
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ねぼけ酒場

住所 :

Achi, Kurashiki, 〒710-0055 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
街 : Okayama

Achi, Kurashiki, 〒710-0055 Okayama,Japan
Satomu Murata on Google

もろキュウ出てくるまで30分。 出てきたら 冷凍もののキュウリです。 とにかく遅い。 ただ値段は安い。 缶詰がおいてある理由がよくわかった
It takes 30 minutes for the kyu to come out. When it comes out, it is a frozen cucumber. Anyway it's slow. However, the price is cheap. I understand why there are canned foods
kazuta kazuta on Google

カウンター+アルファの小さなお店。一番街の中にあり、名前どおり朝方まで開いているお店。 アットホームなメニューや缶詰め。そして気さくなマスター。 お酒を飲み足りない人にはオススメ。
Small shop with counter + alpha. A shop that is located in the first town and is open until morning as the name suggests. At-home menus and canned food. And friendly master. Recommended for those who do not drink enough.
HR ST on Google

This is a small shop that has only one counter seat and a four-seat table in the back. The atmosphere is good, and there are a wide variety of sake dishes at reasonable prices. Fried twice, Engawa yukke, Neapolitan on an iron plate, delicious.
pod yoo on Google

気さくで人情味溢れる店長さんが作る焼き飯や揚げ出し豆腐は最高でした! お酒もとても美味しかったです。ご馳走様でした!!
The cooked rice and fried tofu made by the friendly and friendly store manager were the best! The sake was also very delicious. It was a treat! !
hhrk on Google

It's a good restaurant that is delicious and cheap. As of 21/7/29, it was temporarily closed on the MAP, but it has resumed.
兼高宏行 on Google

It's a small space and a cozy space, and anyway, the rice is delicious no matter what you eat ✨ ✨ A shop that makes you want to go every week ?
N I on Google

Napolitan and homemade cheese kimchi are delicious. The price is reasonable. I'm doing it late. I'm going to go.
Kazya Nagano on Google

倉敷駅前の大きい通りと商店街らしき通りの間のひとつめの信号の先にある小さめのお店。岡山県と思しきお客さんたちが『やすっ』と言っていました。カウンター数席とテーブル席ひとつなので、三、四名なら予約したほうが良さそうです。 楽しくおいしい定番メニューも、黒板オススメのメニューもあり、きっと何回来ても楽しめそうですね!
A small shop at the end of the first signal between the large street in front of Kurashiki Station and the shopping street. Customers who thought it was Okayama Prefecture said "Yasut". Since there are several seats at the counter and one at the table, it seems better to book for 3 or 4 people. There are fun and tasty classic menus, as well as blackboard recommended menus.

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