Abe Tama Center Medical Clinic - Tama

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Abe Tama Center Medical Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-22-2 Tsurumaki, Tama, Tokyo 206-0034, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 206-0034
Webサイト : https://abetama-naika.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM

1 Chome-22-2 Tsurumaki, Tama, Tokyo 206-0034, Japan
ちゃんまな on Google

Very nice teachers & nurses. Thank you for your help many times. You will be asked to listen carefully to your symptoms and give a polite explanation. In addition, referrals to university hospitals are smooth, and you can always give advice in consideration of the worst.
M K on Google

The waiting time is long, but I think it is worth going to this clinic more than that. The examination was short but accurate. Please explain why you made the decision. In addition, since it was a medical checkup before the consecutive holidays, if this medicine did not improve by the first day of the consecutive holidays, even though I did not ask for this, I was introduced to other hospitals that are open continuously .
i shinoo on Google

先生が丁寧に診察してくださります。 体調不良で心身ともに弱っている中、思いやりのある言葉をかけてくださり心強かったです。 先生も看護師の方たちも親切です。 引っ越してきて、かかりつけ医がおらず不安でしたが、こちらを受診してよかったです。
The teacher will consult you carefully. It was encouraging to speak with compassionate words as my physical and physical condition was weak. Teachers and nurses are kind. I was moved and moved, and I was worried because I didn't have a family doctor.
Tac Foothills on Google

I've been here since the opening because the teacher gives me accurate and good medical examinations, but recently I've been refused to go elsewhere because I'm a specialist in cardiovascular medicine at the reception. In internal medicine, it is normal for many elderly people to wait at the entrance before the reception, but was it so that there were few patients? Unfortunately I won't go anymore
hito poke on Google

他の方もおっしゃっていますが、とても丁寧に患者の話を聞き誠実な対応をしてくださると感じています。 健康診断の結果の「要受診」の項目の受診で行きました。 その項目について私自身は詳しくなかったのですが、検査した上で今の状況や気をつけること・気にしなくていいことを大変わかりやすく説明しアドバイスをくださいました。 私が体調を崩しやすいこともあり、別件でかかる際もその項目を考慮した意見をくださったり、事によっては「その診察はその専門家がいいですよ」と別の病院を紹介してくださったりと、自身の専門しっかり意識し責任を持って対処してくださるイメージです。 人によっては、その辺りの対応が疑問に思う方もいるのかなと思いますが、私個人としては医療のような責任が重く分野も広い職業で、気休めや中途半端な対応をされる方が怖いので、患者の話をよく聞き柔軟な対応をしてくださる先生が近くにいることをとても心強く感じています。
As other people have said, I feel that they listen to patients very carefully and respond in good faith. I went to see the item "Needs a medical examination" as a result of the health examination. I wasn't familiar with that item, but after inspecting it, he explained the current situation, what to watch out for, and what I didn't have to worry about, and gave me some advice. Sometimes I get sick easily, so even if I have a different case, he will give me an opinion considering the item, and in some cases, he will introduce me to another hospital saying, "The specialist is good for the examination." It is an image that you are conscious of your own specialty and deal with it responsibly. I think that some people may wonder about the response in that area, but for me personally, it is a profession with a heavy responsibility such as medical care and a wide range of fields, and it is better to take a rest and halfway response. I'm scared, so I feel very reassured that there is a teacher nearby who listens to the patients and responds flexibly.
nori nori on Google

循環器の先生です。 循環器系以外の症状がある人には受付で他のクリニックを紹介されているのをよく見かけます。 他を当たった方がいいと思いますけどどうしますか?…と言われたら、じゃあ他に行きますってなりますよね。 終了時間間際になると受付にやたら人がいて圧が強いのも気になります。 今日はどんな症状ですかー? って大きな声で聞くのが 昔ながらの受付って感じですね。 先生はこちらの質問などにもしっかり答えてくれ、こちらの意向も尊重してくれる感じです。 その分、待ち時間が長くなるのは仕方ないですね。
I am a cardiovascular teacher. People with symptoms other than the cardiovascular system are often referred to other clinics at the reception. I think you should hit the other, but what do you do? If you are told ... then you will go elsewhere. I'm also worried that there will be a lot of people at the reception just before the end time and the pressure will be strong. What are your symptoms today? I hear it in a loud voice It feels like an old-fashioned reception. The teacher answers these questions and respects my intentions. It is unavoidable that the waiting time will be longer by that amount.
小野洋平 on Google

コロナワクチンの副反応による突然訪問でした。 初診にも関わらず快よく対応していただき不安だった気持ちがスッと楽になり大変感謝しております。 丁寧な説明もわかりやすかったです。
It was a sudden visit due to a side reaction of the corona vaccine. I am very grateful that my anxiety was relieved and I was able to respond comfortably despite my first visit. The polite explanation was also easy to understand.
ageo Tamio on Google

I had a medical examination with high blood pressure, but I had you explain the treatment policy carefully and decided the treatment policy after agreement. He spoke very clearly and politely, from the inspection to the explanation of the results. I felt that he was a reliable teacher who would like to consult with me again if there was anything. I don't think anyone feels that way, so I think he is a good teacher.

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