7-Eleven - Hamamatsu

2.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 7-Eleven

住所 :

2 Chome-7-1 Higashiiba, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 432-8036, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 432-8036
Webサイト : http://www.sej.co.jp/
Description : Convenience chain offering grab-&-go bites & beverages, plus assorted newsstand items.

2 Chome-7-1 Higashiiba, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 432-8036, Japan
北川幹男 on Google

It is the lowest convenience store! ? High school out of the high school to send a reply that does not answer the customer question
ゆきかぜ on Google

近くて便利 商工会議所にあるだけあって浜松市のゆるキャラグッツや名産品を扱っているが売れているのを見たことがない
Near and convenient As it is in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, it deals with Yuru Caragutz and special products of Hamamatsu City, but I have never seen it sell
滝健一 on Google

帰り道にあって利用はしてるけど。 店員がひどい。 セブンアプリ出しているにもかかわらず商品の読み込みが先。 ずっと出してなきゃならない。 接客業なんじゃないの? もう利用しないと思う。
I'm using it on my way home. The clerk is terrible. Even though the Seven App is released, the product is loaded first. I have to put it out all the time. Isn't it a hospitality business? I don't think I will use it anymore.
9 k on Google

会計時一言も喋らない店員がいて不快だった(早朝) 支払いも機械で行うのでこれならいない方がマシ
It was unpleasant because there was a clerk who didn't speak a word at the time of accounting (early morning) Payment is also done by machine, so it is better not to do this
秋庭誠 on Google

Since the shape of the building is special, the product layout is such that the inside of the store is a little complicated. We also sell souvenirs from Hamamatsu City, including Ieyasu.
p gggl on Google

二十歳くらいの小柄でショートボブの女性の態度最悪でした。 品出し中通路を完全に塞ぎ無愛想な態度 レジ打ちも人をにらみつける様な態度で非常に醜く感じた
The attitude of a small, short bob woman about 20 years old was the worst. Completely blocking the aisle during product delivery and unfriendly attitude I felt very ugly at the cash register with an attitude that looked at people
加藤忠宏 on Google

If you visit the Hamamatsu Chamber of Commerce for work, you will stop by. This time I bought jam bread and coffee because it was predicted that there would be traffic jams until I got home. You can enter and exit from the Chamber of Commerce and the parking lot. By the way, I charged paypay for tomorrow's shopping.
七転び八起き on Google

商工会議所のコロナワクチン接種で2回だけ立ち寄った。 女の子の店員の接客態度が酷く、2回とも不快な思いをした。 「いらっしゃいませ」無し、「ありがとうございました」無し。 「タッチパネルでお支払い下さい」だけ言われた。 工場の流れ作業やってる感覚なんだろね。 あの接客の酷さでも、立地がいいから店は潰れないだろうな。 商工会議所から安定して客は流れて来るだろうし。 ワクチン接種3回目があっても、私はもう利用しません。 なかなか記憶に残るお店でした。
I stopped by only twice for the corona vaccination of the Chamber of Commerce. The customer service attitude of the girl clerk was terrible, and I felt uncomfortable both times. No "Welcome", no "Thank you". I was just told, "Please pay with the touch panel." It feels like you're doing assembly line work in a factory. Even with that terrible customer service, the store will not collapse because of its good location. Customers will flow steadily from the Chamber of Commerce. Even if I have the third vaccination, I will not use it anymore. It was a very memorable shop.

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