中村橋整体院 - Nerima City

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中村橋整体院

住所 :

青木ビル 603 3 Chome-23-6 Nakamurakita, Nerima City, Tokyo 176-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 176-0023
Webサイト : https://www.yellow-chiro.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM

青木ビル 603 3 Chome-23-6 Nakamurakita, Nerima City, Tokyo 176-0023, Japan
島尾真 on Google

駅前にあり、ロケーションは抜群です。落ち着いた雰囲気の中で、リラックスして施術が受けられます。 坐骨神経痛で左側の臀部、左膝、左足首にかなりの痛みがあったのですが、週1~2回ペースで1か月ほど通ううち、痛みはほとんど収まりました。 整体というと、バキバキボキボキのイメージを抱いていましたが、とてもソフトタッチの施術で、いつの間にか体がゆるんでほぐれていくのが不思議です。 家で簡単にできるセルフケアもいろいろ教えてくださるので、助かっています。
Located in front of the station, the location is excellent. You can relax and receive treatment in a calm atmosphere. I had a lot of pain in my left buttock, left knee, and left ankle due to sciatica, but after going once or twice a week for about a month, the pain almost subsided. When it comes to manipulative treatment, I had the image of being bubbly, but it is strange that the body loosens and loosens before I know it, with a very soft touch treatment. I am grateful that he teaches me various self-care that I can easily do at home.
山川奈々恵 on Google

ここ2年間位、右股関節の痛みに悩まされてきました。 別の整体院では良くならず、大きな病院でMRI検査も受け、軽度の股関節変形症との診断も受けましたが痛み止めや炎症止めの薬を処方され様子見とのことでした。 このままでは、一生痛みと付き合う事になると思い再度検索していて中村橋整体院を発見しました! 初回から先生は痛みの原因が他にある事を見つけてくださり、日々のストレッチ等もご指導下さり早くも痛みが和らいできています。 早く痛みを気にせずスポーツを楽しみたいです!!
I have been suffering from pain in my right hip for the last two years. It didn't improve at another manipulative clinic, and I had an MRI examination at a large hospital and was diagnosed with mild hip deformity, but I was prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs and waited. I thought that I would have a pain for the rest of my life, so I searched again and found Nakamurabashi Seitaiin! From the first time, the teacher found out that there was another cause of the pain, and the pain was relieved as soon as possible with the guidance of daily stretching. I want to enjoy sports as soon as possible without worrying about pain! !!
E O on Google

今は歩ける喜びを感じています! 運動中に右の股関節に痛みを感じ、歩くと激痛が走ったのが始まりです。一番悪化した時は5分も歩き続けることができず、スーパーでの買い物すら難しい状態でした。整形外科で、レントゲンに問題はないので安静にするよう指示されましたが1ヶ月経っても改善せず。次に接骨院に通院してみたのですが、股関節周りのマッサージを2週間続けたら痛みが悪化してしまいました。「まだ40代なのに、この先、歩けなくなるのでは・・・」と不安ばかりの毎日でした。 良くなるためなら何でもやってみよう!とネットの情報を調べまくり、中村橋整体院にたどりつきました。丁寧な問診、テストを経て、股関節が原因ではないことが判明。その後、初めて体験するソフトな整体を受けました。驚くことに、2回目の施術を終えた時には、ほぼ痛みは感じないほどに回復。1ヶ月半悩み続けた痛みが、たった2回の通院で消えてしまい、今でも信じられない気持ちです。料金が高めなので、行くまでは躊躇しましたが、思い切って試した自分をほめてあげたい! まだ違和感と軽い痛みは残っているので、しっかり改善するまで通院しようと思っています。
I feel the joy of walking now! I felt pain in my right hip joint while exercising, and when I walked, I started to have severe pain. When it got worse, I couldn't keep walking for 5 minutes, and even shopping at the supermarket was difficult. In the orthopedic surgery, I was instructed to rest because there was no problem with the X-ray, but it did not improve even after one month. Next, I went to the osteopathic clinic, but after continuing the massage around the hip joint for 2 weeks, the pain worsened. "I'm still in my 40s, but I may not be able to walk in the future ..." I was worried every day. Let's do anything to get better! I searched the information on the internet and arrived at Nakamurabashi Seitaiin. After careful interviews and tests, it was found that the hip joint was not the cause. After that, I received a soft manipulative treatment that I experienced for the first time. Surprisingly, when I finished the second treatment, I felt almost no pain. The pain I had been suffering for a month and a half disappeared after just two visits, and I still feel unbelievable. The price is high, so I hesitated until I went, but I want to praise myself for taking the plunge! I still have some discomfort and mild pain, so I'm thinking of going to the hospital until it improves.
丹地有紀 on Google

2年前仕事中に左肩を痛めてしまい、整形外科を受診し、痛み止めの注射や電気治療を行ってきました。 一時的に痛みは緩和されたが、根本的な痛みの解消にはなりませんでした。。 時間の経過とともに痛みは増し、腕はほとんど上がらなくなり、夜中も痛みで目が覚めるようになり、生活にも仕事にも支障が出て、憂鬱な毎日を送っていました。 黄田先生の整体院を知り、治療を受けることに決めました。 先生はとても優しいお人柄で、説明も丁寧。また肩だけではなく頭の先から足の先まで決め細やかな施術を行って下さり、2ヶ月経った今、痛みは驚く程軽減し、腕も上がるようになり、身体全体に大きな変化を感じています。 おまけに痛みで夜中に目が覚めることもなくなりました。 痛みのない生活を目指して、これからも頑張って先生の施術を受けていこうと思っています。
Two years ago, I hurt my left shoulder while working, so I went to an orthopedic surgeon and gave painkiller injections and electrical treatment. The pain was temporarily relieved, but it did not eliminate the underlying pain. .. Over time, my pain increased, my arms barely lifted, I woke up with pain during the night, and my life and work were hindered, leading to a depressed life. I learned about Dr. Koda's manipulative clinic and decided to receive treatment. The teacher is a very kind person and the explanation is polite. In addition to the shoulders, he performed delicate treatments from the tip of the head to the tip of the foot, and now, two months later, the pain has been remarkably reduced, the arms have risen, and I feel a big change in the whole body. I have. In addition, I no longer wake up in the middle of the night due to pain. Aiming for a pain-free life, I will continue to do my best to receive the treatment of the teacher.
長谷川文子 on Google

首と肩の痛みで整形外科に行くと頚椎椎間板ヘルニアと診断されました。 牽引と電気治療器の治療を続けてもなかなか良くならず、色々調べて中村橋整体院にたどり着きました。 先生は私の体の状態をきちんと聞いてくれて、それに合わせた施術を丁寧にして下さいます。また、日常のストレッチ方法も色々アドバイスして頂き、仕事中の痛みもあまり感じなくなってきました。 まだこちらに通って数回ですが、完治まで先生を信じて頑張っていきたいと思います。
When I went to orthopedic surgery for neck and shoulder pain, I was diagnosed with a cervical disc hernia. Even if I continued the treatment of traction and electrotherapy device, it did not improve easily, so I investigated various things and arrived at Nakamurabashi Seitaiin. The teacher will listen to my physical condition and will carefully perform the treatment according to it. In addition, I received various advice on how to stretch everyday, and I feel less pain during work. I have been to this place several times, but I will continue to believe in my teacher and do my best until he is completely cured.
松本はるか on Google

私は、ストレートネックで慢性的に首や肩に凝りと痛みがあり、 整骨院、整形外科、鍼灸院などいくつもの院を受診して来ました。 しかし、いずれも完治には至らず、首や肩については半ば諦めていました。 今回は産後で腰に歪みを感じて、整体を探しており、 口コミの評価がかなり高かったのと、全身を診て頂けること、 赤ちゃん連れでも施術可能との事で来院しました。 施術の流れとしては、関節の可動範囲や痛みがある箇所などを診て頂いた後に、 施術、効果を確認という感じでした。 自分の可動域の狭さに悲しくなりつつも、施術後、目に見えて変化があり、驚きました。 失礼ながら、当初は半信半疑な部分もあったのですが 初回から1週間が経ち、特に、肩凝りが嘘の様に改善した事と、 立っている時の重心のかかり方が変わった事で、効果を実感しています。 また、抱っこ紐での抱っこの仕方、赤ちゃんの抱き上げ方を教えて頂いたのですが 目から鱗で、日常の負担が軽減しました。 今後は良くなって来た姿勢を維持出来る様に、無意識でしている癖に気をつけたり、 教えて頂いたマッサージをしたりして完治を目指したいです。 私と同じ様な症状で悩んでいる方が居たら、おすすめしたい整体院です。
I have a straight neck and chronic stiffness and pain in my neck and shoulders I have visited several hospitals such as osteopathic clinic, orthopedic surgery, and acupuncture and moxibustion clinic. However, none of them were completely cured, and I gave up halfway on my neck and shoulders. This time, I felt distortion in my lower back after giving birth, and I am looking for a manipulative treatment. The word-of-mouth evaluation was quite high, and you can see the whole body, I came to the hospital because it is possible to perform the procedure even with a baby. The procedure is as follows: After examining the range of motion of the joint and the painful area, It was like confirming the treatment and effect. Although I was sad about my narrow range of motion, I was surprised to see a visible change after the procedure. Excuse me, but at first I was skeptical. It's been a week since the first time, and especially the stiff shoulders have improved like a lie. I feel the effect by changing the way the center of gravity is applied when standing. Also, I was taught how to hold a baby with a carrying strap and how to lift a baby. The scales from the eyes reduced the daily burden. In the future, be careful of unconscious habits so that you can maintain your improved posture. I would like to aim for a complete cure by doing the massage that I was taught. If anyone is suffering from symptoms similar to mine, I would recommend this manipulative clinic.
M Hoshi on Google

I want to improve my back pain that continues after childbirth, pelvic correction, and long-standing stooping. The teacher will tell you the cause and points for improvement in a very polite and easy-to-understand manner. They will also teach you how to stretch at home, so you can work hard to improve your consciousness. When I first started, I thought I was just stroking my body, but it alleviated my back pain and improved my posture. This may be called a god hand ... I think I can continue to do my best with my teacher.
Takeshi Shiina on Google

1ヶ月程前に、左足が痛くて歩くのが困難になってしまい、診て頂いています。 院内は綺麗で、かわいらしい鏡餅の置物があったり、とても暖かい雰囲気と思います。 まずはじめに、時間を掛けてしっかりと話を聞いてくださり、 また、体を実際に動かしてみて、どのようにすると痛むのかなど、とても丁寧に診てくださっています。 施術はソフトなのですが、効果を実感していて、週ごとに良くなっている感じがしています。 現在は歩けるようになり、とても嬉しく思っています。 また、健康のためのサプリメントや、日常でできるストレッチなども教えてくださり、 何でも相談させて頂けて、とても有り難く思っています。
About a month ago, my left leg hurt and it became difficult to walk, so I had a medical examination. The inside of the hospital is beautiful, and there are cute kagami mochi figurines, and I think it has a very warm atmosphere. First of all, please take the time to listen carefully. In addition, he actually moves his body and gives a very careful examination of how it hurts. The treatment is soft, but I feel the effect and it is getting better every week. I am very happy to be able to walk now. Also, please tell me about supplements for health and stretching that you can do in your daily life. I am very grateful to be able to discuss anything.

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