
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大梁餃子

住所 :

6 Chome−15, Nishinippori, Arakawa City, 〒116-0013 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88978
街 : Tokyo

6 Chome−15, Nishinippori, Arakawa City, 〒116-0013 Tokyo,Japan
R O on Google

本格中華料理です。料理が速く出るし、普通のチェン店にない料理もあるので、中国旅行を思い出す。汁なし坦々麺とサンドイッチのようなバオがおすすめです。もちろんダーバオ(持ち帰り)やウーバーイーツ対応。弱点って言えば、サービスが中国スタイルなので、日本人が期待するほどペコペコしないが、中国語一言でも言えば笑顔で接客してくれます。周辺に山ほどある中華料理屋さんの中で一番お世話になってます。 My favorite Chinese restaurant in the neighborhood (which is full of Chinese restaurants so that’s saying something). Very authentic so service is Chinese style and you can order delivery or to go easily. They have food you don’t see in chain restaurants like soup-less dan dan mien and the sandwich-like baos (my fave!)
It is authentic Chinese food. I think of traveling in China, because the food is served fast and some foods are not available at ordinary chain stores. The soupless Tantan noodles and Bao like a sandwich are recommended. Of course, it supports Davao (takeaway) and Uber Eats. Speaking of weaknesses, since the service is Chinese style, it is not as peppy as Japanese expect, but in a word of Chinese, they serve customers with a smile. I am the most helpful of all the Chinese restaurants in the surrounding area. My favorite Chinese restaurant in the neighborhood (which is full of Chinese restaurants so that's saying something). Very authentic so service is Chinese style and you can order delivery or to go easily.They have food you don't see in chain restaurants like soup -less dan dan mien and the sandwich-like baos (my fave!)
m r on Google

I ordered it at the delivery hall but it didn't arrive. When I make an inquiry, I hang up even though it is during business hours. It is a payment loss.
さサ on Google

ウーバーイーツでマーラー刀削麺を注文しました。 大きな器に麺とシャキシャキ野菜が溢れそうな程たっぷり入っていて(ラップ3重巻きで汁漏れ対策もバッチリ)満足度がかなり高かったです。 コクのある辛みの効いたスープでとても美味しく、他のメニューも食べてみたくなりました。また注文します!
I ordered Mahler sword noodles at Uber Eats. There was plenty of noodles and crispy vegetables overflowing in a large bowl (the wrapping triple wrapping was also perfect for juice leakage) and the satisfaction was quite high. The rich and spicy soup was very delicious and I wanted to try other menus. I will order again!
キリンキリン on Google

A Chinese restaurant near my parents' house. Since it is a corona fried noodle, take out Shanghai Yakisoba, Gome Yakisoba, and fried rice. Everything was like a big meal and I didn't eat it once. I am satisfied because the price is low and the quantity is large. Rest assured that we also deliver. I'm a Chinese chef, so it's delicious.
Lorenzo AR on Google

■平日の夜に訪問 ※現金のみ 外観は怪しい中華料理屋ですが、以外とちゃんとしています。 メニューさ「麻辣刀削麺780円」と「+小チャーハン100円」を注文。 そこまで本格的な感じではなく、日本人向けの味付けでした。 夜はデリバリーが多かったです。
■ Visit on weekday nights ※Cash only The appearance is a suspicious Chinese restaurant, but everything else is fine. I ordered the menu "Mala sword cut noodles 780 yen" and "+ small fried rice 100 yen". It wasn't so authentic, it was seasoned for Japanese people. There were many deliveries at night.
M G on Google

デリバリーで利用しました。 とても美味しく量も満足だったので、今度お店にも行ってみようと思います。
I used it for delivery. It was very delicious and I was satisfied with the amount, so I will go to the store next time.
出井健一 on Google

A signboard that is open on a half-open shutter. Lunch is mainly 700 yen to less than 800 yen. I was at a loss with the rice line, and a mini fried rice set for beef sword-cut noodles plus 100 yen. When you lift the noodles, you will feel the real distortion of the sword-cut noodles, and the noodles are chewy and delicious. The refreshing soup, the richness of beef, and the wrinkles and spiciness later came, and at the end it was sweaty and finished. The fried rice was a bonus, and the sword-cut noodles were delicious. Volume is enough. I'm sure the rice line is also delicious. I'm looking forward to returning.
Tosh H. on Google

三河島近くの中華屋さん。 お店の外観は怪しいけど、店内は中国のローカルな食堂みたいなゆるい雰囲気。 老板は麺食文化発祥と言われる山西省出身。もちもち噛み応えの刀削麺や分厚い皮の水餃子美味しいです。 ただ、汁物の刀削麺がイマイチ。安っぽい顆粒の鶏ガラスープみたいな感じ。麻辣とかで誤魔化せば気にならないだろうけど。 製麺された刀削麺や乾物の刀削麺を使うようないい加減なお店が多い中、せっかく熟練の技術で削がれた麺が美味しいのに勿体ないと思う。 こちらでは焼き刀削麺が好き。 孜然羊肉炒刀削面(羊肉のクミン炒め刀削麺)。クミンがっつり唐辛子も効いていて、じわじわと辛くなってくる。 一皿の量多めだけど、まるでエスニックなカレー味で飽きずに食べられた。 関係ないけど歳をとってくるともやしとかニラ、胡麻とか小さい種が歯に挟まって困るよね。 歯が磨けないと、忘れた頃にクミンが出てきて余韻を引き摺るのは困り物。 こちらのオープン当初はどうなるかちょっと心配だったけど、 お昼時は近隣の勤め人で混雑したり昨今の宅配需要もあるし長く続けていってほしいなと思います。
A Chinese restaurant near Mikawashima. The appearance of the restaurant is suspicious, but the interior has a loose atmosphere like a local restaurant in China. Old board is from Shanxi province, which is said to be the origin of noodle food culture. The chewy sword-cut noodles and thick-skinned dumplings are delicious. However, the soup sword-cut noodles are not good. It feels like a cheesy granule chicken glass soup. It wouldn't bother you if you cheated with Mala. There are many sloppy shops that use made sword-cut noodles and dried sword-cut noodles, but I think it's a shame that the noodles that have been sharpened with skillful techniques are delicious. I like grilled sword-cut noodles here. Stir-fried lamb sword-cut surface (sautéed lamb with cumin sword-cut noodles). Cumin is also effective with pepper, and it gradually becomes spicy. Although the amount of one plate is large, I could eat it without getting tired of it with an ethnic curry taste. It doesn't matter, but as you get older, bean sprouts, leeks, sesame seeds, and other small seeds get caught in your teeth. If you can't brush your teeth, it's a problem that cumin comes out when you forget it and drags the lingering sound. I was a little worried about what would happen at the beginning of this opening, At noon, it is crowded with workers in the neighborhood and there is a recent demand for home delivery, so I would like you to continue for a long time.

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