魚秀 コアキタマチ店 - Kobe

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活魚専門 魚秀 - Corekitamachi.com

活魚専門 魚秀

About 魚秀 コアキタマチ店

コアキタマチ 〒651-1233
神戸市北区日の峰2丁目6番 電話 078-582-2022

Copyright © CORE KITAMACHI SHOPPING CENTER All Rights Reserved.

Contact 魚秀 コアキタマチ店

住所 :

Hinomine, Kita Ward, Kobe, 〒651-1233 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 651-1233
Webサイト : http://www.corekitamachi.com/uohide/
街 : Hyogo

Hinomine, Kita Ward, Kobe, 〒651-1233 Hyogo,Japan
Shinobu on Google

お刺身や煮魚、酢の物などの加工海産物を販売しており、とても美味しかった! 価格もお手頃。 量も多いものから少ないものもあり、酒の肴にするには最高。
We sell processed seafood such as sashimi, boiled fish, and vinegared fish, and it was very delicious! The price is also reasonable. The amount is large to small, and it is the best as a side dish for sake.
北野林悟 on Google

ちょっとお値段高いかな、という印象はありますが、質のよいものが実に色々あります。鮮魚、お刺身以外にも、加工品やお寿司もあります。 ちょっと奮発していいものを、というときには利用価値が有りそうですね。
There is an impression that it's a little expensive, but there are various quality products. In addition to fresh fish and sashimi, there are processed products and sushi. When it comes to something that you can inspire a bit, it seems to be worthwhile.
TKC on Google

A fish store with a cage. We also sell processed seafood in small portions, which is reasonably priced.
由佳子(アクア) on Google

魚がとにかく美味しい しかも安い事安い事 我が家はここでしかお魚買いません 旅行で蟹食べに行くならここの蟹の方が美味しいし クエやフグも安い 絶品は鰻 今の時期しかないから行けば必ず買うし 脂の甘いこと ここの鰻 魚を食べたら他では買えませんから 宅急便もありました 人に鰻送って死ぬほど喜ばれました
The fish is delicious anyway And cheap things cheap things My family only buys fish here If you go on a trip to eat crabs, the crabs here are more delicious Que and blowfish are also cheap The exquisite eel It's only this time, so if you go, you'll definitely buy it The sweetness of fat If you eat eel fish here, you can't buy it anywhere else. There was also Takkyubin I was so pleased that I sent an eel to a person and died
Daisaku Azuma on Google

ここに来るとあれもこれも食べたくなってしまいます。 先日はここで生食可能な生ガキと、同じくあん肝の刺身を購入しました。 殻を剥いたカキでしたが、プリプリで美味しかったです。 あん肝はカワハギの肝と区別がつかないくらい、今までで食べたあん肝の中で一番甘くて美味しかったですよ! 北区では旬の美味しい魚が食べられる数少ないお店の一つだと思います。
When I come here, I want to eat this and that too. The other day, I bought raw oysters that can be eaten raw here and sashimi of an liver. It was a peeled oyster, but it was delicious. An liver was the sweetest and most delicious an liver I've ever eaten, so much that it's indistinguishable from Kawahagi's liver! I think it is one of the few shops in Kita Ward where you can eat delicious seasonal fish.
Cafe on Google

お魚が新鮮で、お造りは値段が高めですが、美味しい‼️特にマグロ?なかなか美味しいマグロに出会いませんが、ここのは美味しい。時々のごちそうに買います。 昨年末にカニを頼みましたが、さばき方も良く食べやすかったし、美味しかった。 愛想ないおばさんにあたると嫌だけど、他の人は良い感じです。
The fish is fresh and the sashimi is expensive, but delicious! ️ Especially tuna ? I don't see delicious tuna, but it's delicious here. I buy it as a feast from time to time. I ordered crabs at the end of last year, but the way they were handled was good and easy to eat, and it was delicious. I hate being an unfriendly aunt, but others feel good.
ちゃんまゆ on Google

1The first floor of Kitamachi. It is always crowded with customers. There is a living cage and you can cook it on the spot. Sashimi and sushi are delicious. The price is a bit high, but it's worth it (^^)
sho koji on Google

I bought a mackerel. You can enjoy the original taste of mackerel without feeling too much vinegar. Even if you don't like vinegar, you can enjoy the delicious mackerel here.

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