ダイワ衣裳店 - Toyohashi

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ダイワ衣裳店

住所 :

73-23 Higashishinmachi, Toyohashi, Aichi 440-0812, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 440-0812
Webサイト : http://www.bridal-daiwa.jp/

73-23 Higashishinmachi, Toyohashi, Aichi 440-0812, Japan
j-rossoグループオーナー on Google

I am doing my best without losing to corona. Please come and join us.
ひづる on Google

The old female clerk who was in charge was very nice and nice.
ダイワ衣裳 on Google

We have a wide variety of kimonos and accessories. There are not only kimonos but also party dresses, formal dresses, wedding dresses, etc. We also rent men's kimonos, doubles and mornings at reasonable prices.
Ma F on Google

It is a store that sells costumes for various genres. We can consult only small items such as wedding gowns, wedding gowns, shrine visits, seventy-three, kids dresses, graduation hakama, furisode, sleeves, visiting clothes, men's kimonos, men's formal dresses, women's formal dresses.
細井柚依 on Google

今回はありがとうございました。 今っぽい柄で友達とも被らず、好評でこの振袖が着れてよかったです。 またの機会があったら、よろしくお願いしたいです。
Thank you for this time. I am glad that this kimono was worn in a popular style without a friend with my current pattern. If there is another opportunity, I would like to ask.
ayap 99 on Google

とても素敵な振袖を着させていただいて、 一生に一度の思い出になりました。 前撮りもとても楽しくて、優しく親切なスタッフの方々で大変助かりました。
I'm wearing a very nice kimono, It was a once in a lifetime memory. The previous shoot was also very fun, and the kind and helpful staff were very helpful.
ARI F on Google

There are many elegant kimonos. You can rent high-class items at reasonable prices, such as small belts. We were able to rent a wedding costume at a very reasonable price compared to the wedding hall. I rented Kimono at the ceremony, but the cost was very low and I was saved. It is also possible to take wedding anniversary photos, so it is recommended for couples who want to reduce wedding costs. Also, your hobby? There are rare and famous high-grade color stakes, and there are costumes suitable for a once-in-a-lifetime sunny stage.
橋本定治 on Google

今年娘の成人式でお世話になりました。 実は長男の成人式で着物をレンタルしたのがきっかけでした。息子の時は何も分からない我々をリードし 素晴らしい着物を選んで頂き、今回の娘の場合 今時の娘 最初「黒の無地の着物着たい!」と言っていたのを巧みなセールストークで全く違う柄の着物を選んで頂きました。 感謝しか有りません!
I was taken care of by my daughter's coming-of-age ceremony this year. Actually, I rented a kimono at the coming-of-age ceremony of my eldest son. Leading us who don't know anything when we are sons I had you choose a wonderful kimono, and in the case of this daughter, my daughter at this time said "I want to wear a plain black kimono!", But with a skillful sales talk, she chose a kimono with a completely different pattern. There is only gratitude!

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