Yokohamagumyoji Kokyukinaika Naika Clinic - Yokohama

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Contact Yokohamagumyoji Kokyukinaika Naika Clinic

住所 :

FHCビル 2階 1 Chome-81 Mutsukawa, Minami Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 232-0066, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 232-0066
Webサイト :

FHCビル 2階 1 Chome-81 Mutsukawa, Minami Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 232-0066, Japan
ttt ru-si- on Google

呼吸器内科を喘息で受診しましたので、 個人的な評価点及び問題点を記載させて頂きます。 評価点 ・スパイロメーター、一酸化窒素濃度検査、血液検査、レントゲンなどの喘息の症状を確認する一定の設備があり、 検査機器や設備がしっかりしていると思われる。 ・身障者向けの設備が充実しており、エレベーターがある。 オストメイト付きのトイレがあり、車いすでも余裕で方向転換が効く程広い。 ・市内の大型病院と連携しており、受信と同時にCTの予約ができる。 ・その他オプションが充実しており、栄養カウンセリングの実施やサプリメントの直販がある。 ・施設は非常に綺麗で清潔な印象を受ける。 1年以上維持していることから掃除はかなりしっかりしていると思われる。 ・弘明寺駅から100m程度、ご年配の方でも駅から10分程度行けると思われる。 バスからのアクセスは更に優れており、バス停から見える範囲にある。 ・1階には薬局が併設されており、薬の受け取りもすぐにできる。 ・完全予約制で病院としての待ち時間はそれほど長くならない傾向がある。 (混んでいても待ち時間は15分程度) 問題点 ・検査の実施の際に必要性の説明が無く、まずやるかやらないかで聞かれる。 有無を言わさない雰囲気があるため、気の弱い人が断るにはかなりの勇気が必要。 本当に必要かと思う検査があれば、二つ返事でやると回答せず、考えて決断する判断力が必要。 当然だが検査にも費用がかかる。 ・毎日自分で実施するピークフローの検査があるが、 これをあまり実施しない場合、医師側が声量を下げるなど少々圧迫感を出す ・栄養カウンセリングを断る際に強い調子で5分程、説得を受けたことがある。 ・医師については患者と殆ど目を合わせずPCにずっと向かっており、質問をしてくる。 診断に必要なことのみを聞いて時短をしているのは理解できないわけではないが、冷たい印象を受ける。 ・喘息の治療にあたり、毎日使用する薬があるが、1カ月分以上は処方はされず月毎の通院で負担を感じる。 (これについては医師の方針もあり一概に間違っているとは言えない。) まとめ ・アクセスが良い。 ・設備が綺麗でよく整っており、身体に障害を抱えていても問題無く受診できる。 ・検査設備も充実している。 ・健康向けのオプションがあり、お金をかけても健康に暮らしたい人に向いている可能性がある。 ・検査のお断りなどがしづらく説明も乏しい印象を受けたため、 本当に検査が必要かその場で正しく判断する能力と言い出す勇気が必要。 ・気が弱い方、自分のことを言い出しにくい方、症状が安定している人の場合、 多少遠くても別の病院にかかるのも選択肢に入る。 ・年単位で症状が安定していても月1の方針は絶対に曲げない。 有無を言わさない雰囲気で検査なども実施するので支出が高くつく傾向がある。 ・オプションを断る際に強く止められる場合もあるため、確固たる意志が必要。 今後病院を活用する方の参考になれば幸いです。
I visited the Department of Respiratory Medicine for asthma, so I will describe my personal evaluation points and problems. Evaluation points ・ There are certain facilities for checking asthma symptoms such as spirometer, nitric oxide concentration test, blood test, and roentgen. It seems that the inspection equipment and equipment are solid. ・ There are many facilities for the physically challenged and there is an elevator. There is a toilet with an ostomate, and it is wide enough to change direction even in a wheelchair. ・ In cooperation with a large hospital in the city, CT can be reserved at the same time as reception. ・ Other options are substantial, including nutritional counseling and direct sales of supplements. ・ The facility has a very clean and clean impression. Cleaning seems to be fairly solid as it has been maintained for over a year. ・ It is about 100m from Gumyoji Station, and it seems that even elderly people can go about 10 minutes from the station. Access from the bus is even better and is within sight of the bus stop. ・ There is a pharmacy on the 1st floor, so you can pick up your medicine immediately. ・ The waiting time as a hospital tends not to be so long due to the complete reservation system. (Waiting time is about 15 minutes even if it is crowded) problem ・ There is no explanation of the necessity when conducting the inspection, and you will be asked whether to do it first or not. It takes a lot of courage for a weak person to refuse because there is an atmosphere that does not say anything. If there is an inspection that you think is really necessary, you need to have the ability to think and make decisions without answering that you will do it in two replies. Of course, inspection is also expensive. ・ There is a peak flow inspection that you carry out every day, If this is not done very often, the doctor will feel a little oppressive, such as lowering the voice volume. ・ When I refused nutritional counseling, I was persuaded for about 5 minutes with a strong tone. ・ As for the doctor, he keeps looking at the PC with almost no eyes on the patient and asks questions. It's not unclear that I'm shortening the time by listening only to what is necessary for the diagnosis, but I get the impression that it's cold. ・ There are medicines that are used every day for the treatment of asthma, but they are not prescribed for more than a month and I feel a burden when I go to the hospital every month. (There is also a doctor's policy regarding this, so it cannot be said that it is totally wrong.) summary ・ Good access. ・ The facilities are clean and well-equipped, so even if you have a physical disability, you can have a medical examination without any problems. ・ Inspection equipment is also substantial. ・ There are health options, which may be suitable for people who want to live in good health even if they spend money. ・ I got the impression that it was difficult to refuse the inspection and the explanation was scarce. You need the courage to say that you really need the ability to judge correctly on the spot. ・ For those who are weak, who have difficulty telling themselves, or who have stable symptoms It is an option to go to another hospital even if it is a little far away. ・ Even if the symptoms are stable on a yearly basis, the monthly policy will never be changed. Expenditures tend to be high because inspections are conducted in a self-explanatory atmosphere. ・ When you decline an option, you may be strongly stopped, so you need to have a firm will. I hope it will be helpful for those who use the hospital in the future.
neko117 on Google

星一つもつけたくない。咳が止まらずその旨伝えたら検査とレントゲン。呼気検査なんて咳止まらなくて息もうまく吸えないんだから出来るわけないのに(笑) 結果、99パーセントは喘息なんだけど、100パーセントと言えな胃から喘息の薬出せません(笑)と言われ、2日後に咳が酷くなりアバラが折れて違う病院に救急搬送されました。 あの時きちんと喘息の薬等出してくれていれば… 院長は評判いいみたいだけどあの医者は本当に一言でクソ。二度と行かないし、他人にもすすめない。 ちなみにその後違う病院ではそんな状態じゃ呼気検査なんてできないね。と、きちんと喘息のお薬を出してもらい、良くなりました。 本当に最悪の体験でしたよ。あの男性の医者。信じられない。
I don't want to add a single star. If the cough doesn't stop and I tell you that, I will have an examination and an X-ray. I can't do a breath test because I can't stop coughing and I can't breathe well (laughs) As a result, 99% had asthma, but I was told that I couldn't take medicine for asthma from my stomach, which was 100% (laughs). Two days later, my cough became severe and Abara broke and I was taken to a different hospital. If you gave me asthma medicine at that time ... The director seems to have a good reputation, but that doctor really shit in one word. I will never go and I will not recommend it to others. By the way, at a different hospital after that, you can't do a breath test in such a state. I got a proper asthma medicine and it improved. It was a really worst experience. That male doctor. Incredible.
えこちゃん on Google

小児喘息から大人になった現在、季節性の喘息がまれに出る程度です。 かなり軽度なので予防の吸入薬(フルタイド)を処方してもらおうと来院しましたが、他の口コミにもあるように高額な検査を受けなければいけません。 初回は仕方がない…と思い受けましたが、2週間後に来院しなくてはいけない、しかも1〜2か月後にいったらまた高額な検査を受けさせられます。 重度の喘息患者でもないのに日記をつけさせられるのも非常に手間です。 薬だけ欲しい方には本当におすすめしません。
Now that I have grown up from childhood asthma, seasonal asthma is rare. It's so mild that I came to the hospital to get a prescription for a preventive inhaler (flutide), but as in other reviews, I have to undergo an expensive test. I thought it couldn't be helped the first time, but I had to come to the hospital two weeks later, and after a month or two, I would be given another expensive test. It is very troublesome to have a diary kept even though I am not a patient with severe asthma. I really don't recommend it to those who just want medicine.
矢嶋慎之 on Google

定期的に通っている患者とそうでない患者とで扱いが変わります。PCR検査の結果も定期的に通って居る患者を絡めると翌日には結果を連絡してきますが、そうでないと後回しにされるのか時間がかかります。 複数の医師が居るのは良いですが、それぞれ見解が違うのか引き継ぎ、連携はされていません。あくまで電子カルテだけです。 受付も忙しいのか患者の問い合わせを医師に確認するでもなく受付の判断で適当に応答します。 余程、下の薬局の薬剤師さんの方が親切ですよ。 自分たちが発症したら連絡を下さいと言いながら、発熱外来の診察している時間なのにどれくらいで来れるか患者に聞かず、最後にさしこんで診察する対応をするでもなく、苦しんでいても救急を呼べばと切り捨てる病院です。
Treatment differs depending on whether the patient attends regularly or does not. If the result of the PCR test involves a patient who is attending regularly, the result will be notified the next day, but if not, it will take time to be postponed. It's good to have multiple doctors, but they haven't taken over and cooperated because they have different views. Only electronic medical records. Whether the reception is busy or not, we will respond appropriately at the reception's discretion without confirming the patient's inquiry with the doctor. The pharmacist at the pharmacy below is kinder. While asking them to contact me if they develop an outpatient, they do not ask the patient how long they will be able to come even though it is time to see the outpatient with fever. It is a hospital that will be cut off if you call it.
gotaju mamama on Google

家族や親戚がお世話になっているという事で、こちらで初めて診てもらいました。 電話の方、受付の方、先生、とても感じ良く丁寧に診てもらえました。今は出して貰った薬で体力はまだ戻っていませんがすっかり熱も治りました。 待ち時間は短くて、他の口コミを疑うレベルでスムーズでした、ありがとうございます。 患者さんもたくさんいたのでとても信頼できるお医者さんだと思います。 医療関係の方達に感謝です。 これからもよろしくお願いします。
I was taken care of by my family and relatives, so I had my first visit here. The person on the phone, the receptionist, and the teacher were very pleasant and polite. I haven't recovered my physical strength yet with the medicine I received, but my fever has completely healed. The waiting time was short and smooth at the level of doubting other reviews, thank you. There were many patients, so I think he is a very reliable doctor. I am grateful to the medical staff. I look forward to working with you.
きくたろう on Google

良い点 ・綺麗な院内。 ・診察の回転は早かった。 残念な点 ・フルカラーのDM(A4サイズのビニールの封筒が郵送されてくる)がしつこい。 ・診察前日に「明日来てくださいね!お待ちしています!」との電話。大事な検査でもなく、普段の定期診察なのだが。 ・お誕生日カードまで来る。嬉しい方もいるのだろうが、選べたらよいのに。 ・受付で訊かれた為、BMIが30以上かも知れないと伝えた所待合室に響き渡る声で身長と体重を復唱された。ここにデリカシーはない。 ・勤務医がコロコロと変わるのには少々不信感。 ・身内はサプリを勧められている。 総括すると「患者との距離感をもうちょっと学んでほしい綺麗な病院」です。
good point ・ Beautiful hospital. ・ The turnover of medical examinations was quick. Unfortunately ・ Full-color DM (A4 size vinyl envelope is mailed) is persistent. ・ The day before the examination, a phone call saying "Please come tomorrow! We are waiting for you!". It's not an important test, but a regular medical examination. ・ Come to your birthday card. Some people may be happy, but I wish I could choose. ・ Because I was asked at the reception desk, I told him that my BMI might be 30 or more. The height and weight were repeated with a voice echoing in the waiting room. There is no delicacy here. ・ I'm a little distrustful that my doctor will change. ・ My relatives are recommended to take supplements. In summary, it is a "beautiful hospital where you want to learn a little more about the sense of distance from patients."
古山真司 on Google

I have used this place several times because of a cold-like symptom. At the time of my first visit, I was the director, but after that, I changed to another teacher. Other teachers asked me in detail about my symptoms and gave me detailed explanations of tests and medicines. Today, I was the director of the hospital for the first time in a long time. I had previously entered the symptoms as fever, malaise, and loss of appetite in the web interview, but at the time of the interview, I had a fever of 37.9 degrees yesterday and a low 37 degrees today, and I felt malaise instead of fever. Before I finished saying that it was terrible ... I had a hearing device, so I rolled up my clothes reflexively. Place two hearing devices on your chest and put out antipyretic and antibiotics. They said. Dr. Director, I may have been busy today, but I wanted you to hear a little more. By the way, I was more lazy than fever, but I had 12 doses of antipyretic.
宇佐見桜子 on Google

病院は綺麗で、予約必須だけど密です。 定期的に検査もしてくれて気に入ってましたが、去年に入った精神科で働いていると言う女医さんに不信感だらけです。早く回転させる為に、急いでいるからか、座る前に「変わらないですよね?」と毎回言われます。今回、辛かったので辛いと伝えたら、舌打ちされ「太りすぎ、痩せましょう」と一言。ふわっとしたワンピースでしたが、体重は43kgやせすぎと人間ドックで言われるのに笑。頑張ってダイエットしてみます笑。長年通ってますが、あの方の診察は早いだけで酷すぎます。私以外も早いので、同じ対応だとも思います。もちろん一度もピークフローも聞かれません。改善されたらいいな。
The hospital is beautiful and reservations are required but it is dense. I liked it because he gave me regular examinations, but I'm full of distrust of the female doctor who says she works in psychiatry last year. Perhaps because I'm in a hurry to make it rotate faster, I'm always told "Isn't it the same?" Before sitting down. This time, it was spicy, so when I told him that it was spicy, he was struck by his tongue and said, "Be overweight, let's lose weight." It was a fluffy dress, but I was told by the human dock that it weighed 43 kg and was too thin, but lol. I'll do my best to go on a diet lol. I've been there for many years, but his medical examination is just too early and terrible. Other than me, it's quick, so I think it's the same response. Of course, no peak flow is heard. I hope it will be improved.

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