
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 高橋こどもクリニック

住所 :

5 Chome−18−1, Tomiokahigashi, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒236-0051 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://takahashi-kodomo.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

5 Chome−18−1, Tomiokahigashi, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒236-0051 Kanagawa,Japan
昴禅 on Google

A reliable hospital.
to be or not to be on Google

診断が早くて正確です。 待ち時間もいつもあまりありません。
Diagnosis is fast and accurate. There isn't much waiting time.
えざきかずひろ on Google

My daughter likes it. I also go to other hospitals that specialize, but I don't like injections.
Midori S on Google

あまり待たされたことがありません。 お話はちゃんと聞いてくれるのにスピーディーで助かります。
I haven't waited much. The story is fast and helpful to hear properly.
タツ“タツ” on Google

ちゃんと受診して欲しいです 2歳の息子が高熱か出たので受診してもらったら 良くある胃腸炎て診断されました 全然熱が下がらないので違う病院に行ったら すぐ異変に気づいてインフルエンザでした インフルエンザに気付かない病院は信用出来ないです
I want to see you properly My two-year-old son had a high fever I was diagnosed with common gastroenteritis If you go to a different hospital I noticed an incident immediately and was flu Hospitals that don't notice the flu can't be trusted
エリ森山 on Google

Always I am indebted. As children have fever cramps with asthma, we let you go every time. The teachers also like the other staff well and both parents like it.
たかはしS on Google

1歳の子供が熱を出したので連れて行きました。 その前の電話対応、受付の方の対応が無愛想で雑。 診断もただの風邪だと言われましたが 「インフルエンザとかじゃないですか?」と聞いたところ若干鼻で笑いながら 「この時期はもうほとんどありえないです」と小バカにされて帰宅。 次の日に違う病院でインフルA型と診断されました。 二度と行きません。
A 1 - year - old child gave a fever and I took her there. Correspondence of telephone correspondence before that, correspondence of receptionist person is unfriendly and miscellaneous. I was told that the diagnosis is just a cold "I heard that it is influenza?" I heard that somewhat laughing with a nose "It is almost impossible at this time any more" and returned home with being a little stupid. The next day I was diagnosed with type A Influenza at a different hospital. I will not go back.
笹佐川ささみ on Google

The teacher is kind and the children are not afraid to see the doctor, but whenever I go, the receptionist makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm sorry.

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