バーミヤン 伊那日影店 - Ina

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact バーミヤン 伊那日影店

住所 :

440-1 Hikage, Ina, Nagano 396-0009, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 396-0009
Webサイト : https://www.skylark.co.jp/bamiyan/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–11:30PM
Sunday 10AM–11:30PM
Monday 10AM–11:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–11:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–11:30PM
Thursday 10AM–11:30PM
Friday 10AM–11:30PM

440-1 Hikage, Ina, Nagano 396-0009, Japan
小手レモン on Google

割りと混んでた時に行ったので ゆっくりした感じはなかったがメニューも豊富で味が良かったので またいきたいと思います 気軽に行くには もってこいかな?
I went there when it was quite crowded, so I didn't feel slow, but the menu was abundant and the taste was good, so I would like to go again.
Takashi Maeshima on Google

久々に行きました。ランチタイムだったので、恒例の日替わり599円。本日は「サバの甘酢しょうゆ」ご飯大盛り無料、日替わりスープ飲み放題。ドリンクバーをつけても199円と大変お得。 結構混んでいましたが、店員さんは愛想よく素早い対応をしてくれました。サバが大変美味しくてDHAをしっかり摂ることができました。残念だったのはご飯がちょっとパサパサしてたこと。
I went to a long time. Since it was lunch time, the regular daily 599 yen. Today's "Saba sweet and sour soy sauce" rice platter free, daily soup all-you-can-drink. Even if it puts a drink bar, it is very advantageous at 199 yen. It was quite crowded, but the clerk was friendly and responsive. The mackerel was very delicious and I was able to take DHA firmly. It was disappointing that the rice was a little bit cold.
伊藤めぐみ on Google

I think it's good that even one person can easily enter the store, but it will be difficult if you are not accustomed to ordering with the touch panel (^^;
Nakajima Hiroyasu on Google

めちゃ混んでるけど中華料理だから活気が有っていいね?梅酒ロックは食前酒??中華宴会にしてみた?最高?美味しい❣️❣️何十年ぶりかも (笑)最高でーっす
It's very crowded but it's Chinese food so it's good to be lively. Umeshu Rock is a pre-dinner drink. I tried it at a Chinese banquet. It's the best. It's delicious. It may be the first time in decades.
福島かおり(シマリス) on Google

野菜タンメンの麺少なめと餃子を頂きました。 麺の量を小と大盛と選べるので、とても嬉しいですね。 サラダと餃子をセットに❗美味しかったです。
I had a small amount of vegetable tanmen noodles and dumplings. I am very happy because you can choose the amount of noodles, small or large. The salad and dumplings were a set ❗ It was delicious.
ORION on Google

盛り付けがちょっと雑かなと思いました。 お値段の割にはあまり美味しくないかなぁ…
I thought the arrangement was a little rough. I wonder if it's not very delicious for the price ...
Ryoichi Ikeda on Google

店の雰囲気や店員さんの対応は良かったです。 しゃぶしゃぶ食べ放題でプレミアムコース(サイドメニューも食べ放題)にしました。 チャーハンを頼んだのですが、しっかり一人前ありました。満足感は十分すぎるほど得られました。 スマートニュースのアプリからいくつか、クーポンが出ています。
The atmosphere of the store and the response of the clerk were good. All-you-can-eat shabu-shabu is a premium course (all-you-can-eat side menu). I ordered fried rice, but it was full-fledged. Satisfaction was more than enough. There are some coupons from the SmartNews app.
mimi mizobe on Google

Very tasty

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