(株)フルクラム - Yokohama

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)フルクラム

住所 :

マニュライフプレイス横浜 5F 2 Chome-10-33 Kitasaiwai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 220-0004
Webサイト : http://www.fulcrum.co.jp/

マニュライフプレイス横浜 5F 2 Chome-10-33 Kitasaiwai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0004, Japan
hei kou on Google

It is a polite response.
Tr Oder on Google

フルクラムのスタッフさん、みんな面倒見の良い人が多い! 今まで色んな派遣会社の派遣社員として仕事してきたけど、その中でもフルクラムはトップクラスで良かった! 神奈川県の製造系派遣ならフルクラムが良いかな!
Many of the Fulcrum staff are very caring! I've worked as a temporary worker at various temporary staffing companies, but Fulcrum was the best among them! I wonder if full clam is good for manufacturing dispatch in Kanagawa prefecture!
ぽてとゆうと on Google

給与面や就業場所、職種など困った事があれば細かいところまで親身に相談に乗ってくれます。 レスポンスも速くとても助かりました。 工場系から販売・接客、コールセンターなど幅広く相談できます!
If you have any problems such as salary, place of employment, occupation, etc., they will give you detailed consultation. The response was quick and it was very helpful. You can consult with a wide range of people from factories to sales / customer service and call centers!
しごとさがし on Google

After applying, I received a phone call and requested a video interview and promised time, but on the day of the application, there was an addition from the LINE account for the interview, and there was no response even if I contacted after that. Not even read. I set the time from the other side and there was no communication. Not a decent company. I wasted my time even though I was preparing. I can't forgive you.
焼肉の煮込み on Google

度々日雇いや長期の仕事でお世話になってます。 こういう仕事はないか?等の相談にも早く対応していただけますし研修、実務までの流れがスムーズです。 研修に関しては以前心配な部分があったので相談させていただいたらその分別日をとって(もちろん給与は出ました)対応していただき、非常に安心感のある体制だなと感じました。 今後も利用させていただきたい会社です。
I am often taken care of by day labor and long-term work. Is there such a job? You can respond quickly to consultations such as, etc., and the flow from training to practical work is smooth. Regarding the training, I had some concerns before, so when I consulted with him, I took a separate day (of course, I got a salary) and responded, and I felt that the system was very reassuring. It is a company that I would like to continue using.
尾崎健一 on Google

My friend was having trouble with work, so I thought I would be dispatched and consulted. The person in charge was kind enough to give me a consultation, and I was able to get a job safely. Now I am active as a full-time employee.
海鼠ねむこ on Google

何年か前、転職を考えていた時期に携帯ショップで働いてみたいと思い登録したことがあります。 お仕事の紹介まではスピーディでした。 お仕事が始まるまで時間があったため、単発の携帯関連のイベントや別の店舗での実践研修みたいなのを組み込んでくれたのは有難かったです。 ですが、とにかく研修がテキトー。 未経験だったので詳しくじっくり教えて欲しかったのに、マニュアルの重要なところだけピックアップして教えている感じ…。 しかも説明が下手で分かりにくい。 ご自身は携帯業界が長く、色々と熟知しているから、これくらい教えておけばいいだろうと思ったのかもしれませんが。 研修自体はお給料が発生していたのもあり、なんとか乗り切れましたが、不安しかなかったです。 単発のイベントは派遣先の男性スタッフさんが丁寧に教えて下さったので楽しく働けました。 派遣さんがよく来るから教え慣れてるんですかね。 同行してくれた派遣会社の社員さんは、別件で動くからと言ってすぐにいなくなりました。 その後(別日です)、実際に働く予定の店舗とは別の店舗での研修が始まりました。 同行してくれた社員さんは、派遣先のスタッフさん達に媚びを売るのに必死でこちらのことは放置。 「もっとスタッフさん達に積極的に話しかけて気に入られなきゃダメだよ!」 って言われましたが、OJTも無しにいきなり店舗に立たされ、分からない事だらけ、知らない人ばかりで、媚びを売る余裕なんてありません…。 「お客さんに声かけられたらこうやってね」 と言われたので、その通りに動けば 「いやいや…。こうしないとダメでしょ(苦笑い)」 と言われ…。 指示がめちゃくちゃ過ぎて、どうしていいか分からなくなったので店舗の女性スタッフさんに教えてもらいました。 女性スタッフさんの指示通りに動こうとすれば 「いや、だからさー……」と。 結局丸一日どうしたらいいのか分からない状態でした。 休憩中に抜け出して帰ろうかと思ったくらいです。 帰りの電車待ちのときに 「この前○○さん(私)と同じように携帯会社に派遣した子がいたんだけど、その子が全然ダメでさw 何を指示しても理解しなくて大変だったよw」 と、他の派遣スタッフさんの悪口を言っていましたが、あんな指示じゃ誰も理解できないと思いますけどね。 理解できるのは経験者くらいじゃないでしょうか。 もう何日かその店舗での研修が組み込まれてましたが、苦痛すぎて辞めました。 登録に行ってみれば分かりますが、皆さん服装からしてだらしないです。
A few years ago, when I was thinking about changing jobs, I registered because I wanted to work at a mobile phone shop. It was speedy until the introduction of the work. I had some time before I started working, so I was grateful that he incorporated something like a one-off mobile-related event or hands-on training at another store. But anyway, the training is techto. Since I was inexperienced, I wanted you to teach me in detail, but I feel like I pick up only the important parts of the manual and teach it. Moreover, the explanation is poor and difficult to understand. You may have thought that you should teach this much because you have a long history in the mobile industry and are familiar with various things. The training itself was paid, so I managed to survive, but I was worried. The one-off event was taught by the male staff at the dispatched place, so I enjoyed working. Are you accustomed to teaching because dispatched laborers often come? The employees of the dispatching company who accompanied me soon disappeared just because they were working on a different matter. After that (on another day), training began at a store other than the one where I actually plan to work. The employee who accompanied me desperately tried to sell the flirtation to the staff at the dispatched place and left this alone. "You have to talk to the staff more actively and like it!" I was told, but suddenly I stood in the store without OJT, there were many things I didn't understand, and there were only strangers, and I couldn't afford to sell the flirtation ... "If a customer calls you, do this." I was told, so if you move according to that "No ... I have to do this (bitter smile)" I was told ... The instructions were so messed up that I didn't know what to do, so I asked the female staff at the store to tell me. If you try to follow the instructions of the female staff "No, that's why ..." After all, I didn't know what to do for the whole day. I even thought about getting out during the break and going home. When waiting for the train on the way back "The other day, there was a child who was dispatched to a mobile phone company like Mr. XX (I), but that child was completely useless. No matter what I instructed, it was hard not to understand w " I was saying bad things about other dispatched staff, but I don't think anyone can understand with such instructions. Only experienced people can understand it. Training at the store was included for a few days, but it was too painful to quit. As you can see by going to the registration, everyone is sloppy from their clothes.
3 dom on Google

5年前ほどになりますが他の派遣会社に給料未払いで困っていたところフルクラムで携帯販売の仕事に応募して 次の日に面接してくれて、担当者の方が親身に相談に乗ってくれました。 しかも全く関係ない他社の給料未払いの件にも相談に乗ってもらい 初日に来た自分をすごく心配してくれました。 まるまる一か月分の給料が無くて生活もすごく苦しかったですが すぐに仕事につく事ができて給料の前払いなどもさせていただきました。 携帯の知識があまり無くて困っていたところ わざわざ講師の人を連れてきてくれて本社で研修を自分一人の為にしてくれました。 獲得も出来るようになってお給料も上げてもらっていたので当時の給料はそこそこもらえていた気がする。 一緒に入った女性の方も2人いましたが担当の方は定期的に会いに来てくれたり、連絡もこまめに連絡くれていましたね。 今は家族も出来て別の仕事をしていますがあの時に助けてもらえなければもっと苦労していたかもしれないと思うと派遣会社選びもしっかり選んだほうが良いのかなと感じました。 他の人の書き込みとか別の会社の事言っているんじゃないかなと感じる。 社会人だから普通にスーツきてたし特に身だしなみに気になるところは当時はなかったかな。 別に肩を持つつもりはないけど自分は良かったと思っています。 研修に関しても自分は理解できたし予習復習もした 勉強もそうだけど本人の努力と理解力の問題では?
About 5 years ago, when I was in trouble because I had not paid my salary to another dispatch company, I applied for a mobile sales job at Fulcrum. The next day, the person in charge interviewed me and the person in charge gave me a personal consultation. Moreover, I asked them to consult with me about unpaid salaries of other companies that have nothing to do with it. He was very worried about me when I came on the first day. I didn't have a full month's salary and my life was very difficult. I was able to get to work immediately and paid my salary in advance. Where I was in trouble because I didn't have much knowledge about mobile phones He took the trouble to bring in a lecturer and did the training for himself at the head office. Since I was able to earn money and had my salary raised, I feel that I was getting a decent salary at that time. There were two women who came in with me, but the person in charge came to see me regularly and contacted me diligently. Now that I have a family and am doing another job, I thought that I might have had more trouble if I didn't get help at that time, so I felt that it would be better to choose a dispatching company. I feel that I'm talking about someone else's writing or another company. I'm a member of society, so I usually wear a suit, and I don't think there was anything I was particularly concerned about at that time. I'm not going to have a shoulder, but I'm glad I did. I was able to understand the training, and I also reviewed the preparations. It's the same with studying, but is it a matter of effort and comprehension?

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