
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact エイブルネットワーク長野駅前店

住所 :

〒381-0000 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Webサイト : https://shop.able.co.jp/C03000667/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : Nagano

〒381-0000 Nagano,Japan
けけけんちゅ on Google

Since I was living alone for the first time, I was often worried about searching for a property, but I was able to find a property that I was very satisfied with thanks to the polite explanation of the person in charge and the quick setup of the property tour. it is complete. I made a contract for the first time, but I was able to proceed smoothly, and I was able to move in sooner than I expected! I also wanted to use this ABLE when moving!
ハヒフヘサンシヮ on Google

Thank you for your polite response.
ちゃんまい on Google

It was wonderful with a very polite response! !! thank you!
けー。 on Google

I was relieved that the side who wrote it was explained carefully.
mw cm on Google

何でこんな高評価なのか謎(評価つけると割引とかあるんだっけ?) 自分が提示した条件とは異なるところを紹介され、せっかく紹介して頂いたので内見希望したところ、え?条件と異なるけど見に行くんですか?みたいな事を言われ意味がわからない。 さらに入居前に何点か質問してましたが、すべての回答は得られず(もう何度も面倒臭いので諦めました)、入居後もちょっとしたトラブルがあり業者の方から不動産へ連絡してもらい、不動産の方から改めて連絡きますのでと言われましたが、連絡はないままです。 手数料とかきっちり取ってんだから仕事もきっちりしてほしい。ここで契約しなきゃよかった。
It's a mystery why it's so highly rated (Is there a discount if you give it a rating?) I was introduced to a place that is different from the conditions I presented, and since I was introduced with much effort, I wanted to see it, eh? The conditions are different, but are you going to see it? I don't understand what it means. In addition, I asked some questions before moving in, but I couldn't get all the answers (I gave up because it was annoying many times), and I had some troubles after moving in, so I asked the real estate agent to contact me. , I was told by the real estate agent that I would like to contact you again, but I have not been contacted. I want you to do your job properly because you have taken the commission exactly. I should have signed up here.
かか on Google

p on Google

部屋を決めたがその後の対応が悪すぎる。 星1もつけたくないくらいです。 オンラインで契約をする事を決めていたがその日に連絡こない。後日、こちらから電話してみると審査が遅れてその日に契約できなかったと言われた。そうならそうでこちらに報告すべきでは? ここのレビューを見ると、担当者に当たりはずれがある。
I decided the room but subsequent correspondence is too evil. I do not want to put a star 1. Online it had decided that the contract is not this contact that day. At a later date, he was told that it could not contract in the day try the examination is delayed by telephone from here. If so, should I report here? Looking at the review here, there is a hit to the person in charge.
tkj osk on Google

始めはフラッと立ち寄った形ですが、親身に相談乗ってくれ、いい物件を見つけることができました。 また、気になる点等もメールや電話でしっかり対応していただき、満足です。
At first, I stopped by, but I was able to find a good property by consulting with me. In addition, I am satisfied that you can respond to any concerns you may have by email or phone.

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