Aeon Bike Gyotoku Shop - Ichikawa

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aeon Bike Gyotoku Shop

住所 :

2 Chome-11-13 Gyotoku Ekimae, Ichikawa, Chiba 272-0133, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Postal code : 272-0133
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM

2 Chome-11-13 Gyotoku Ekimae, Ichikawa, Chiba 272-0133, Japan
izumi on Google

自転車のスタンドが外れたので交換をしにいったのですが、 店舗に入っても挨拶はなく、会計中だったので終わるのを待って話しかけたら、 修理か点検かとだけ聞かれ、 私は自転車のスタンドの修理か、交換する際はスタンドの金額を見たいのでどれがこの自転車に対応したスタンドなのか教えてほしいと言ったら、 もう一度イライラした口調で、修理か点検かと聞かれました。 私は確かに自転車に詳しいわけではないので見当違いな事を聞いたかもしれないけど、 流石にあの対応はどうかと思います。
Because the bicycle stand got disconnected, I went to change it, Even when I entered the store, I did not say anything, I was in the treasurer and waited for it to finish, I was only asked if it was repaired or inspected, I repair the bicycle stand or when I change it I would like to see the amount of the stand so if you say that I want you to tell me which is the stand that corresponds to this bicycle, I was asked again whether I repaired or inspected with an irritated tone. I may have heard misplaced things because I am certainly not familiar with bicycles, I think that correspondence to drift.
オマカセ on Google

I had a flat tire on a bicycle purchased at another store repaired. It was a tube change, but it was reasonably priced at 3000 yen with oil and brake adjustments.
江戸前ANAGO on Google

Murimrimri! It may be the first such a low store! What does this bicycle do not run unless you change to the chain even though it is a request to change tires and tubes? The customer does not require more than exchange, so I just have to work with it. It may be a norm but I can only proceed in the direction to make more money. I will leave it all! What is this difference though it was so polite to the couple customers? Are you a fool? Was it because it was a bad brother with a face and head like Tsukushi who supported it? It is a shop that never goes again or has a good rating.
雨宮雄大 on Google

修理お願いできますか?と聞いた瞬間に嫌な顔をされ、「時間かかるけど」と一言。見てもいないのに言われ、すぐ出ました。目の前の古い自転車屋さんですぐに対応してもらい、直してもらえました。 1人の店員の問題ですが、もう行きたくないと思いました。
Can you repair it? The moment I heard that, I got an unpleasant face and said, "It will take time." I was told that I hadn't seen it, and it came out immediately. The old bicycle shop in front of me immediately responded and fixed it. It's a problem for one clerk, but I didn't want to go anymore.
A R on Google

I bought a bicycle. He explained not only the product but also how to ride and maintenance, and I was able to make a good purchase.
良仙手塚 on Google

女性の店員の対応は良かったが、修理してる店員は接客業という自覚がないのかな? いらっしゃいませ、ありがとうございます等当たり前の言葉も言えないのかね?知らないのかな? ミスした時はキチンとお客の目を見て謝る、そんな当たり前の事も分からないなら客商売なんかしなければ良いのに。 2度と行かないし、おすすめは出来ないと思います。
The female clerk's response was good, but I wonder if the clerk who is repairing is not aware that it is a hospitality business. Welcome, thank you, can't you say the obvious words? Don't you know When I make a mistake, I apologize by looking at the customer's eyes, and if I don't understand such a matter of course, I shouldn't do customer business. I will never go again and I don't think I can recommend it.
maru masa on Google

1月4日に自転車を購入しました。 手続きして下さった店員さんは とても親切に対応してもらいました ありがとうございました。 ただ残念なてんもありました ほかの方も言ってましたが 整備している店員は物凄く 愛想が悪かったです‼️ とても残念です
I bought a bicycle on January 4th. The clerk who took the procedure I was very kind to you Thank you very much. However, there was also a disappointment Others have said The clerk who is maintaining is tremendous It was unfriendly! ️ It is very disappointing
abdul rozaq latif fauzan on Google

There is many choice for family bike. Only new bicycle and repair.

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