
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 居酒屋七三

住所 :

居酒屋七三 3 Chome-86 本町 松江市東 Shimane 690-0842, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877

居酒屋七三 3 Chome-86 本町 松江市東 Shimane 690-0842, Japan
はちみつれもん on Google

日本酒の品揃えが素晴らしいです。 島根の地酒、季節の新物も揃っています。 豆腐がんもと牛ホルモン串が一押しです。
The selection of sake is amazing. Local sake from Shimane and seasonal new products are also available. Tofu cancer and beef hormone skewers are recommended.
小野雄平 on Google

The choice of sake is good. The food went well with sake and they were all wonderfully delicious. I want to go again. Kawatare skewers and Ganmodoki are recommended.
松本匡志 on Google

コースと飲み放題を利用させていただきました。 料理も美味しく、飲み放題では地酒の純米吟醸もいただけます。 コスパは高く、また飲みに行きたいお店です。
I used the course and all-you-can-drink. The food is delicious, and you can also enjoy the local sake Junmai Ginjo with all-you-can-drink. Cospa is expensive and I want to go drinking again.
cho poko on Google

料理もお酒もとても美味しく頂きました。 とくに砂ずりと地酒がとても美味しかったです!
The food and drinks were very delicious. Especially sand and rice wine were very tasty!
おなかイッパイ on Google

地酒をメインに色々な日本酒があり、好みや料理に合わせてオススメしてくれます。 メインの居酒屋料理と日替わりのオススメがありますが、鯖の燻製が美味しかったです! 店主の「ストロベリートーク」は時価ですが(笑) 全体的に個人居酒屋としては安価だと思います。 ガイドブックに載ってる有名な料亭に行くよりは、地元のディープな(色々な)味を楽しめると思いますよ。 もともと営業の仕事をしてた店主なので、予約の際の電話も遠慮せずに(笑)
There are various types of sake, mainly local sake, and they recommend it according to your taste and cuisine. There are main izakaya dishes and daily recommendations, but the smoked mackerel was delicious! The owner's "Strawberry Talk" is the market price (laughs) Overall, I think it's cheap for a private izakaya. Rather than going to the famous restaurants listed in the guidebook, you can enjoy the deep (various) local flavors. I was originally a sales owner, so don't hesitate to call me when making a reservation (laughs)
Aryu Yamamoto on Google

Both the sake and the general are wonderful ❗ You should drink only one cup, but you will be impressed with just one cup ? A delicious restaurant that you can not stand drinking ???
n k on Google

日本酒の品揃えが素晴らしい! 店主にオススメで呑むと新しい発見があって面白い。 オススメのタレ皮もクセになって定期的に食べたくなる味です。 2階には宴会もできるスペースがあるので飲み会にもオススメです。
Great selection of sake! Recommended by the shop owner, it is interesting to have new discoveries when swallowing. The recommended sauce skin is also addictive and you will want to eat it regularly. There is a space on the 2nd floor where you can have a banquet, so it is also recommended for drinking parties.

観光客よりも地元のお客で賑わっており 島根のお酒、松江が好きならばオススメ でなければ他所をオススメします (旬の地酒が呑めます)
It is more crowded with local customers than tourists Recommended if you like Shimane's sake, Matsue If not, I recommend another place (I drink seasonal local sake)

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