メディアカフェポパイ 大阪江坂店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact メディアカフェポパイ 大阪江坂店

住所 :

9, Toyotsucho, Suita, 〒564-0051 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : http://www.mpo.ne.jp/osaka/tenpo/esaka_shop/esaka.htm
街 : Osaka

9, Toyotsucho, Suita, 〒564-0051 Osaka,Japan
YU NA on Google

Business seats are very good, but the business seats that can play online games are extremely narrow, and even a slim I can hardly move. I want you to manage a booth that is only about 50cm wide.
ToTo on Google

Price is normal. The number of books is also good. However, business seats are too narrow to get in and out. You should choose another seat.
りゅうとう on Google

Better than other Umeda popeye. There are many people in Umeda, but Esaka is less quiet than Umeda. The clerk is polite. The shower room is beautiful and there are two. There are many kinds of magazines and I do not get bored. It is higher in Popeye. It is a personal opinion.
tan ya on Google

It's convenient because it's a short walk from Esaka Station. The booth is quite small. The staff gave a polite explanation.
せゆ太 on Google

江坂で味はともかく少しコーヒーを飲んで休憩したいときは2番目に使いやすい。 いつも交差点のところで配っている割引券を使えば1時間300円でオープン席が使える。 コーヒーは紙コップだが一応ドトールコーヒーと書いているし、ジュース類も飲み放題。 ただし1時間をすぎると極端に高くなる不思議な料金体系なので、気を付けてください。 店員さんの教育はしっかりされていて、10年20年前のマンガ喫茶とはまったく別物になったと思います
The taste is the second most easy to use when you want to have a little coffee and take a break in Esaka. You can use the open seat for 300 yen per hour if you use the discount ticket that is always distributed at the intersection. The coffee is a paper cup, but it is written that it is Doutor coffee, and the juices are all you can drink. However, please be careful as it is a mysterious fee system that becomes extremely high after one hour. The store clerk's education is solid and I think that it was completely different from the manga cafe 10 years and 20 years ago
なかむらこうしょう on Google

Since it is directly connected to Esaka Station, you can go without getting wet in the rain ☔. (^ o ^) Quiet, clean and spacious internet cafe.
n on Google

はじめて利用しました。 入ってすぐ右側が喫煙可の場所なので少しタバコ臭を感じますが、基本的には分煙になっているので大丈夫でした! 飲み物等はカップで出てくる自販機形式で、DOUTORとコラボしたコーヒーの機械やお味噌汁などスープ系も充実していたのでありがたかったです。 広くて清潔感あってよかったです◎ スタッフさんも若いけど丁寧でしっかりしている感じで安心感がありました。 ただ、個室の扉が透明になっているのは驚きでした。
I used it for the first time. As soon as you enter, the right side is a smoking area, so you can feel a little cigarette smell, but basically it was a smoke separation, so it was okay! The drinks, etc. were in the form of vending machines that come out in cups, and I was grateful for the coffee machine that collaborated with DOUTOR and the soup system such as miso soup. I am glad that it is spacious and clean ◎ The staff was young, but I felt secure and polite. However, it was amazing that the door of the private room was transparent.
エルメス on Google

ポパイの中でも 良い店だと思いました。 ただ 空気悪い感じでした。
I thought it was one of the best shops in Popeye. It just felt bad.

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