
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ひじり湖

住所 :

3 Chome−24−8, Kanamecho, Toshima City, 〒171-0043 Tokyo,Japan

街 : Tokyo

3 Chome−24−8, Kanamecho, Toshima City, 〒171-0043 Tokyo,Japan
A T (paopao) on Google

他の方のレビューにある通り、コーヒー1杯の注文でトーストやお菓子などがたっぷりついてきます。 居心地よく、祖父母の家といった雰囲気です。 食事はお世辞にも美味しいとは言えないので(ごめんなさい)すが、量がこれまたすごいです。 喫煙OKのため、タバコが苦手な方は注意。
As others have reviewed, ordering a cup of coffee comes with plenty of toast and sweets. It's cozy and feels like a grandparents' home. The food isn't flattering (sorry), but the amount is amazing. Smoking is OK, so be careful if you are not good at smoking.
ツルアヤ on Google

I ordered coffee and came with sweets and plum juice ? Cozy and retro place. I want to come again.
nobu on Google

Showa-like suspicious atmosphere is the best. No matter what you order, the quantity is large and there are many back menus, which is interesting (laughs). The only unfortunate thing is that you can smoke. If even one person smokes, the whole room will smell and you will not be able to enjoy the atmosphere. I want you to quit smoking as soon as possible.
hiroki osaragi on Google

ふとコーヒーが飲みたくてカフェを探していたらレトロ感溢れるお店があったので寄ってみましたが、店長のサービス精神に感心して完全に虜になってしまいました笑 私はモーニングを頼んだのですが皆さんが写真をあげているように450円とは思えない量の食べ物や飲み物が出てきますよ! また近くに来る機会があれば是非リピートしたくなるお店です。
When I was looking for a cafe because I wanted to drink coffee, I stopped by because there was a shop full of retro feeling, but I was impressed by the service spirit of the manager and I was completely captivated lol I asked for morning, but as you can see in the picture, the amount of food and drink that I can't think of as 450 yen will come out! If you have a chance to come nearby, you will definitely want to repeat it.
Atsushi Kanno on Google

昔ながらの喫茶店、喫煙可。 夜でも「モーニング」が食べられる! しかも大量! わけわかりません、いい意味で。
Traditional coffee shop, smoking allowed. You can eat "morning" even at night! And a lot! I don't understand, in a good way.
とと on Google

I went there once and became captivated. The food and coffee are delicious, but the view from the coffee shop is nice and the owner is kind! I will go a lot from now on!
花鯛釣男 on Google

珈琲は美味しい。 モーニングセットを 頼んだらあまりの大量 のため食べきれず 残すわけにもいかず 持ち帰って良いか 聞いたらパックを くれた。 此れで儲かるのかな。 煙草の臭いはするが 我慢も出来る。 禁煙にするかどうかは 店主の判断 来店するかどうかは 客の判断
Coffee is delicious. Morning set If you ask, too much I can't eat because I can't leave it Can i take it home If you ask, pack gave. I wonder if this will make a profit. It smells like cigarettes I can put up with it. Whether to quit smoking Judgment of the shop owner Whether to come to the store Customer judgment
JP Doraebon on Google

【ポイント】 ・サービス豊富 ・アイスコーヒー無糖 ・喫煙可 【感想】 食後のアイスコーヒーを飲みにきたら?メロンソーダとバタートーストとミニタマゴサンドがサービスでついてきた? メロンソーダ数年ぶり?に飲んだけど美味しかった。 コーヒーは居酒屋のサワーみたいな大容量グラスです。 おじちゃん常に忙しそうに働いてます。 ふと見上げると雲仙のいやげ的な提灯がありましたが、日に焼けて字が消えたのかマジックで書き足してありました笑。そういうのキュンとします... まだまだいろいろありそうなのでリピしたいと思います!
【point】 ・ Abundant services ・ Ice coffee sugar-free ・ Smoking is allowed [Impression] When I came to drink iced coffee after a meal ? Melon soda, butter toast and mini egg sandwich came with the service ? Melon soda for the first time in a few years? I drank it, but it was delicious. Coffee is a large-capacity glass like sour in a tavern. Uncle is always busy working. When I looked up, there was a lantern that was unpleasant for Unzen, but I added it with magic to see if the letters disappeared due to sunburn. That kind of Kyun ... There seems to be many more, so I would like to repeat it!

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