81 clinic - Suita

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

大阪吹田市・江坂で美容皮膚科・美容外科なら、『81clinic』へ - 81clinic.com


Contact 81 clinic

住所 :

日本興業ビル 9F 9-15 Toyotsucho, Suita, Osaka 564-0051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87797
Postal code : 564-0051
Webサイト : https://81clinic.com/

日本興業ビル 9F 9-15 Toyotsucho, Suita, Osaka 564-0051, Japan
Kちゃん on Google

キャンペーンの安さにつられ、4回コースを契約しました。今もまだ通院中で、3回をおえましたが、確かに痛くないし、施術時間は短いですが効果もゼロです。 最初の看護師さんはすごく感じがよく、話も聞いてくれ、照射の際も色々話しながら進めてくれましたが、2回目はたどたどしく終了。3回目は慣れてる感じはあるもののすごく雑な感じがして、最後に『気になるところはありますか?』と聞かれて、ここをもう少しして欲しいです。気になります。と、丁寧にお願いしたところ、ちゃんと施術してるんですけど?といわれ、全く取り合ってもらえず、なんのために聞いたん?状態でした。 医師も、あざ消しを聞いたら、15万くらいかかると言われましたが、別の美容皮膚科行ったら2万くらいでといわれ信用できません。 まだ回数は残ってますが本当に返金して欲しいくらい後悔してます。
Due to the cheapness of the campaign, I signed up for the course four times. I'm still going to the hospital, and I've done it 3 times, but it certainly doesn't hurt, and the treatment time is short, but the effect is zero. The first nurse felt very good, listened to the story, and talked about various things during the irradiation, but the second one ended in a traumatic manner. The third time, I feel like I'm used to it, but it feels very rough, and at the end, "Are there any points you care about?" I want you to do a little more here. I'm curious. When I asked politely, I was treated properly, but it was said that ?, and I couldn't get it at all, so what did you ask for? It was in a state. The doctor also said that it would take about 150,000 when I heard the bruise, but I can't trust it because it is said that it will take about 20,000 if I go to another cosmetology dermatologist. There are still times left, but I regret it so much that I really want a refund.
松本祥平 on Google

眉毛のメンズアートメイクを やってもらいました。 院内の雰囲気も良く 接客も丁寧で 事前説明と同意説明も 凄く時間をかけて丁寧に しっかりやってもらいました。 1回目、上手くデザインに関して 伝えることができずクレームのような 形になってお騒がせしてしまいました。 2回目は希望のデザインを きちんと伝えることができ イメージ通りの眉毛にしてもらいました 眉の形に関する カウンセリングに関しては どんな眉毛にしたいかの 自分の希望をしっかり伝えるのが 大切だなと思いました。
Men's permanent makeup for eyebrows I had you do it. The atmosphere in the hospital is also good The customer service is also polite Prior explanation and consent explanation Take a lot of time and politely I got it done well. The first time, regarding the design well I can't tell, like a complaint It took shape and made a noise. The second time is the desired design I can tell you properly I had my eyebrows as I imagined Regarding the shape of the eyebrows Regarding counseling What kind of eyebrows do you want Communicating your wishes I thought it was important.
飯田朋絵 on Google

I was suspected of having AGA because of severe hair loss, and I was prescribed an internal medicine for diffuse alopecia. I think it is a clinic with many types of hair loss treatment in Osaka. I have been using it for a month, so I would like to wait patiently for the effect to come out.
yumi S on Google

カウンセラーのお姉さんがいつもマスクが浮いてて話すたびにずれていくのが気になります。 鼻との隙間が2センチは空いてるのでわざとその付け方してるのでしょうか… 看護師さんはとても親切で丁寧に施術してくださいます。
I'm worried that the counselor's older sister always has the mask floating and shifts every time she talks. There is a gap of 2 cm between the nose, so I wonder if I intentionally attach it ... The nurses are very kind and polite.
剛力こいと on Google

大阪って美容系のクリニックがたくさんあるので、どこで二重整形するかかなり悩んだんですが、こちらに来て大正解でした! デザインがめっちゃ気に入ってます。 接客も良いので、これを機に脱毛でも通うことにしました★
There are many beauty clinics in Osaka, so I was really worried about where to do double plastic surgery, but I came here and it was a great answer! I really like the design. The customer service is also good, so I decided to take this opportunity to go for hair removal ★
タカノミサ on Google

前から利用している大阪江坂のクリニックです。 今現在は、産後の抜け毛に悩み、AGA治療でお世話になっています。 先生もスタッフさんも親切で雰囲気が良いですし、診療内容が多岐にわたるので困った時はいつもココ!って決めてます。
It is a clinic in Esaka, Osaka that I have been using for a long time. Right now, I am suffering from hair loss after childbirth and am indebted to AGA treatment. The teachers and staff are kind and the atmosphere is good, and the medical treatment is diverse, so whenever you have a problem, click here! I have decided.
新汐里 on Google

I go through laser hair removal, but the treatment time is short and easy even though it is a whole body hair removal. I have experienced other hair loss in Osaka, but I don't really want to tell you because it is less painful and the price is reasonable.
池原ぽむ on Google

I've heard that if the light is too strong, it will cause stains, so I researched various things in Osaka and chose this one, which allows for the latest laser hair removal. I found a good medical hair removal because there was less pain and the irradiation was completed in a blink of an eye! I feel like.

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