タサキパン - Katsushika City

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact タサキパン

住所 :

タサキパン 6 Chome-9-7 Kanamachi, Katsushika City, Tokyo 125-0042, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 125-0042
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/tasakipan/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday 9AM–6PM
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM

タサキパン 6 Chome-9-7 Kanamachi, Katsushika City, Tokyo 125-0042, Japan
石井正樹 on Google

金町駅から近くにあるこちら! とにかくパスタがモチモチして美味い! ワインもリーズナブルなものもありとても気軽に楽しめるイタリアンのお店で夫婦でよく利用させていただいてます^_^ ウニのクリームパスタは大好きでいつも頼みますし、牡蠣のパスタも美味しかったです! ただ白身のカルパッチョが味が以前よりも味がしない感じがしました^_^ (僕の味覚が変わったのかな…) 薄味というよりかは味無しに感じたので醤油をかけたいなと思うほどでここだけ残念でした! ただトータルでとても良いお店なのでこれからも利用させていただきます^_^ 亀有に新しくできたお店も行ってみようかな!って思います!
This is near Kanamachi station! Anyway, the pasta is chewy and delicious! There are also reasonable wines and it is an Italian restaurant that you can enjoy very easily, and I often use it with my husband and wife ^ _ ^ I love sea urchin cream pasta and always order it, and the oyster pasta was delicious! However, I felt that the white carpaccio tasted less than before ^ _ ^ (I wonder if my taste has changed ...) I felt it had no taste rather than a light taste, so I wanted to sprinkle soy sauce on it, which was a shame! However, it is a very good shop in total, so I will continue to use it ^ _ ^ Let's go to a new store in Kameari! I think!
Shunsuke Furukawa on Google

土曜日の19:00ぐらいに2名で来店。地域柄が家族連れが多い。店員さんは皆若く3名だけで、かなり忙しそうだったが、接客は良くストレスは全くなく料理とお酒を楽しめる。 サラダ、肉料理、魚料理、揚げ物、ピザ、デザートを一通り食べたが、どれもとても美味しくリーズナブル。 テイクアウトもやっているそうで今度頼みたい。
Two people came to the store around 19:00 on Saturday. There are many families in the area. The clerk was all young and only three people seemed to be quite busy, but the customer service was good and there was no stress at all and I could enjoy cooking and drinking. I ate salads, meat dishes, fish dishes, fried foods, pizzas, and desserts, all of which were very delicious and reasonably priced. He seems to be taking out, so I'd like to ask him next time.
なかなか on Google

I was attracted to the pictures of bread that looked delicious as I passed by. Many kinds are baked one after another and everyone wants it. The price is also reasonable. It was delicious with the chewy bread dough. I would like to buy it again.
やまだはなぁこ on Google

2日間煮込んだ特製カレーパンが本当に美味しい?お肉(柔らかい)もゴロゴロ入っていて食べ応えあるし、辛くないので小さいお子様でも問題なく食べれると思います。 パンの種類も豊富なので色々買いたくなっちゃいます。
The special curry bread stewed for 2 days is really delicious ? The meat (soft) is also lumpy and it is satisfying to eat, and it is not spicy so even small children can eat it without problems. There are many kinds of bread, so you will want to buy various kinds of bread.
_ Nagano on Google

When I visited in the morning, it was a bakery. Impression that it is small and has a solid taste. You can enjoy it in various types.
コンポタ on Google

I recommend T Campigne. A crispy texture when toasted. You can combine it with wine or cheese, or you can use it as a sandwich as you can see at the store. A bakery that is recommended for a wide range of generations, with abundant side dishes, including Anpanman bread, chocolate cream Kumasan bread and Nekochan bread for children.
足立区キャラバン乗り on Google

何食べても美味しいパン屋さんです。 ハード系からクリーム系、特に煮干しと柳葉魚のパンが絶品です。 コスパ最高です。
It's a delicious bakery no matter what you eat. Hard to creamy, especially dried sardines and Yanagiha fish bread are excellent. Cospa is the best.
Steven Forrester on Google

Great food and very reasonable price. ¥11,000 for three people including a lot of food and drinks. Birthday service was awesome too. Very nice atmosphere and friendly staff.

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