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ホーム|La Barcaccia - La-barcaccia.com


Contact ラ・バルカッチャ

住所 :

3 Chome−5, Toyosaki, Kita Ward, 〒531-0072 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト : http://la-barcaccia.com/
街 : Osaka

3 Chome−5, Toyosaki, Kita Ward, 〒531-0072 Osaka,Japan
まさふじ on Google

土曜日の前日予約しようとしたら、一階カウンターしか無くて、予約しました。3人でランチをいただきました。 ピザの作ってるところや、大きなピザ釜、カウンターには美味しそうなお料理が並んでいて、質問までしてしまいました❗️カウンターで良かったかも?出てきた前菜プレートだけでも美味しくて、満足できるものでした。 ピザ2種類シェアしましたが、チーズも程よく今まで食べたピザの中で、一番美味しかったのでは?パスタに付いてきたパン?も初めての味で美味しくいただきました。 2000円のランチでしたが、コーヒーも付いて、3人で満足していました❗️ 又来たいねっとその場で話した程です。
When I tried to make a reservation the day before Saturday, I made a reservation because there was only a counter on the first floor. We had lunch with three people. The place where pizza is made, the big pizza oven, and the counter are lined with delicious dishes, so I even asked a question ❗️ Maybe the counter was good? The appetizer plate that came out was delicious and satisfying. I shared two types of pizza, but I think the cheese was the most delicious pizza I've ever eaten. The bread that came with the pasta? It was delicious for the first time. It was a lunch of 2000 yen, but with coffee, I was satisfied with 3 people ❗️ I talked about it on the spot when I wanted to come again.
Mai I on Google

平日、休日と2度伺いました。ピザが大好きで色々なお店に伺っていますが、大阪に来て1年弱で出会ったお店では1番好みのお店です。東京で行ったお店と合わせても私の中では1、2位です。それくらい美味しいです。 ピザのチーズはベースが水牛のモッツァレラで、チーズは文句無しに美味しいです。生地はとってもモチモチ!そしてトマトソースが酸味とうま味があるのか?とにかくとても美味しいです。通常はチーズがないピザは頼みませんが、トマトソースが美味しいのでマリナーラもいただきました。こちらもとても美味しかったです。 写真はないですが、クアトロフォルマッジもとっても美味しかったです!ブルーチーズは控えめでしたが、クリームが良い役割をしているのか、食べやすいながらもチーズが濃厚でクオリティの高いピッツァです。チーズ好きさんにはおすすめです! 写真の前菜は平日ランチのものですが、想像以上のボリューム。休日ランチの前菜の写真を撮り損ねたのですが、休日ランチも7種類の前菜が乗っており、ボリュームもありながらどれも美味しくて大満足です! 他のピッツァやパスタ、メインと食べてみたいものがたくさんです。また必ず伺います。
Weekday, we heard a holiday and 2 degrees. Pizza has been asked to love a variety of shops, but the shops of the No. 1 favorite in the shop, which was met in less than a year to come to Osaka. Be combined with the shop made in Tokyo in me is the 1,2 position. It much is delicious. Pizza cheese base is in the mozzarella of buffalo, cheese is delicious without complaint. The fabric is very heavy but light! And whether the tomato sauce and there is a sour and umami? Anyway, it is very delicious. Normally, we do not ask the cheese is not pizza, but I had also Marinara because the tomato sauce is delicious. Here it was also very delicious. The photograph is not, but the Quattro folder Mudge I was also very delicious! Blue cheese but was modest, whether the cream is a good role, is a highly while easy to eat cheese is a concentrated quality pizza. It is recommended for cheese lover's! Photo of appetizer thing of the weekday lunch but, imagination or more volumes. Holiday, but I failed to take a photo of lunch of appetizers, holiday lunch are also riding the seven types of appetizers, Which is also delicious and very happy also available with volume! Other pizza and pasta, is what I want to eat the main lots. Also ask always.
Hiroshi Morimoto on Google

訪問日時 2022.02.06日曜日11:30到着 食べログピザ百名店2021入選 総合評価3.70 56位/100店舗中 注文内容 土日祝日限定特別ランチ1,980円x2 前菜、コーヒー付 ・チチニエッリ+300円 ・バジリコ+400円 当日10:00頃に電話で開店時間11:30の空席確認した処、空きが有ったのでランチ予約完了。 到着時は開店間もないので1階席、2階席どちらでも選択可能だったので2階のテーブル席へ。 間もなく続々とお客さん来店で2階は満席、退店時には1階もカウンター、テーブル席共に全て満席となっていました。 先ずは前菜から。今迄のピザ百名店ではランチセットの前菜は低価格設定の為、少種料理の野菜多めでしたがこちらは多種な料理がズラリと並んでいて野菜少な目、全体の量的には割と多め、料理はどれも手の込んだしっかりとした物なのでこれだけでも楽しめる逸品でした。 そして、マリナーラベースに釜揚げシラスをトッピングされたチチニエッリ到着。 これはこれで良い感じですが釜揚げシラスの水分が載ってしまうからか?シンプルなマリナーラと比較してシナっとした感じになり、軽い食感とニンニク風味が強いマリナーラの方が好みでした。 お次はパジリコ到着。 好物なクワトロフォルマッジと同価格で迷いましたがバジルペーストのピッツァは未食だったのでお試しで選択。 これが大当たり!! 帆立と相まって無茶苦茶旨い!! こりゃ!クワトロフォルマッジに並ぶ好物の一つになりました。 ピッツァ生地としてはピザ百名店上位だけに美味しいですが感動的なほどの物は無く、やはり上には上が居るってのを感じますね。 更に上位のお店の生地はそれぞれ特徴的な物でしたので。 ランチ価格設定としては他の百名店よりもやや高めに感じてましたが、いざ訪問してみると前菜の質、他店よりも大きいサイズのピッツァなのでコスパとしては他店よりも高いと思います。 接客も前菜の内容を説明してくれるなどとても丁寧で味、価格、サービス共に満足出来るお店でした。
Visit date and time 2022.02.06 Arrival at 11:30 on Sunday Eating Log Pizza 100 Famous Stores 2021 Selected Comprehensive evaluation 3.70 56th place / 100 stores Order details Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays limited special lunch 1,980 yen x 2 Appetizer with coffee ・ Chichinielli +300 yen ・ Basil + 400 yen At around 10:00 on the day of the event, I called to confirm the availability of seats at 11:30, and the lunch reservation was completed because there was a vacancy. When I arrived, it wasn't long before the store opened, so I could choose either the 1st floor seat or the 2nd floor seat, so I went to the table seat on the 2nd floor. Soon after, customers came to the store and the 2nd floor was full, and when the store was closed, the counter and table seats were all full on the 1st floor. First of all, from the appetizer. At the 100 famous pizza restaurants so far, the appetizers for lunch sets were set at a low price, so there were a lot of vegetables in small dishes, but here there are a lot of different dishes lined up with a lot of vegetables, and the total amount is relatively large. , All the dishes are elaborate and solid, so it was a gem that you can enjoy by itself. Then, we arrived at Chichinielli, which was topped with fried shirasu on a marinara base. This is a good feeling, but is it because the water in the fried shirasu is on it? Compared to a simple marinara, it had a more savory feel, and I preferred the marinara, which has a light texture and a strong garlic flavor. Next is the arrival of Pajirico. I was at a loss for the same price as my favorite quattroformage, but I hadn't eaten the basil paste pizza, so I chose it as a trial. This is a big hit! !! Coupled with scallops, it's unreasonably delicious! !! This is it! It has become one of my favorite foods alongside Quattro Formage. As for pizza dough, it is delicious only in the top 100 pizza stores, but there is nothing that is touching, and I feel that there is an upper one. The fabrics of the higher-ranking shops were unique. I felt that the lunch price was a little higher than other 100 famous stores, but when I visited it, the quality of the appetizer and the size of the pizza was larger than other stores, so I think it is higher than other stores as a cospa. .. The restaurant was very polite and satisfied with the taste, price, and service, as the customer service explained the contents of the appetizer.
ぱたぱた。 on Google

【La Barccacia】たっぷり具材と生地の美味さの余韻で楽しむ絶品ピッツァ 中津駅から東に徒歩3分ほど、ピッツァなイタリアンが楽しめる人気店 La Barccaciaさん。 お得なピッツァランチは1480円で前菜付き。生地の香り、もっちりした食感に、具材たっぷり酒飲め飲めタイプで美味いんですよね〜。1人でもランチ予約できるし、大将優しく気遣ってくれれて雰囲気も良く居心地良し。大阪でピッツァ楽しむなら間違いなくオススメですよ! ・ピッツァランチ 1480円 ・プロシュート エ ルッコラ +500円
[La Barccacia] Exquisite pizza to enjoy with plenty of ingredients and the afterglow of the deliciousness of the dough La Barccacia is a popular restaurant where you can enjoy pizza Italian food, about a 3-minute walk east of Nakatsu Station. A great pizza lunch is 1480 yen with an appetizer. The aroma of the dough, the chewy texture, and the drinkable type with plenty of ingredients are delicious. Even one person can make a lunch reservation, and the general is kind and caring, and the atmosphere is nice and cozy. If you enjoy pizza in Osaka, I definitely recommend it! ・ Pizza lunch 1480 yen ・ Prosciutto Arugula +500 yen
Yukihiko Narumi on Google

Great tiny Italian restaurant.
taro “taromoch” moch on Google

Pair lunch (for two persons) ;: 1 antipasto for each, 1 pasta & 1 pizza
Susanna Chan on Google

Only short walking distance from Umeda. Very authentic pizza, the crust is just right with the chewiness. Very reasonable price. Seems like most of the customers are local ppl and please be aware that they may not have English menu.
Keith Alverson on Google

Great little neighborhood pizza place. Fresh ingredients. Deep fried oyster starter was wonderful - lightly breaded with spring onion and deliciously hot, but not over cooked. Also highly recommend the pesto and scallop pizza. Reasonable prices given the pizzas are quite large by Japanese standards. Wonderful atmosphere upstairs. Excellent service. Oenophile owner. I'll be back.

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