
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ベーカリーアウトレットif

住所 :

Takasu, Misato, 〒341-0037 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–3PM
Sunday 10AM–3PM
Monday 10AM–3PM
Tuesday 10AM–3PM
Wednesday 10AM–3PM
Thursday 10AM–3PM
Friday 10AM–3PM
街 : Saitama

Takasu, Misato, 〒341-0037 Saitama,Japan
レン on Google

コンビニで売ってるようなパンが何個も入ったアウトレット品がどれでも2、3個入って一袋140円と破格で買えます! 朝行くとほぼ焼きたてなのでふわっふわで本当に美味しいです。 種類も沢山あって、私が行った時はタイムセールでカレーツナマヨパンが通常サイズのものが5つ入って140円とめちゃくちゃ安かったです笑 おすすめはカレーツナマヨパン、クリームデニッシュです!他の惣菜パンもどれも美味しくてしかも安い、消費期限も3日くらいもつので何日かに分けて食べられますしとても良いです。 ちなみに普通の食パン、プレーンドッグもあって、それはなんと2袋で140円でした。朝ごはんにもいいと思います。 6袋(パンの個数で言うと16個)買って840円でした!ほんとにおすすめなので近くにあれば寄ってみてください!
You can buy a few outlet products with a lot of bread like those sold at convenience stores for 140 yen per bag! When I go in the morning, it's almost freshly baked, so it's fluffy and really delicious. There are many kinds, and when I went there, it was a time sale and it was really cheap at 140 yen with 5 regular size curry tuna mayo bread lol We recommend curry tuna mayo bread and cream danish pastry! All the other side dish breads are delicious and cheap, and the expiration date is about 3 days, so you can eat them in several days, which is very good. By the way, there was also ordinary bread and plain dog, which cost 140 yen for 2 bags. I think it's good for breakfast. I bought 6 bags (16 breads) and it was 840 yen! I really recommend it, so please stop by if you are nearby!
じゃんじゃん on Google

工場に隣接しているパン屋さんで色々なパンが安く買えます。 ついついたくさん買いすぎてしまいます。
You can buy various kinds of bread cheaply at the bakery next to the factory. I just bought too much.
森の人々 on Google

平日昼過ぎでの利用 食パン、ホットドッグ用パンの在庫は豊富だった。 菓子パンの棚は、売り切れもいくつかあるようだった。 店舗となりには3台分の駐車場があった♪
Use after noon on weekdays The stock of bread and hot dog bread was abundant. The sweet bun shelves seemed to be sold out. There was a parking lot for 3 cars next to the store ♪
大窪真澄 on Google

Bread in a bag ??? is cheap. There are regular priced items, but bread ? and sweet buns are sold cheaply in the wagon. The first two breads ? cost ¥ 140, but after a certain amount of time, three will cost ¥ 140. It closes at 3:00 pm, but it closes when the bread ??? runs out.
山川真富果 on Google

A bakery where you can line up from the morning. There are few types before noon. There are some non-standard breads, but the popular breads will disappear soon.
ka mim on Google

(2022.1月追記) 原料高の影響か、全商品150円に値上げされました。それでも人気は衰えず、菓子パンなどはわりと即完売状態です。 一見、町の郵便局みたいな外観のアウトレット店で見過ごしやすい。現金販売のみ。メインのパン類はひと袋140円で、菓子パンなら2、3個程度、食パンは一斤入っている。13時には菓子パンは売り切れてることが多い。食パンは最後まとめうりされることが多い。その日の売れ行きによってまとめうりされる時間は異なるようだ。 駐車場は2、3台しか置けないので要注意。店内撮影は禁止されている。
(2022.1 January postscript) Higher raw material of or influence, have been price increases in all items 150 yen. Still popular unabated, etc. pastry is comparatively immediately sold out. At first glance, it is easy to overlook at the post office like a appearance of the outlet stores of the town. Cash sales only. The main bread at 140 yen human bag, 2, 3 or so if pastry, bread has entered a loaf. 13 Sometimes pastry often are sold out. Bread is often the last together Uri. Time to be together Uri by sales of the day's different. Watch out because the parking lot is not put only a few units. In-store photography is prohibited.
ナオナナ on Google

とにかく安い!食パン類は2斤150円、タイムセールは、3斤で150円の時もあります。 平日は空いてます。食パンドッグパンは常にありますが、デニッシュ系等は行ってみないと分からないので半分宝探し感覚で利用してます。 先日アップルリングに遭遇、普段のお店で買うより出来立て感有りフワフワ出美味しかったです。
Anyway, it's cheap! Breads are 150 yen for 2 loaves, and time sale is 150 yen for 3 loaves. It is open on weekdays. There is always bread and dog bread, but I don't know until I go to Danish pastry, so I use it as if I were looking for half a treasure. I encountered an apple ring the other day, and it was more fresh and fluffy than I usually buy at a store.
五十嵐裕美 on Google

平日の10時30分頃、初利用。既に、店内はは5名さまずつ入店ということもあり店外に並ぶ人の姿がありました。小さい店内は、所狭しとパンが陳列。しかし、菓子パンや惣菜パンは残すところあと1つがちらほら。迷うことなく、気になったらまずはカゴに入れました。余談ですが、並んでいたご年配の女性が、「欲しかったパンが売り切れていた·····」とこぼしていました。 食パンやコッペパンスライスは それなりに在庫がありました。どちらも購入。 どれも税込140円!!価格改正され今頃は150円になってると思われます。 菓子パンも惣菜パンも、どれも美味しくクオリティの高さに感動しました。チキンブラックペッパーマヨネーズ(正式名称は忘れましたが)は、近隣のパン屋に200円以上で売られていても過言ではないパンが 2つ入って150円は安すぎる!ボリュームもあり、みつけたら購入をオススメ!かなりピリ辛なので、お子様や辛いのが苦手な方にはオススメしません。 食パン、普通に美味しいです。コッペパン、自宅でホットドッグが作れます。皮付きウィンナーが2本並べられるくらいの大きさなので、子どもや少食の方には1つ食べて満足できる大きさかと。 駐車場は3台ほど止められます。回転率も早いのですぐ止められますが、店前に待機するのはあまり好ましくない立地。 また利用して 他のパンも食べてみたいので期待を込めて星4つです。
First use around 10:30 on weekdays. Already, there were people lined up outside the store, as there were 5 people in the store. Bread is displayed in a small space. However, there is one more place to leave sweet buns and side dish bread. Without hesitation, I put it in the basket first when I was interested. As an aside, an elderly woman in line complained, "The bread I wanted was sold out ...". Bread and koppe bread slices were in stock as they were. Both purchased. All are 140 yen including tax !! The price has been revised and it seems that it will be 150 yen by this time. Both sweet buns and side dish buns were delicious and impressed by the high quality. Chicken Black Pepper Mayonnaise (I forgot the official name) is too cheap for 150 yen with two breads that are sold at a nearby bakery for 200 yen or more! There is also volume, so if you find one, we recommend purchasing it! It's quite spicy, so I don't recommend it to children or those who don't like spicy food. Bread is usually delicious. You can make koppe-pan and hot dogs at home. The size is such that two wieners with skin can be lined up, so if you are a child or have a small meal, you can eat one and be satisfied. About 3 parking lots can be parked. Since the turnover rate is fast, it can be stopped immediately, but it is not a good location to wait in front of the store. I also want to use it and eat other bread, so I hope it will be 4 stars.

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