SEIYU Nakamurabashi - Nerima City

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact SEIYU Nakamurabashi

住所 :

3 Chome-23-7 Nakamurakita, Nerima City, Tokyo 176-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Postal code : 176-0023
Webサイト :

3 Chome-23-7 Nakamurakita, Nerima City, Tokyo 176-0023, Japan
mささ on Google

駐輪ラックが狭すぎる 例えば15番と17番に幅の広くて重たい電動自転車が停められていると16番しか空いているラックがないのに空間が少な過ぎてその16番にママチャリを停めることができない。 逆に15番に電動自転車が停められていて16番に私がママチャリを停める。17番は空いているのを確認して店内に入る。買い物を終えて17番に電動自転車が停められていると間に挟まれた16番のママチャリを1人で出すことが出来ない。 狭すぎる。 先日は知らないおばちゃんが手伝ってくれたので何とか出せました。 狭すぎる。
Bicycle parking rack is too narrow For example, if wide and heavy electric bicycles are parked at Nos. 15 and 17, there is only 16 empty racks, but the space is too small to park Mamachari at 16th. On the contrary, the electric bicycle is parked at No. 15, and I park my bike at No. 16. Make sure that number 17 is vacant and enter the store. When the electric bicycle is parked at No. 17 after shopping, the No. 16 mamachari sandwiched between them cannot be taken out by one person. It's too narrow. The other day, an unfamiliar aunt helped me, so I managed to get it out. It's too narrow.
下町言うな!“浅草の顔役”インチキガイド on Google

Seiyu = 24 hours is an image, but it's different. Because I talk about inconvenience from my belief, I thought that both ★ and rice were spicy (laughs) I had to enter the workplace before 8 o'clock. I wanted to stop by and buy rice balls and juice before heading out. It has a good reputation for cheapness, and after all, it is endorsed by everyone. Two rice balls and a juice convenience store cost around 400 yen, and Seiyu costs around 250 yen. This difference is huge! It's a poor story, but if it's a product that doesn't make much difference, it's better to be cheap. I asked him to write a series of cry of heart and dismissed (laugh)
寧々 on Google

年齢確認毎回毎回遅すぎんだよ。 あまりに店員来なすぎて食材落として最悪な状況に… 狭い店舗なのに状況把握出来ないなら増員するとか何かしら対策あるでしょ? あまりに周囲に気配り出来きないスタッフ多過ぎる
It's too late every time I check my age. The clerk did not come too much and dropped the ingredients in the worst situation ... If you can't grasp the situation even though it's a small store, you should increase the number of staff or take some measures, right? There are too many staff who can not be attentive to the surroundings
CoCo on Google

他店で購入した商品を袋に入れたら万引き犯扱いされました 他店が閉店間際で急いでいた為袋お願いしなかった私も悪いかもしれないけど、西友さんに売られてない商品+盗んだ?盗った所を目撃されたのですか?そんな事は身に覚えないにも関わらず、他のお客様いらっしゃる所で声がけ… レシート見せると謝罪無し… 嫌な気持ちにしかなりません
I was treated as a shoplifter when I put a product purchased at another store in a bag I didn't ask for a bag because another store was in a hurry just before closing, but it may be bad, but did you steal a product that wasn't sold to Seiyu? Have you been witnessed where you stole it? Even though I don't remember such a thing, I speak to other customers ... No apology when showing the receipt ... I just feel uncomfortable
Janu Khadka on Google

It is very expensive thank other seiyu
Igor Kostarnov on Google

A little bit too small to be useful.
Ivan Chukoff on Google

This evening (Friday, the 14 of September, 2018), about 10 p. m. I was waiting for about 10 minutes to get to the register and pay for my stuff. There was a looong cue of customers that was being served by 1 staff only. It was my 1st time to have such a bad customers' service for about 1 year and 3 months that I have been living here. Friday late evening. Many people buy food from this shop. And only 1 person to serve them. Horrible service.
Yukiko Akiyama on Google

Since it is a small Seiyu there are not many variety of mercandices

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