レッドジム 神戸北店 - Kobe

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Contact レッドジム 神戸北店

住所 :

3 Chome, Hinomine, Kita Ward, Kobe, 〒651-1233 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788999
Postal code : 651-1233
Webサイト : https://website-2448822151702724175160-gym.business.site/%3Fm%3Dtrue
街 : Hyogo

3 Chome, Hinomine, Kita Ward, Kobe, 〒651-1233 Hyogo,Japan
rider ninja 250R on Google

体重が気になり出していろんな体操やジムに通いましたが挫折してしまい続けることができませんでした。ですが友人に勧められダイエットコースの初回お試しをしてみると、明確な目標を掲げることができました。目標の達成できるよう精一杯頑張っていると体重が目で解るように減っていくのがわかりました。 この調子でダイエットをトレーニングで行いながら頑張ります。
I was worried about my weight and went to various gyms and gyms, but I couldn't keep going. However, when I tried a diet course for the first time as recommended by a friend, I was able to set a clear goal. I learned that when I was trying my best to achieve my goal, my weight decreased so that I could see it. I will do my best while doing my diet during training.
minako Hiraoka on Google

Since I started training, I have been able to run while my knees hurt, and my back pain has been greatly reduced. Originally I had pain in my knees and lower back and had been treated, but I was able to feel more effective by combining treatment and training. I lost weight and I was thin enough to be noticed by the people around me. I was able to continue my own diet without restrictions. My body has become quite movable, so I'm going to start swimming again. Thank you very much.
かたつむり on Google

ダイエットコース 以前から膝が痛くて情熱鍼灸整骨院で治療を受けていました。 先生からは体重を落として、下半身の筋力をつけなければいけないと指導を受けていましたが、自分の力では何も変えることが出来ませんでした。 このままだと変形性膝関節症にもなりかねないと指摘をしていただき、ダイエットコースのお試しを受けてみました。受けてみると、先生がマンツーマンでついて下さり、知識も豊富で安心してトレーニングができました。 そしてついに16回コースをする事を決断しました。国家資格を持った先生がパーソナルしてくださるので、筋肉にもとても詳しく、トレーニングの種類も豊富で、僕にあった方法を見つけてくださるので安心して受けることが出来ます。 徹底した食事指導を受け、週に2度のトレーニングをして、16回コースを終了した結果、以前は身長170cm79kgから68kgまで落ちました。おかげで膝の痛みも以前よりもかなりラクです。これからもトレーニングを継続ようと思っています!
Diet course I had been treated at a passionate osteopath since I had a painful knee. I was instructed by my teacher that I had to lose weight and gain strength in the lower body, but I couldn't change anything with my own strength. I pointed out that this could lead to knee osteoarthritis, and I took a diet course trial. When I received it, the teacher followed me on a one-on-one basis, and I was able to train with a lot of knowledge and peace of mind. Finally, I decided to do 16 courses. A teacher with a national qualification is personal, so he is very familiar with the muscles and has a wide variety of training. As a result of thorough dietary guidance, training twice a week, and finishing the 16th course, I fell from 170cm 79kg to 68kg in height. Thanks to that, my knee pain is much easier than before. I intend to continue training in the future!
emi on Google

筋力強化をすることで正しい姿勢をキープし、痛みの出にくい体を目指してパーソナルトレーニングを始めました。 最初はとてもキツくうまくできなかった筋トレでしたが、先生が側でアドバイスや励ましのお声掛けをして下さるお陰でやり遂げることができ、自信にもつながっています。今では肩や腰の痛みもなくなり体の調子が良いことを実感できています。 現在もウエスト周りをしぼるためトレーニングを続けています。
By strengthening muscle strength, we maintained the correct posture and started personal training aiming for a body that is less painful. At first it was a muscle training that wasn't very good, but the teacher helped me with advice and encouragement, which led me to confidence. Now I can feel that my body is in good shape with no pain in my shoulders or lower back. I continue training to squeeze around the waist.
あし on Google

体重の増加や体型の変化が気になりパーソナルトレーニングを始めました。2ヶ月のダイエットコースを行い体重は10キロ以上落とすことができ、体型も明らかに引き締まりました。レッドジムでは様々なトレーニングをしてもらえるので飽きることなく続けられます。 パーソナルトレーニングは高いイメージでしたが金額も安く、食事指導、トレーニングもしっかりしていてとても良かったです。
I started personal training because I was worried about weight gain and body shape changes. After a two-month diet course, he was able to lose more than 10 kilograms, and his body was clearly tightened. Red Gym allows you to do various training so you can continue without getting tired. Personal training was a high image, but the amount was cheap, and the meal guidance and training were very good.
小林麻美 on Google

腰痛改善と体を引き締める目的でパーソナルトレーニングを始める事にしました。トレーニングと共に食事指導もして下さいました。 最初はトレーニングもキツく「無理!」と泣き言を言うこともたびたびありましたが、トレーナーさんが一緒に腹筋やスクワットをしてくださったり励ましてくださったおかげで頑張ることができました。現在では腰痛もなくコルセットもいらなくなりました。 食事も今までの食事内容を変えるのは大変でした。大好きなポテトチップスを断ち、アドバイスを頂きながらプロテインを飲んでみたり、より良い食事内容を勉強したりして前向きに取り組むことができました。 週2回のトレーニングと食事改善で体重も10kg以上減り、パンツのサイズも2サイズダウンの5号になりました。友人にも「めっちゃ痩せたんちゃう!」と驚かれています。 パーソナルトレーニングは卒業しましたが、身につけた運動習慣と食習慣をこれからも継続していきたいと思います。
I decided to start personal training to improve my back pain and tighten my body. He also gave me meal guidance along with training. At first, I often cried out that training was difficult, but I was able to do my best thanks to the trainer's support and abdominal muscles and squats. Now there is no back pain and no corset is needed. It was hard to change the contents of meals so far. I cut off my favorite potato chips, tried to drink protein with advice, and studied better meals. By training twice a week and improving meals, the weight has been reduced by more than 10kg, and the size of the pants has also been reduced by 2 to No. 5. I was surprised by my friend, "I was so thin!" I graduated from personal training, but I would like to continue my exercise and eating habits.
足立佳司 on Google

Originally, I started personal training for the purpose of taking the burden of leaning on my hips. There were various training methods at Red Gym, and I was able to continue without difficulty even with back pain. Since I started training, I lost almost 10 kilos of weight and realized that my body was being squeezed. I have almost no back pain. Now, to improve golf performance, we are continuing training to create a more functional body.
m on Google

I entered the stagnation period of my diet and decided to start personal training. I had exercise experience and did some training myself, but since the therapist was in charge of training for Red Gym, I felt that I was trained more effectively. We were able to do our best to the end with advice on meals. In addition to changing dietary content, training and strengthening muscles not only improved diet, but also improved physical condition and positive feelings. I have an exercise habit through training, so I want to continue this good habit.

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