
Wednesday 9AM–10PM
Thursday 9AM–10PM
Friday 9AM–10PM

1 Chome-4-17 Furujiro, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 984-0825, Japan
Cream_ROSE on Google

Sato's rice-like products are the cheapest in the region. However, the quality of bento is not good enough. A major supermarket in the neighborhood is crowded with cash registers, but this is convenient because there is not much. I hope to improve the quality of bento.
ユージ on Google

他の方のレビュー通りの品揃えです。 ただ、ここで傘が二回盗難に遭いましたので雨の日の来店の際は安い傘を持っていく、カッパを着用等の対策が必要です。
The product lineup is as reviewed by other people. However, since the umbrella was stolen twice here, it is necessary to take measures such as bringing a cheap umbrella and wearing a kappa when visiting the store on a rainy day.
操浜田 on Google

A store that understands the contents of common people's wallets! We are open at a price that is competitive with other stores! Thank you.
賢治 on Google

仕事帰りによく寄ります。 駐車場が狭くて入れにくいのが欠点ですが、店員さんも親切で時間帯によっては割引もされているからお得です。 が、閉店30分前だったらもっと値引きしてもいいような気がしました^_^;
I often drop in on my way home from work. The disadvantage is that the parking lot is small and difficult to enter, but the staff are kind and discounts are available depending on the time of day, so it is a good deal. However, I felt that I could discount more if it was 30 minutes before the store closed ^ _ ^;
なしなし on Google

肉・野菜・果物は全く安くないですが、トップバリュ製品がほしいときにイオンに行かなくてもいいので重宝してます。 もちろん店の規模的にある・なしはあるので、よく使うものは時間のあるときに事前チェックしておくと二度手間にならずいいです。 小さい店のわりに品揃えは頑張ってるのではないでしょうか、棚が背が高く通路が狭いので地震の時にはいたくない場所です笑 レジも混むことはないし、袋に詰めてくれるのがありがたいです。 イオン銀行ATMがあるのもありがたいです。
Meat, vegetables and fruits are not cheap at all, but they are useful because you don't have to go to Aeon when you want TOPVALU products. Of course, there are different sizes of stores, so it's good to check the ones you use often in advance when you have time so that you don't have to bother twice. I think I'm doing my best in the product lineup for a small store, but the shelves are tall and the passages are narrow, so it's a place I don't want to have in the event of an earthquake. The cash register is not crowded, and I am grateful that it is packed in a bag. I am grateful that there is an AEON Bank ATM.
船山剛司 on Google

This store is suitable for small grocery shopping. Not like a big ion. It is convenient because there are no similar stores in the neighborhood.

It's convenient because it's close, but I'm a little dissatisfied with the product lineup.
Chan Kura on Google

近所です。 コンビニ並みの利便性で、スーパー並みの安さ。いうこと無しです。 回りは住宅地で、そこまでの商圏じゃないのにコンビニが2店舗近くにあって大変ですが、ここだけは残って欲しいです!
It's a neighborhood. Convenience store-like convenience and supermarket-like cheapness. There is nothing to say. The surrounding area is a residential area, and although it is not a commercial area up to that point, there are nearly two convenience stores, so it is difficult, but I want you to stay here!

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