江刺屋菓子舗ル・モンド - Sendai

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 江刺屋菓子舗ル・モンド

住所 :

江刺屋菓子舗ル・モンド ル・モンド 36 Hoshunin Maecho, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 984-0811, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 984-0811
Webサイト : https://lemonde-sendai.com/about/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–7PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 7:30AM–8PM
Tuesday 7:30AM–8PM
Wednesday 7:30AM–8PM
Thursday 7:30AM–8PM
Friday 7:30AM–8PM

江刺屋菓子舗ル・モンド ル・モンド 36 Hoshunin Maecho, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 984-0811, Japan
Gar den on Google

区役所前のパン屋さんでこじんまりとしていますが種類もそれなりにあり、どれもおいしそうで毎回迷います。店員さんも優しくて誰に対しても平等でとてもいいです。 パンは今時のはっきり言って見栄えだけのボロボロこぼれる食べにくいパンとか、無駄に硬いハード系パンじゃない、食べる人のことを考えてる優しいパンって感じがします。自分の生活圏からは遠いですが若林区に行く時は寄ります。生菓子系もあるので今度はそちらも食べてみたいです。 結局最後はこういう美味しいパン屋さんに落ち着くんだろうなと思います。ずっとお気に入りのパン屋さんにしたいです。
The bakery in front of the ward office is small, but there are various types, and they all look delicious and I get lost every time. The clerk is also kind and equal to everyone, which is very nice. Bread is not a hard-to-eat bread that spills out just like it looks, or a hard bread that is uselessly hard, but it feels like a gentle bread that thinks about the eater. It's far from my living area, but I stop by when I go to Wakabayashi Ward. There is also a namagashi type, so I would like to eat that as well. In the end, I think I'll settle down at such a delicious bakery. I want to make it my favorite bakery all the time.
きよせただひろ on Google

若林区役所向かいの、趣き深い建物がル・モンドさん。 ケーキをはじめとする洋菓子の充実感もさることながら、食パン、フランスパンなどの食事パンや惣菜パン、菓子パンにもお店のオリジナリティが遺憾なく発揮されています。
Le Monde is a quaint building opposite the Wakabayashi Ward Office. In addition to the fulfillment of Western confectionery such as cakes, the originality of the shop is fully demonstrated in bread such as bread, French bread, side dish bread, and sweet bun.
西村弘 on Google

Esashiya Confectionery Store, founded in 1856. I still remember the taste of bread that my family ate when I was a kid and was taken by my parents to buy bread decades ago. How many stores like this are left? In addition to the old-fashioned nostalgic taste that does not easily get on the trend of the moment, the shop offers "delicious" that is constantly evolving while making constant efforts and ingenuity. recommendation!
レインボーマンカケセネ on Google

A long-established bakery that has been around for a long time in front of the Wakabayashi Ward Office. At that time, I often received souvenirs as a child, which is rare. It doesn't look good these days, but it has a nostalgic taste.
コンパス&琴子 on Google

町のパン屋さんなお手頃パンと、本格パン屋さんなパン、どちらも売ってる珍しいお店。 どっちも美味しい。 昔、仙台駅東口のビルに一瞬だけ勤めていた頃に、出張販売に来てくれていたので何度か利用していました。 それ以前に東口に勤めていた姉から「どれも旨いがメープルパンが格別に旨いから絶対食え」と教わっていたので購入。 他のパン屋さんでは食べられないタイプの、メープルがじわとろ〜と滲み出すパンで、めちゃくちゃ旨かった。 先日お店に行ってみたところ、残念ながら今はメープルパンは出していないそうだけど、2日前くらいまでに予約すれば作ってくれるそう。 姉に会いにいく日に合わせて予約してみようかと目論見中。
A rare shop that sells both affordable bread from a bakery in the town and bread from an authentic bakery. Both are delicious. A long time ago, when I was working for a moment in the building at the east exit of Sendai Station, he came to me for business trip sales, so I used it several times. Before that, my sister who worked at the east exit told me that "everything is delicious, but maple bread is exceptionally delicious, so I definitely eat it", so I bought it. It was a type of bread that couldn't be eaten at other bakeries, and the maple syrup oozes out, and it was insanely delicious. When I went to the store the other day, unfortunately it seems that maple bread is not served now, but if you make a reservation about 2 days in advance, it will be made. I'm planning to make a reservation for the day I'm going to see my sister.
mika ito on Google

区役所に行ったついでに寄りました。店構えが古いので、正直美味しいのか?と思いましたが、購入したパン全部美味しかったです。 種類も豊富で、ケーキも売ってます。お店の方もとても愛想がよく親切でした。 また近くに行った際は必ず寄らせていただきます。
I stopped by while I went to the ward office. Since the store is old, is it honestly delicious? I thought, but all the bread I bought was delicious. There are many kinds, and cakes are also sold. The shop staff was also very friendly and kind. In addition, I will definitely drop by when I go nearby.
Kコ /えこ on Google

今年もシュトーレンと、パネトーネを買いに行きました。 行く前は小さめで良いと思っていたのですが、クリスマスまでまだまだ時間はあるのに、シュトーレンが早く食べ終わってしまうのは嫌なので、大きいものを買って来ました。 パンもいくつか買って来ました。このコロナ禍にも負けず存続して欲しいと願うパン屋さんです。
I went to buy Stollen and Panettone again this year. Before I went, I thought it would be fine to have a small one, but I don't want Stollen to finish eating early even though I still have time until Christmas, so I bought a big one. I also bought some bread. It is a bakery that wants to survive this corona bruise.
ceiestial blue on Google

随分昔、このお店のケーキが大好きだというおばあちゃんに教えて貰ってパンやケーキを買いに行くようになりました。 可愛いパンが色々あって子供にも喜ばれますし、今は正直どこのパン屋さんもそれなりにお高いので、あれこれ買うならリーズナブルで助かります。 美味しいし、お店の方もマスクしててもちゃんと伝わるくらい笑顔が見えるような対応をして下さいます。 こういう昔ながらのお店は今後も頑張って残って欲しいなと思っています(^^) 若林区役所の向かい、バス通りでもあるので分かりやすい場所ですよ♪
A long time ago, my grandmother told me that she loves cakes at this shop, and I started going to buy bread and cakes. There are a lot of cute breads that children will love, and honestly, every bakery is reasonably expensive, so it's reasonable and helpful to buy this and that. It's delicious, and even if you mask it, you can see a smile on your face. I hope that these old-fashioned shops will continue to work hard (^^) Opposite the Wakabayashi Ward Office, it is also a bus street, so it is an easy-to-understand place ♪

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