
3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 神戸パスタ

住所 :

5, Toshima City, 〒170-0013 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://www.kobe-ninnikuya.com/
街 : Tokyo

5, Toshima City, 〒170-0013 Tokyo,Japan
a A on Google

メニューの写真とはだいぶ違う気がする。 麺の茹で具合は好みでしたが味は結構濃いです。 量はあるけど殆ど麺なので、値段を考えるとコスパは良くないと思う。 接客はマニュアル通りといった感じです。
I think it's quite different from the pictures on the menu. I liked the boiled condition of the noodles, but the taste is quite strong. There is a lot of noodles, but most of them are noodles, so considering the price, I don't think the cost performance is good. The customer service is like the manual.
バサバサ男 on Google

リーズナブルな割にボリューミー。 コスパの良いパスタ屋さんです。池袋駅すぐそばのヤマダ電機のレストラン街にあるという立地も利用しやすくていいです。
Volumey for a reasonable price. It is a pasta shop with good cost performance. The location in the restaurant area of ​​Yamada Denki near Ikebukuro station is also easy to use.
平原健司 on Google

Spaghetti and pizza shop. There are many types of pasta. You can also choose the type of pasta itself. The noodles are slightly thinner and have a firm texture. For those who want to eat pasta that is well-seasoned and well-seasoned. You can also make a big success. On the other hand, there are few kinds of pizza and it may be unsatisfactory. The price is high at around 1100 yen.
m at on Google

サイズアップ無料に惹かれ、ランチタイムにすいていたのもあり初めて利用しました。 追加で180円のバゲットも注文しましたが、厚みが5mm程のペラペラが2枚…え?っ、要らない…と感じました。味はお値段なりです。人に勧めるレベルでは無いかな?リピートも残念ながら無いです。
I was attracted to the free size-up, and I used it for the first time because I was at lunch time. I also ordered a baguette for 180 yen, but there are two baguettes with a thickness of about 5 mm ... eh? I felt I didn't need it. The taste is priced. Isn't it the level I recommend to people? Unfortunately there is no repeat.
みみ on Google

イーパークを見て初めて利用しました。 入店し待っていても店員は誰も来ず、ベルを押してもなかなか案内してもらえませんでした。聞くとホールは一人で対応、キッチンの手伝いもしているようで大変そうでした。基本的にキッチンに籠もっているようで、大きな声で何度か呼ばないと気付いてもらえません。 また料理に関しては、パスタは特別不味いわけでもなく、チェーン店によくある味で普通にいただきました。(味が濃いとのコメントも見ましたが自分は濃い味が好きなので丁度良かった) 写真と違うと書いてる方が多かったので気になりましたが、選べるデザートはこんな感じで確かに写真では豪華なイメージ、実際は・・・。ティラミスは二切れ来るかと思ったので食べきれるかな〜?と心配していましたが実際には一切れ、苺も冷凍の刻んだものが3かけら乗っているだけで、全体的にデコレーションがお粗末でした。某居酒屋のチェーン店のような…(^_^;) 見た目が違うだけで最後こんなにも残念な気持ちになるんですね。これで600円は、お得感は得られません。
I used it for the first time after seeing E-Park. Even if I entered the store and waited, no clerk came, and even if I pushed the bell, it was difficult for me to guide me. When I heard it, the hall was handled by myself, and it seemed to be difficult because it seemed to help the kitchen. Basically, it seems to be in the kitchen, and you will not notice it unless you call it a few times in a loud voice. Also, when it comes to cooking, pasta is not particularly unpleasant, and I usually enjoy it with the taste that is common in chain stores. (I also saw the comment that the taste is strong, but I like the strong taste, so it was just right) I was worried because many people wrote that it was different from the photo, but the desserts you can choose are like this, and it certainly has a gorgeous image in the photo, actually ... I thought that tiramisu would come in two pieces, so can I eat it? I was worried, but in reality, the decoration was poor as a whole, with only three pieces of frozen chopped strawberries on board. Like a chain store in a certain izakaya ... (^_^;) It makes me feel so disappointed at the end just because it looks different. With this, 600 yen will not give you a good deal.
a nakazawa on Google

ヤマダ電機で買い物帰りにお邪魔しました。 土曜日ということもあってかお昼過ぎでも混んでいました。 今回注文したのは ・海老とバジルのクリームパスタ ¥1,200 ・モッツァレラチーズとナスのトマトパスタ ¥1,180 ・マルゲリータピザ ¥970 パスタはSMLLLと4段階から選べるスタイル。 LL以外はどれも同じ値段でコスパはいいです! 味も美味しかったですが値段がちょっと高いかなと思いました。 量を食べたい人にはオススメです! ごちそうさまでした!
I visited Yamada Denki on my way home from shopping. It was crowded even after noon because it was Saturday. I ordered this time ・ Shrimp and basil cream pasta ¥ 1,200 ・ Mozzarella cheese and eggplant tomato pasta ¥ 1,180 ・ Margherita pizza ¥ 970 Pasta is SMLLL and a style that you can choose from 4 stages. Cospa is good at the same price except for LL! The taste was delicious, but I thought the price was a little high. Recommended for those who want to eat a lot! Thank you for the meal!
Edmond Wong on Google

We had a huge party of 12. There is NO english menu. We managed to translate and work from the Japanese menu. The staff were very nice but they seemed overworked because they had a lot of trouble keeping up with all the orders and customers in the restaurant. The portions were quite small but the pizza was pretty good. Some of our orders got messed up but eventually came
Alvin Wu on Google

We ordered 2 set dinner there, that included Baguette of green tea or garlic, which is their signature item. Geen tea is a must order item, warm and nit too sweet, very delicious. Set of dinner also included a doria, pasta or pizza. We have chosen doria, although the protion is small, as it is very creamy and cheesy, it is quite full after finished that. We can choose size from pasta, which is free of charge, so we ordered pasta with whole crab, pasta is yummy, but the whole crab on the pasta, which is very small with no meat and not fresh. Set of dinner which included any kind of drinks and desserts, which is just soso. But still worth to come back and order the same set, because it is cheap and the taste is above the average.

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