ユーカリ荘 - Matsue

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ユーカリ荘

住所 :

ユーカリ荘 82 Kitahoricho, Matsue, Shimane 690-0888, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 690-0888
Webサイト : http://yukari-sou.com/

ユーカリ荘 82 Kitahoricho, Matsue, Shimane 690-0888, Japan
みー on Google

A very relaxing general store in an old house
SiH LAS ALAS on Google

Pretty old private house general shop.
坪倉岳 on Google

The store manager and the store clerk are very kind and the product description is polite.
山本ねこ(ねこさん) on Google

雰囲気がいいてす。 雑貨もあって楽しめます。
The atmosphere is nice. There are also miscellaneous goods and you can enjoy it.
Masa Kanno on Google

A stylish select shop. The parking lot is steep. Pay attention to parking operation rather than mistaken steps. Especially automatic cars.
岳石倉 on Google

品揃えが独特。店の造りがオシャレ。オリジナリティーという言葉を使うことが許される店舗かな。 店舗前に車を停める時は要注意。運転苦手なら避けた方がいいかも。
Assortment is unique. The shop is fashionable. Is it a store that is allowed to use the word originality? Be careful when you park your car in front of the store. If you are not good at driving, you may want to avoid it.
Youki YOSHIOKA on Google

お洒落なインテリアをたくさん取り揃えているお店で非常にオススメです。 僕もほとんどのインテリアをこちらのお店で揃えています。店員さんもとても明るく素敵な接客で迎えてくれます。商品に対する知識も豊富で、気持ちよく購買意欲を刺激してくれます。
It is highly recommended in the shop that has a lot of stylish interiors. I also have most of the interiors in this shop. The clerk also welcomes you with a very bright and nice service. They have a wealth of product knowledge and are comfortable and motivated to purchase.
pint pint on Google

店員さん(店長さんになるのか?)が、一点一点、品物をちゃんと把握している様子。聞けばキチンと一々補足説明をしてくれた。 補足。遠方からの観光客向けではないようなので、商品が松江ならではのモノなのかは確認しながら店内を物色しましょう。私は気に入ったものは買っちゃいましたけど。
The store clerk (will you become the store manager?) Seems to be grasping each item one by one. If you ask me, he will give you a supplementary explanation. Supplement. It seems that it is not for tourists from afar, so let's look inside the store while checking whether the product is unique to Matsue. I bought what I liked, though.

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